Chaptur 18 some issues

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Ryker's P.O.V.

As Ryker went to take a spot sitting beside Jennifer he got comfy warping his tail over his paws then when he turnd to look for Anthony he felted a bit disappointed to see that the shiny umbreon wasn't behind him, Denny had walked him over to sit with Kyle instead.
(Great.... i was hopeing to sit with him...)
As he was looking at Anthony the umbreon cought his eye looking as disappoiented then Denny glared at him and Ryker immediately looked away feeling awkward.
(Dose Denny have a problem with me?...)
Then Denny clared his throat getting everyones attention "i think now would be a good time to discuss what we're going to do about Recadro."
Suddenly Jennifer grumbled "im hungry didn't you guys catch anything?"
"Oh right i almost forgot."
(Wern't you just complaining to me and Anthony that everyones hungry a few secounds ago?)
Ryker thought but didn't want to dare say it out loud.
Then he was awaer of Denny watching him.
"Ryker go grab the preay would you?"
He felted a bit anoyed but brushed it off
(eh theres really no point in causeing a fight.)
Ryker got up and went over to the pray pile picking out some preay for everyone then once he handed everyone a pieace he picked up a nice plump rattata for himself and went to go sit back down in his spot once more wishing he could share with Anthony as he watch the shiny umbreon digging into his furret he gave him, he longed to be sitting right beside him.
(Im just over thinking it a bit... it can't kill me i can't expect to always be right beside him...)
Then suddenly Denny's vioce broke him out of his thoughts "really Ryker?"
He looked up feeling confused "hu? What?"
"You had to choose the finest pieace for yourself didn't you?"
Now Ryker was annoyed "well i just thought... since im the one handing out the preay mabey i earnd it..."
Denny shook his head "umm thats not how it works thats being kinda greedy isen't it?.... Jennifer is expecting an egg or gave you forgottion?.... you should have gave it to her."
Ryker just shruged "ok."
He turnd to Jennifer who was devouring a bruxish (she seems to really like what she's got... but i guss i'll ask.)
"Hey Jennifer did you want my rattata?"
She paused as she glaced at it and sinffed it before shaking her head "oh no im pretty satisfied with what i got thank you.."
Ryker then shruged "well then there you have it guss i'll get to enjoy it now."
He took a big bite out of it and Anyhony let out an amused laugh as he was awaer of Denny glareing at him.
Ryker licked his lips trying to eat it more slowly so he could enjoy it.
Denny then growled and he looked up at the vaporeon "why?... did you want it?... you can have it if you really want."
Denny glared at him "umm no you already took a bite out of it im not intrested... but next time you should be more considered of others."
Ryker just shruged and went back to eating once everyone finishd thier dinner Ryker got comftable laying on his side watching Anthony stareing at his blue rings.
(Wow... he's kinda gorgeous when it gets dark...)

Anthony's P.O.V.

