Chapter 26 escapeing the veally

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Anthony's P.O.V.

Anthony watch as everyone surrounded the egg to watch as it began to hatch Jennifer looked nervous as she stared at it then a little brown eevee head broke out from the top "eev....evea?" It looked at everymon then began struggleing to get out and Denny nuged Jennifer in the side looking worried. "should we help it?" Then finally it broke out it was veary small and had truble walking on the grass it stumbled down as it tryed to move towards them. "AWWWWWW!"
Everyone said at the same time Anthony rolled his eyes " maybe give it a little speace?"
But everyone ignored him Ryker was jumping up and down from excitement. "oh my gosh! oh my gosh!"
Jennifer grabed it pulling the little eevee into a huged for a few moments the glaceon looked overwhelmed with joy.
She sniffed as a few tears slid down her face then she looked at Denny and smirked "it's a girl.... i have a little doughter."
The eevee snuggled up in Jennifer's arms
looking up at her and Jennifer's eyes we're glowing with deep affection. Ava moved closer to look at it "ohhh it's sooooo cute! Jennifer congratulations! Im so happy for you." She looked at the leafeon "thank you Ava.."
She lighty put the eevee down it looked confused as it looked at everymon "eeve...eevea?" Denny slowly walked towards it and crouched down "hello there...your a tiny one arn't ya?" the eevee looked up at him for a bit "e..eevea?" Jennifer nuged it lighty with her nose "thats your uncle.... do you wanna go see him?"
It looked more confused as it tryed to coppy what she said "u..u.. unkie...." then it slowly stumbled towards him and Denny touched his nose to it's head then warped his tail around it then Ruth screeched as she wacked his tail away and jumped in frount of him. "back off Denny!"
The vaporeon looked stunnd for a bit before his eyes narrowed to slits showing anger and fusteration "thats my niece!"
She hissed "i don't care! I don't trust you to be around it!"
Then Jennifer hissed "Ruth it's my kid.... it's my decision and Denny is family rather you like it or not!"
She glared the shiny glaceon "he's not evan realated to you Jen!"
"No... but Fredrick is his brother.... so he's my brother in law." Ruth snorted as she walked away "any bloodline of Denny's is an enemy to me! Keep that thing away from me!"
Then Ryker looked shocked with that retort as Ruth stalked away.
Kyle slowly walked up to it then suddenly the little eevee froze as it's eyes went really big stareing up at him it began to termble in fear as the shiny lycanrock gaped his mouth wide open leting out a huge yawn the eevee immediately bagan crying from fear.
Then Denny waked him with his tail "Kyle your scareing it!"
Kyle looked embarest after "oh...heh... sorry.." he said with a sheepish smile.
Denny againe warped his tail around the eevee and pulled it towards him.
"Shhh there, there little one im not ganna let the big bad lycanrock eat you..." Anthony felted annoyed as he watched ('s not a shiny like i was....)
The eevee gave a little laugh as Denny shot a water gun hiting Kyle in the face.
"Ugg! Denny can you not hit me with your water moves!." Denny smirked "but the kid likes it... isn't that right?" He bagan tickleng it and the little eevee began laughing and Jennifer approached him. "well, well it seems like someone is takeing a big likeing to his little niece already." Denny noded his head then sadness flashed in his purple gaze as he let out a sad sigh.
"..... honestly... i... i always wanted to have a kid when i found out Jessie was expecting... i was so happy... i just wanted to raise my kid with my mate...and have my own family."
then his gaze darkend "but unfortunately.... i never did get what i wanted..." Anthony layed his head down on his frount paws closeing his eyes hopeing that no mon would notice him.
(If Denny and Jessie raised me.... what would i be like today? would i have turnd out bad? Would i have grown up hateing Fredrick?)
The more he tryed to think about it the more it hurt his head (im a good mon deep down.... theres no way i could have turnd out any other way...)
Then Ruth broke his thoughts when she snorted "hah! ya got that right i mean just look at him! Your son became a monster.... and he wants nuthing to do with you either, some father you turnd out to be" Anthony felted really hurt then Ryker hissed "he's not a monster mom! and Anthony dose care... he's just not ready to fully accept Denny yet.."
Ruth snorted "well i don't care regardless i want nuthing to do with either of them... or that little brat!"
Jennifer snarled "don't you be calling my doughter a brat!" Ruth snorted "come on Ava... Ryker lets make our own plan to escape."
