Chapter 29 the flareon

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Denny's P.O.V.

Denny was laying restlessly by the fire stareing into it's crackleing flames. He slowly closed his eyes trying to find sleep then as he closed his eyes he could hear a vioce.
"Denny please!....." *sniff*
"im sorry! Don't kill me..."
Denny could see a disturbing Image of his brother laying in the snow "Fredrick! Im sorry! Im so sorry i should have listen to you!"
He ran over to his dead brother.
"Fredrick please!" He burried his face in shiny flareon's fluff "this isn't fair come back!"
The flareon shifted and turnd to look at him his vioce was veary weack as he spoke "it's ok Denny... i forgive you...." then his eyes rolled back and he died.
( it's my fualt.... how can i live with myself?)
Suddenly Denny's eyes snaped back open as he woke up in a cold sweat, some tears were in his eyes.
Then as he wiped them away he froze as his gaze landed a flareon sleeping next to Jennifer.
(Wait can it really be?!) he got up and ran over to them then it hit him.
(Thats not Fredrick! It's that other stupid flareon!)
Denny growled seeing him sleeping next to Jennifer then sighed in defeat. (am i an idiot? i saw him die i was there..)
He turnd to look at Ava feeling sad.
He padded towards her.
He probed her in the side with his paw "psst... Ava?" She opend her eyes leting out a tired yawn. "Denny?.... it's the middle of the night go back to sleep."
"I can't! Ava we need to talk."
"No im not talking with you" she hissed
"yes this needs to come out now i don't care what you say in order for this work we need to discuss the problem."
"The only problem right now is you..."
Denny felted hurt by that. He rested his paw on her back and lighty stroked her furr.
Ava then let out a soft purr as Denny found the spot she liked and began rubbing her back.
"Denny.... stop...." he moved closer to her.
"Ava.... you do love me right?" She nodded "of course i do! How can you ask that?"
Denny felted a bit shameful he hated to admit it to himself but he was worried about her leaveing him for the flareon.

Anthony's P.O.V.

Anthony was sleeping, snuggled up beside Ryker.
His ear twitched as he heard whispering feeling half alseep he slowly blinked open his eyes to see Denny standing over Ava with his head lowered as he wispeared to her in a hiss Anthony perked his ears up to try and hear what they were saying out of his own Curiosity.
He couldn't make out anything, then he tryed to get up but Ryker's tail curled around him pulling him closer to the shiny vaporen then he let out a soft moan as he cuddled closer to the shiny umbreon.
Anthony grunted as he attempted again then Ryker warped a arm over his shoulder "mmmhhh... go back to sleep...." he tiredly groaned out holding Anthony close.
Then his ears perked up as he heared Denny and Ava talking a bit louder now. "ok.. so it's agreed then? I don't want you alone with him and you don't want me alone with Jennifer...."
"Ok... but im aloud to be freinds with him... i mean Jennifer is your freind..."
"Well... she is considered my sister in law...."
"Denny im aloud to make freinds, what i do isn't up to you..."
"Ok... ok.... but only im aloud to hold you."
" fair enough...."
"babe we only have a few hours left to sleep.. let me hold you."
Anthony covered his eyes with his paws as they kissed each other and cuddled up togetger.
Anthony felted himself drifting off back into sleep.