As Anthony was stareing at Ryker watching as the shiny vaporeon layed on his side he felted himself iching to go lay down beside him then Denny's tail waved right in frount of his face "hey... can you please pay attention we need to discuss the issue with Recadro.."
Anthony sighed "what can i do about it?... i can't make him stop going to Darkai's cave."
Denny thought for a bit "hmmm i wounder how he dose it through.... i mean if he can do that dose thay mean we could to?"
Anthony stared at him in shock "ummm and just what are you trying to suggest here?"
Jennifer let out a loud yawn "umm im sorry Denny you kinda lost me a bit there can we not talk about dead pokemon right now and talk more about a real plan."
He snaped his glare towards her "ummm this is real! Do you not believe in the golden forest Jennifer?"
She noded "oh i do.... i just don't believe it's possible to see such things.... untill your dead.. heh and i came cloeser to dieing then you have Denny."
He growled "thats not true! I was in that avalanche! I had a near death experience! have you?"
"A what now?....."
"A near death i was veary close to dieing......"
Anthony looked at him in shock "you never told me that... what was it like?... did you go to Darkai's cave?"
"N.... no i honestly don't rember exactly... but it deffently wasen't the golden forest either."
Suddenly Anthony had a cold shiver run down his spine and felted an evil presence as his furr rose alound his back as he could see a male leafeon suddenly sitting at the fire with them he had a open wound on his neck that looked nasty covered in blood he grind as he looked at Anthony
"your an open door you know..... we can find our way to you......"
His bitter gaze flashed to Denny who obviously coulden't see him "hehahaha it's only a matter of time before he parishes next."
Then he faded.
Suddenly he jumped in shock as Denny yelled at him and he looked to see everyone was stareing at him looking worried.
He gualped feeling scared "i...i just saw Slate...."
Ava jumped up at that "my brother was here?!"
She looked at Denny "how come you coulden't see him?" Denny looked worried as he looked at Anthony "i... i can't see evil Spirit's.... only the good ones.... look im sorry Ava but it was Slate's own chioces in life that got him were he ended up." She frownd and Jennifer grumbled "now Anthony are you sure your not just seeing things?" Anthony felted hurt by that "what are you saying im crazy?"
She shook her head "no it's just that curse-"
Suddenly Ryker cut her off "oh so if Anthony is just only seeing things can you explane what happend when Jessie possessd his body?"
Jennifer then didn't have an answer and Denny smriked at her "yea i thought so Jen this shit is real Anthony's curse has a connection with the afterlife.... it's evil and..."he paused suddenly as he glaced at Anthony.
Ryker spoke
"It's slowly corrupting him..." he said sounding worried "thats why i think it's best that he dosen't use it.... it's connectid to that evil cave place..."
Denny looked really worried with that answer and Kyle sat up "b.. but the arceus rock is a holy place... thats why it can lift the cruse... Anthony will be free from this darkness.."
Denny frownd "umm im gussing thats why the golden forest can't find him.... he's just a shawdow the evil spirits are hideing him."
Anthony felted scared and Jennifer hissed "shut up! Can't you see your scareing him with that nonsense!"
Denny growled "if it's nonsence then my son woulden't be cursed right now! It all has to do with it!"
"No Anthony woulden't be cursed if you haden't tooken advantage of him!"
Denny flexed his claws " dammit Jennifer i said im sorry why do you think im trying to fix this? I am trying to help him."
She rolled her eyes "And how are you capable of finding the rock evan? hmm let me guss Fredrick?"
Jennifer backed up looking scared and Kyle sighed "clam down Denny don't upset her she's pregnant."
"But it's ok for her to insult me and Anthony?."
Ryker was also glareing at Jennifer "so if you don't believe any of this.... where do you think we're evan going?" She shruged "arceus rock for the cure obviously i just don't believe that Denny is really seeing my Fredrick... they are simply just dreams."
Ava cuddled close to Denny and the vaporeon seemd to relax a bit "so Jennifer dosen't believe you... dose it really matter?... i believe you."
Denny slowly noded then Ava looked at Anthony "what did my brother want?"
Anthony looked at Denny "i think..... he wants you dead.." Denny just chukled "heh well he can wish all he wants im not going to die... not untill i get you cured."
Ava looked a bit worried "your ganna live much longer then that i hope..." he nuzzled his nose with her's "oh of course i will babe~" he then pulled her really close and started kissing her.
Anthony got up "im out! Not sitting here while you two have a makeout session!"
Jennifer noded "i agree if your going to do that go somewere privet."
"Or just don't.."
Anthony said quickly not likeing the idea at all.
He ran over to sit beside Ryker then he started to feel butterfree's in his stomach as thier furr slightly brushed each other (would anyone suspect us if we sat closer together?......)
Denny looked embarest as he pulled away then wispeard in her ear and she blushed a bit and he kissed her on the cheek and she pressed herself against him geting comftable.
"Go to sleep Ava... i know your tired." He said to her in a soft tone licking her around the ears she let out a soft purr before closeing her eyes.
