Trapped with you (2) ~ Wheeljack x Fast! Femme reader

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Requested by Emmacurry161

Ahhh I'm so sorry it took so long! I literally do not know how it's been forever since that request please forgive me-

• This is obviously a sequel to my previous oneshot of the same name all the way somewhere in the middle of the chapter list (Precisely Ch. 25).
• You can ofc still read this without reading the first at all but like, don't XD!! My little details and author magic wears off lmao.
• Imma add a recap for y'all that just want a refresher, and then a prologue to see what the two were up to leading until the events of present day ;)
• I use mother/carrier and dad/sire both in here for added variety. Saying the same word over and other again gets boring :/
• Filled with all the dramatic irony I could squeeze in! Hehehe
• Bruh the song fits so good yes yes listen to it 👀
Warning: Very long chapter. Like almost 10k. Sorry in advance!

Recap of first chapter

Set before the war was even thought of, we start the story of accidental love early when Wheeljack catches a ride in a elevator previously closing. The one who held the door was no other than you, or well Y/D, nicknamed "speedy" due to her pedes having wheels on them. He thanks her and both wait for their floor amongst small talk, all up until the elevator broke down and fell, trapping them in for a few. Now small talk was the only thing they really could do as they got to know each other, sharing some stories and whatnot along the way until the elevator's lights came back on. They got to their floor and said their goodbyes, but as soon as the door closed it was back open, both Wheeljack and Y/D going to talk as they laughed and went out for a drink around town, choosing the stairs instead of the elevator with hinted romantic attraction starting up.


"I promise, I'm not leaving you love. This is only temporary."

The loud crash of machinery yelled out around us, scattering a firework of sparks in the sky with the cry of civilization everywhere. For all I knew our world was dying, which seemed to actually be the cause with all the manslaughter and violence in the nicest of streets. Of course I didn't want my sparkmate to go, I was even selfish enough to beg him not to leave me alone. "Please, please don't go. Please don't leave me Jackie, there's a huge risk you won't survive, and even then, how are you going to find me on some off world planet?"

"Then I'll search for you everyday until I find you." He said, running with me as he pushed bouncing debris away. "Bulkhead will take care of ya for me in my absence, I already talked with him."

I couldn't even really form any sentences as we ran and hurdled away from the war, gaining less and less ground. Wheeljack practically had to drag me along as the faster we ran the more I needed to vent and stop for a second to let myself fluctuate. It was strange, to say the least. A bot as fast as me can usually run circles around any ordinary Cybertronian and here I am struggling to catch up with huffs and pouts. I chalked it up to my anxiety being at a all-time high as we got to the secret Autobot loading docks, Bulkhead already waiting there.

"I don't wanna go." I stated, the pain in my helm, spark, and gestational tanks pounding on every last screw in my frame. I was about ready to pass out but I stayed strong, trying to look brave  for the love of my life.

"Speedy.." he started, using the quietest little voice he could make with the loud crashes around us drowning out for the moment. "I'm a front-line wrecker, I need to stay and help as many civilians as I can. But most importantly, I have to save you first. Please hun, just get into the shuttle. I won't lie to you, it's not gonna be a short little mission. I don't know how long it's gonna be, but I at least am fighting for my fraction and my family. After we're done I'm hopping the first spaceship ticket outta there, I promise."

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