Jealous much?~ Optimus Prime x Female reader

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Requested by BumblebeeGirlz26

Thank you for the request! The plot changed a tiny bit but everything you asked for is in here! :))

• Ahaha we got some femme rivalry in this one! Sorry major Arcee stans 😂😂
• Optimus being oblivious to things is mentioned like, 10 times in here so rip💀
• Spicy
• Not that kind of spice 👀
• Spicy as in dRaMa FiLLeD

Jealous much?

"I don't know about this, June..."

My hands fiddled with the loose strand of hair from my tightly pushed back bun. It was raining here in Nevada, something glorious for being so dry.

The older female shifted back in her seat next to mine as the car came to a slow halt at the glow of the red light. Her hand gripped the wheel as her lips pursed, until she finally looked to me.

"Honey, it happens to the best of us. Love is a...tricky topic, and when you find the right person in life it makes the butterflies worth while." June's smile was contagious as I lifted my own dimples with talk about these so called "butterflies" I had.

"You know he's not a person, don't call me out like." I couldn't hold back my laugh as I heard her chuckle too, looking me in the eyes from her mirror angle as the light flashed green again, the pressure of the car lifting before it started moving once more.

"Mech, man, oh you know what I mean." She waved me off. "Besides, it's all the same thing if you believe it is. See that's the thing, you have to do what your heart tells you, because at the end of the day we're not talking about being in some fictional world."

The rain drizzled down harder now, my colleague humming with the sound of the patterned taps hitting the hood. The wind-shield wipers were quickly put on, swishing the water every which way.

"Speaking of following my heart, I kinda realized this whole profession isn't for me.." I admitted with a cough.

"The medical field isn't for everyone, that's for sure. I've seen my fair share of things to scar me for a lifetime." She side-eyed me, making sure her focus was on the road. "You're fresh out of college, there's still time to pick a career and stick with it. Let me guess, you're finally going to use that beautiful voice you were gifted to good use?"

I laughed, thinking about that whole...mess a year ago. Long story short, June walked in on me last year changing the hypodermic needles in the disposable burn bin. I was singing to my heart's content to no one in particular and it just so happened to be that same three minute span June entered the sound-proof room, catching me in all my glory. That memory seemed to not have died like I wanted it to, heh...

Sure learned my lesson, though!

The clicking of nails on the steering wheel and another red glow of an additional stoplight pulled me out of my thoughts. June zipped through the light once it turned once more, cutting sand everywhere through the rocky roads. "I think you should give music a try, Y/N. I'd bet almost anything on you making it big some day."

"Thanks, June. It means a lot." I said with a smile. "I don't think I could though, honestly. I'm too embarrassed for my own good, you're just lucky I'm comfortable around you."

She sighed, pulling into the Autobot base as the secret tunnel let the familiar vehicle in. I found out about the Autobots almost a year now, being Jack's unnecessary babysitter for a evening and finding out the kid I was supposed to have eyes on snuck out on a motorcycle. Long story short both me and Mrs. Darby found out what exactly happened the next day, and I don't think I've missed a day here since.

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