Jennifer looked a bit amused "aww ... were you that nice with Jessie to?"
Denny glared at her "umm why would you bring that up again?"
"Well im just curious...."
"I supose i was once happy with her.... but little did i know she was only useing me."
Anthony layed down feeling a bit drowsy letting out a yawn.
Denny shot his gaze towards him and Ryker "so we didn't really discuss a plan yet."
Anthony let out a loud yawn
"im tired can we talk about it tomarrow?"
Denny looked anoyed as everyone started geting ready for bed.
"Fine.. rest up everyone tomarrow we don't stop we gatta make up for the time we lost today."
"Yea, yea well just see how it goes Denny."
Jennifer grumbled before warping her tail over her nose.
Anthony closed his eyes then felted Ryker pokeing him "hey... psst."
He slitly open his eyes to see the shiny vaporeon leand close and wispeared in his ear "wait for them to fall alseep.... mabey we can sneack out for a night walk..." Anthony felted excited with that idea then Denny suddenly growled "hey you two! You better get some rest for tomarrow i don't want to hear any complaneing that your tired."
Anthony noded and layed fown pretending to fall alseep.
Then once he was sure that his father had fineally fallen asleep he slowly got up and crepted past everyone Ryker slowly folleing him from behind as they exit the camp makeing thier out into the nightfall forest.
Anthony shivered as a cool breze ruffled his his furr "the fire was warm and cozey it's kinda chilly out." He complaned out loud then Ryker moved closer to him "well maby i can fix that~"
He replied in a flirty tone as he moved closer and kissed him Anthony enjoyed it for a few secounds then playfully nuged him "come on lets exsplor a bit." Then he ran deeper through the trees with Ryker right beside him then they came to a hilltop to see a deep vally that fell away from were they stood that looked like a long stretch of land.
Anthony felted his stomach sink as he looked and could see the mountains way far in the distance.
"Great.... we're ganna have to walk through all that tomarrow..."
Ryker poked him "you complane a lot don't you.... Anthony don't forget this whole trip to the rock is for you."
He felted his ears drop and let out a sigh "i know... i know.... i just wish it wasen't so far..away... i wish we could just get there already."
Ryker noded "oh don't worry Anthony we will... just be patient."
"But it's hard when we have so many enemies.... and what if...."
Ryker was looking at him "you still think your father might be up to something don't you?"
Anthony felted worried "what if there is no rock to begin with?.... im scared he might have just made it all up.... he's don this to me before you know.... what if it's a quest to a hiddion army he has?"
Ryker shook his head "no... he dosen't... trust me Anthony i know a good pokemon when i see one."
Anthony rolled his eyes "how?.... you don't evan know him."
Ryker shruged "i don't know... i can just hear it in thier vioce.... i can tell when one is up to no good."
Anthony grumbled "well i hope your right Ryker... the sooner i get rid of my curse.... the better."
Suddenly Ryker cuddled up against him and Anthony felted himself growing hot.
"Hey.... lets just sleep out here together..."
Anthony felted a bit of panik with that idea "we can't do that!... what will we say to others when we get back?"
He placed his paw gently over Anthony's mouth "relax would you?.... we'll be back before Denny is up... mabey we can surprise him by bringing breackfast back for everyone."
Anthony waen't sure what to think on that.
"I supose..."
(I do want to have him by my side tonight..)
He noded "come on lets find a more comfortable spot to rest."
As they were walking together to find a good place to rest Anthony suddenly heared the sound of a tree branch cracking and it alerted him as his ears shot upright and his red gaze landed on a huged black figure lurking in the trees watching them with red gleaming eyes.
Ryker froze stareing up at it in shock.
As Anthony stared at it he could make out what shape of pokemon it was.
(it's a Charizard.)
Anthony felted his furr bristle and he growled "what do you want? Leave us alone!"
The charizared glared right at them then let out a grunt as he spoke "it's a little late for you two to be woundering around isen't it?"
He had a deep vioce one that sent shivers down Anthony's spine this Charizard looked and sounded dangerous.
Then Anthony realized this charizared had a darker cloured pelted.
(It's a shiny!.)
"W..wait who are you?"
Suddenly it spread it's wings wide open and just before he took off he grunted "you know it's dangerous to be woundering around at this hour thats how you winde up dead... but your lucky i won't hurt you this time."
Then he took off into the night sky blowing a huge gust of wind behind him.
Anthony exchanged a worried look with Ryker "you don't supose he might be part of Recadro's army?"
The shiny vaporeon shook his head "no.... but i woulden't worry he's gon... pluse im a water typ im sure i could easily take him on."
Anthony thought for a bit "eh your right lets just focus on getting some rest for the night."
Once they found a spot they cubbled close together and Anthony felted his heart flutter with joy.
(This feeling... i don't ever want it to go away...)
He thought as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

The curse within meHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin