Sick day~ Smokescreen x Female reader

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Requested by Butterflymed
I hope you like it my friend!!

• Short but cute :)
• Sick cybertronian boi *cough cough*
• *extra sniffles*
• Oppy is best dad
• Oppy is a dilf
• The above note is definetly not relavent to this story in any shape or form but like, come on he issss. Everyone should know that! hehehehehe

Sick day

"Oh, you poor thing."

The young mech sat lying on the recovery couch in the medbay, Ratchet working up some sort of concoction behind us both as Optimus stood guard by the door, no one more allowed in the room.

I was unsustainable to this cybonic plague, but the other two mechs weren't, and had to keep their distance for safety procautions.

"He's not a poor thing, he did it to himself and in a very unintelligent way." Ratchet sighed, swishing the golden liquid around.

I looked to Smokey as he coughed, looking to anything but me as I sat on the counter unamused. "Care to explain, Smokes?"

"The weather outside is quite nice, if I may add."

Optimus sighed, pushing his body up from the wall as he surveyed the scene. "Smokescreen, please do not drive through our old abandoned equipment, this can be dangerous, as proven today."

"How was I supposed to know the place was rigged with toxins?"

"Maybe by the smell? The color of the air? The coughing? How about the barrels that read CAUTION: TOXIC MATERIALS? NOTHING RAISE ANY RED FLAGS?" Ratchet yelled, huffing as he stomped on over to the tired mech. Smokescreen shrugged.

"Chug." Ratchet ordered, sliding the liquid over the counter.

"I'll leave you both to it." Optimus said to me as he gestured to Ratchet and took his leave, the doctor following him.

As soon as the door shut, I shuffled closer to the mech, carefully making my way to the edge of the counter next to his cot.

"Mass displace." I say, Smokescreen coughing and nodding his helm, now in the clear as he did so, shrinking closer to my size. Ratchet probably had some reason to try and get Smokescreen to stay intact but If I had to care for him, he definitely had to be smaller in my part.

His weak helm turned to me with a smile. He was clingy, always has been, but since he's been sick it's been overbearing. Smokescreen was is an amazing friend and I loved him to death, even if he was clingy and emotional some times, but there were boundaries to everything, even an impulsive and adorable mech.

"You're a great nurse." He said happily, grabbing my hand as I adjusted his blanket and pillows, pulling out the thermometer and checking his heat index like Ratchet showed me.

"And you're a great patient." I chuckled. "Now open up."

He complied, opening his intake as he let me settle the heat absorbing needle.

"Doc says I'll be okay, the medicine will help fight this off. Optimus was completely healed in two days."

"That's good news. Rest well Smokes, I'll see ya tomorrow bright and early."

"Nono wait, Y/N, stay with me...please." He begged like a child, showing me his puppy dog optics.

"Smokey, I have school in the morning. I gotta drive the kids back home."

"They can all get a ride from Bee, so you can stay and drive to school in the morning. Problem solved." He said happily, doing his little "Grabby hand" trick that always melts my heart.

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