"Pssst...... hey..."
Anthony buried his face in his paws not wanting to get get up. "Anthony wakey wakey..." he heard Ryker's vioce.
He let out a loud graon, Denny pawed at him "hey come on get up..." he sleepily opend his eyes to see the two vaporeon's watching him.
"Ugggggg what?" He hissed with annoyance as he realized it was still dark outside and the others we're all still all asleep includeing Ava. "come on..."
Ryker nuged him to his paws as he groggily got up the two vaporeon's slowly led him away from the others Anthony felted lost in a daze as he wasn't fully awake yet, he was walking in the middle of Denny and Ryker they we're guiding his pawsteps for him as he was to tired to walk.
"...whats going on?... were are we going?" He questiond. "morning swim.. " his father answered him. "i usually go alone but, i thought i should ask Ryker to join me becsuse i don't know how long it's ganna be before we come across more water."
Anthony closed his eyes almost falling back alseep.
"Ok here we are.." Denny stated
Anthony tiredly let out a yawn.
"ok.... just ganna lay dow-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as suddenly he got shoved.
Anthony felted shocked as cold water drenched him completely now he was wide awake shivering in the cold water.
He yelled as Ryker was trying hard not to laugh.
"Hey you needed it..." Denny replied clamly before diveing in.
Anthony watched as Ryker dived in right after his father.
Anthony felted shocked as he tryed to touch the bottom with his hind paws but there was nothing there and he sank lower.
"help!!!" He screeched as his legs we're failing him and water filled his mouth then his dad grabbed him holding his head up by his scruff "it's ok i got you..."
Ryker looked happy as he sawm around doing flips in and out of the water.
Anthony got mad "im not a vaporeon!!! Why did i have to come?!"
Denny let go of him then right away he started paniking "I CAN'T SWIM!"  he yelled "really?" Denny questiond looking surprised as his head went under and he started thrashing his legs wildly desperate to get back up, then Ryker sawm towards him and helped him back up Anthony spat water out of his mouth he hated the salty taste.
He hissed at Denny "i could have drown! Let me out!"
Denny pulled him away from Ryker "go back to doing your own thing i got this.."
The shiny vaporeon looked worried "maybe we should help him him out?"
Denny shook his head "he'll never learn if he never trys." Anthony felted panik as he realized his dad wasn't going to help him out of the water.
"Nooo! This isn't fiar i don't have gills like you do!"
Denny looked surprised "how can you not know how to swim?... Fredrick could and he was a flareon..... a flareon!"
Anthony growled "i don't wanna swim!! Just help me back towards the riverbank!"
Denny smirked as he let go of Anthony "you can get there yourself...." Anthony started paniking as he reached his paw out towards his father only for Denny back away just out of his reach "Denny! Please!" He yelped as he kepted trying to reach him then again he sank under then his father pulled him back up. "ok.... don't call me Denny.... and secoundly your paniking to much clam down it's not hard Anthony.... just picture your runing on land and move the same way you would when your walking."
"What?! Thats not going to work! I didn't ask for swimming lessons!"
Denny let go of him and wadded away diveing back under.
"Ryker! Help!" Anthony focused on the riverbank then began kicking his four paws like his father had instrucked and to his surpise he was makeing some progress but he was still struggleing to keep his head above water "hey your geting it!" Ryker cheered looking excited Denny reappeared out of the water with a lumineon in his mouth Anthony snorted "ugg gross that thing is still alive!"
Denny sawm for the riverbank and climbed out then finally after stuggleing a bit Anthony reached it and scrambled out himself.
"See? Now that wasn't hard now was it?"
"Shut up!" Anthony retorted.
As he sat down on the grass and shook out his fur, hateing that it was to early and he was wet and cold.
He began lapping at his black fur trying to sooth it out as it puffed out after shakeing the water out.
As he was licking himself he paused to watch as the lumineon began flopping around wildly as Denny layed it down on the grass.
"Whoa look at it go" the vaporeon commented nugeing Anthony in the side. "kill it!" Anthony yelled, Denny pinnd it down and gave it a qiuk bit to the neck killing it "mmmm." He licked the blood off his lips right after "i gatta get this back to Ava while it's still warm."
Anthony shivered and made a face. "blagh! thats discusting!"
Ryker dived out. "nice catch Denny!" He complimented "Denny nuged it closer to Anthony "it's good why not try a small bite?"
Anthony shook his head "NO!"
Denny shruged then picked it back up "well come on then lets go back and wake the others." They padded back together

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