Chapter 24 the dramma in the valley

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Ryker's P.O.V.

Ryker was sitting with Ruth and Kyle all three of them watching Ava, Jennifer and Denny trying to help Anthony then after a few hours went by Ryker started geting drowsy he slowly got up and glanced up at the sky dusk was on it's way. (they have been at it for hours.... dose it really take that long to give him a few herbs?) then suddenly Denny yelled hissing at Ava in rage. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
"What do you mean? Im helping him!" She hissed back then Denny growled turning on the leafeon he started padding over towards them.
Ryker felted a bit uneasy as Denny approached them Ryker got up.
" everything ok?.."
Denny angrily shake his head "no! It's not ok Anthony's Spirit is gon! ... ugggg i need a swim right now."
He dived into the water not careing who got splashed.
Kyle yiped as water splashed him.
Ryker sat down now feeling both upset and worried.
He ran over to Jennifer and Ava.
"How is he?" He asked trying not to sound to anxious.
The leafeon flickered her tail looking veary annoyed "oh he'll live... i don't know why Denny had to make a scene if anything he's makeing progress."
Jennifer looked worried "...ummm you don't think he's loseing it do you?.... he freacked out saying something about Anthony being here with us.... then he got upset and said is ghost faded??.....or something like that..."
Ryker felted a bit worried hearing that "umm faded?" Ava shruged "maby thats a good thing.... i think Anthony just may have returnd to his body because he seems to be doing a lot better now." Ryker glanced at the umbreon with weary... "but.... if thats true shouldn't he be wakeing up?"
Ava hissed "oh my arceus! You guys need to have patience!" Ryker backed up in shock as the leafeon had snaped at him.
".. and Denny better have a good apology prepared for when his son wakes up."
Jennifer rested her tail on the leafeon's shoulder "don't take it to personal.... Denny is well.... he can be a bit of a ornery guy... he definitely has bad tempor but he's always carful not to go to far.... he's always sorry for his actions later.... he'll be sucking up to you later on trust me."
Ava raised a brow "how is it that you know him that well?"
Jennifer shruged "actually... i feel like im only just getting to know him.... the old him.. well he never talked to anyone all he used to do is threaten to kill me... but Fredrick told me some old storys about Denny how they used to be.... before it all happend."
Ava flickered her ear "hmmm.... he didn't seem that way at all when i frist met him...."
Jennifer smild "oh i think thats obeus why.... he liked you..." she teasd the leafeon.
Ava frownd "yea... but he liked you frist....."
Jennifer chuckled "i was surprised honestly.... because he tryed to burn me to death.... but i could never be with him... not after everything thats happend.... i still can't get it out of my head... he traumatized me... and besides Fredrick is my one and only mate i could ever ask for.... someday i'll get to be with him again in the golden forest."
Ava sighed "yea.... but feelings don't just disappear either.... i see the way he looks at you i know he still has feelings for you..."
Jennifer's face went a little red and she looked a bit embarest.
"They will go away in time Ava.. don't worry i know he loves you.... he has been better since when i last found him before this whole Journey thing started..."
Ryker felted awkward "umm.. a hem.." he coughed and they both looked at him both thier faces turning red "oh... sorry Ryker forgot you were standing there..."
He noded "well... it's getting kinda late... i say we should probilly make our selfs some beds for the night."
Jennifer noded "yea your right."
Jennifer and Ava both grabed Anthony and draged him to more sheltered spot and stared prepareing beds for the night Ruth and Kyle ran over to help.
Ava sighed "i supose Denny's just ganna spend the night in the water...." then she grumbled "not like i want him with me tonight anyway.... not after the way he yelled at me..."
Ruth grunted. "Harmph....well i think you should just dump his ass... im sure you could do a lot better he has no respect for anyone... not evan those who did follow him!"
Jennifer glared at Ruth "oh please... Ruth you didn't evan have it that bad! Not compared with what he did to me!"
The liepared hissed "i heard that in the war he caused an avalanche deliberately on purpose to kill everyone.... EVERYONE! Im sooo glad i wasn't there."
Ruth snorted then went on "i see how it is if he dies all his so called followers have to go down with him i guss....because thats how selfish he is!"
She looked at Ava.
"Come on girl what the darkrai were you thinking? wanting to be with a male like that?.... your class is way to high for someone as low as him.. he dosn't deserve you Ava he dosn't deserve anything i hate him to shreds! I wouldn't trust him if i we're any one of you mons here."
Jennifer hissed "oh yea... im sure Ava's ganna dump him just because he yelled at her... "
then the shiny glaceon froze as she met the leafeon's glare cleary Ava was not happy with being yelled at.
Jennifer looked embarrassd
"Oh... i ....i mean... it is bad that he yelled but im sure it's something you guys can work out..."
Ava growled "i save his son's life.... and thats the thanks i get for it? It's like He's accusin me of hurting Anthony or something... why would i ever do that?"
Ryker frownd he wanted to say something but then Ruth started talking again.
"Thats crossing the line if you ask me! Let me tell you... i once dated a thievul for a few moons you know what he did?"
Jennifer rolled her eyes "let me guss he yelled at you right?"
The liepared hissed "oh he made the biggest mistake ever one morning i cought preay for the both of us and he didn't evan share i went out to make drit because i had to go... when i got back to the den he was already licking the leftovers off his ugly face then i realized something.... he was a frist class grumpig... selfish greedy and sloppy i stood up to him and told him to get out of my den we're through!.... heh did that ever make him cry... but i didn't take him back i can't be with a typical sloppy greepy mon like that my class is to high i'd rather be single.... and me and Ryker turnd out just fine without a male to run our lives isn't that right?"
Ryker diped his head "right..."
Jennifer looked shocked "wait.... you broke up with your ex... over a pieace of preay?"
Ruth began licking one of her paws "i broke up with him because i saw just how greedy he was..." Ava frownd looking lost in thought for a bit then Jennifer hissed "Ava your not seriously thinking of dumping him are you?!"
Ruth hissed "oh what do you care Jen? It's her decision not yours!"
Ava shook her head "no.... but i still expect an apology from him.... untill that happens he can sleep with all fishmons!"
Ruth rolled her eyes "you know.... he really shouldn't be yelling at you at all... don't lower your standards for him... honestly i think you could do a lot better... and i mean a lot better."
Jennifer hissed "Ugggg shut up Ruth! Not every relationship can be all butterfrees and sunshine! In a relationship everyone has thier ups and downs!"
Ruth snarled "don't you be trying to tell me about how relationships work!."
Ryker sighed then he nervously glanced at Kyle feeling a bit awkward.
(Thier all ganna start fighting soon if we don't do something...)
Kyle got up "ok ladies thats enough settel down now."
"SHUT UP KYLE!"all three of them shouted.
The shiny lycanrock frownd "i can't do this i need to find a place more quiet to sleep theres just to much gossiping and i don't like it."
Jennifer got up "how about you keep watch?... someone has to, what if we get attacked while we're alseep?" He sighed "ugg..i.. i guss who's after me?"
"Ryker is... it's up to you two."
Ryker felted his mouth drop "oh come on! We need sleep to!"
But the three females went back to thier gossip about Denny.
Ryker felted fusterated then gave a sigh of defeat then as he turnd around to leave he felted shocked as he bumped into someone by accident then he froze it was Denny.
He stiffend up feeling shocked the vaporeon was just standing there with a cool look on his face.
"DENNY?!" He exclamid in surprise then at once the three females all froze and turnd around to look at him.
Ava's face turnd red " long have you been standing there?.."
He replied cooly "oh.... long enough...."
Ruth nuged the leafeon in her side "psst.. nows your chance... i think you should do it.... do it now.."
Denny raised a brow as he looked at Ava "so your really ganna breack up with me just because Ruth dosn't like me?..... well im not trying to please her im not really intrested in Ruth now am i?" Ava glared "no... but im awear you wish you could have Jennifer instead..."
Denny narrowed his eyes "no.... i don't want her either... in a relationship we need to trust each other.... i would never cheat... you need to trust me... i don't care what these two say Ava... i only want you.... it's up to you what your going to do..."
He slowly padded over to them "were is he?"
Ava slowly pointed with her paw towards the sleeping umbreon.
"He hasn't waken up yet... just great..." he grumbled.
"Denny... he's doing a lot better he's going to be ok." He turnd a glare on the leafeon "his ghost faded away.....after you did something to him..."
The leafeon hissed "thats a good thing! Don't you get it Anthony is back inside his body!"
Denny hissed "im not stupid Ava! If thats so then why is he still sleeping hu?!.... he would be up by now! He's dead! My son is dieing and all your doing is just standing around gossiping about me!" Then he grunted "ha! typical females!"
Ava looked upset then yelled "leave us alone! Go back to sleeping with the ugly fishmons!"
Denny turnd to look at the leafeon stunnd for a bit then slowly without another word turnd around padded back towards the water grumbleing under his breath aloung the way.
Ava looked hurt for a bit then sat down with a sigh looking deeply upset.
Ryker noticed a few tears in her eyes then felted a bit awkward Kyle already padded away the lycanrock also looked veary uncomfortable with what just happend.
Ruth growled "oh thats it! Denny is a jerk im ganna have a talk with him frist thing tomarrow he owes Ava an apology that is no way to treat your mate especially when she saved his son's life!"
Ryker got annoyed and padded off after Denny wanting to get away (gosh that is annoying!)
He loved Ruth and all but when she starts complaining it can go on for hours.
He dived into the water after the vaporeon Denny turnd a glare on him.
"What do you want?... did one of them send you after me?"
He shook his head "no... im a vaporeon too you know.... i also kinda like the water as well..."
Denny sighd as he found a soft patch of seaweed to lay in looking deeply upset himself.
Ryker found himself his own place and rested closeing his eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep.

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