But the leafeon didn't move she was watching the little eevee then she looked at Denny.
"I think you'll make a magnificent uncle....." then she giggled and the vaporeon blushed a bit. "you know.... if your my mate this makes you an aunt." She smild her face began glowing a little "it's so cute.... can i hold it?"
Jennifer picked up the eevee and placed it down in frount of Ava as the leafeon sat down "ohhhhh..... it's so adorable...."
then Anthony flinched as a paw nuged him in the side he hadn't noticed Ryker approaching him. "Hey..... why don't you come see the little eevee?.... your cousin right?" He noded then grunted as he slowly got up and began limping over twards them.
Denny looked up at him right away "Anthony... come over here you have a little cousin."
He sat down with the others to get a better look at it then Denny nuged him "hehe it's a gril..." he frownd "yea.... i know...." Jennifer nuged him "oh Anthony don't pout... your still considered as a son to me."
Anthony sat down and the little eevee ran over to him right away from Ava's paws.
"Ohhh look she likes you already.."
Denny said.
As the little eevee ran towards him.
Denny looked at Jennifer "so... have you thought of what your going to name her?"
The shiny glaceon sat in thought for a bit.
"Hmmmm.....well i was thinking mabey... Ella since it's a gril."
Denny smild "have you had that plannd out?"
Jennifer nodded "well... i'v been thinking about it for a while when i realized i was going to have a kid."
Ava sat down with the little eevee "Hello there little Ella..."
Ruth sat up againe.
"i'd watch Kyle if i were you.... he might try to eat it when your not looking!... seriously why is a lycanrock evan with you guys those mons are loners for a reasion they can't be trusted!"
Kyle glared at her "excuise me! I used to be in a pack i was never a loner!"
She snorted "but still..... i wouldn't trust a lycanrock! They eat young eevees!"
Kyle looked offend by that "i wouldn't do that! especaily to Jennifer she's my freind!"
Denny nodded "pluse Kyle knows veary well i'd kill him if he did..." he mocked in a freindly tone and Ruth turnd a sharp glare on the vaporeon "what did you just say?!"
"Whoa clam down i was kidding..."
Kyle looked annoyed "Yea Ruth settle down..."
She snorted "whatever...."
Denny nuged Kyle in the side as she walked away. "hey i have an idea... why don't you ask Ruth out?" Anthony felted tacken aback by that he hadn't expected that from Denny at all.
(So if Kyke and Ruth got together.... would that make him Ryker's foster father?.... seems kinda nessed up.) then he looked at Ava
(i definitely don't think of her as a foster mom.... only Jennifer supose it wouldn't..)
Kyle looked shocked "what?! Are you mad? Of course im not going to do that!"
Denny chukled "hehe not intrested eh?"
Ava giggled "Denny are you trying to hook them up?... why?" He looked at her and shruged his shoulders "oh i don't know..... maby she would stop trying to convince you to leave me and then Kyle would have somemon."
Ryker shook his head "i kinda highly doubt that she would be interested in Kyle."
Then he awkwardly glanced at him "ummm no offence..."Denny nuged him "ohhh don't listen to him i think you should give it a try."
Kyle growled "arceus no she's to stuck up... im to scared to evan ask there might be consequences just for that!"
Jennifer snikered "oh i can definitely see it she might rip your eyes out just for asking... oh and make sure you don't eat the wrong pray by accident she'll break up with you if you do."
"I'll do it for you if you want." Denny offered "im not scared of her trying to rip my eyes out.... in fact i'd like to see her try."
Kyle shook his head "please don't...."
"Come on Kyle don't you ever get lonely?"
He shook his head "no like Ruth said im a loner.. pluse she'd say no anyway."
"But your a shiny so you should be worthy enough."
He winked then chukled "im only jokeing..."
Kyle frownd "Denny no! would you go out with her?" The vaporeon shook his head "no never i love Ava."
The leafeon blushed a bit then looked away and Jennifer let out a yawn laying down on the grass Anthony felted tired as well as he sat down.
Ryker started playing peekaboo with Ella.
He covered his face with his paws "oh no weres the little eevee?.." Ella tilded her head to one side "eev?...."
"there she is!" he yelled as he uncovered his face.
Ella squeaked with surpise and ran over to Denny burrying her face in his side.
"Awwww..." Denny licked her on the head "go to your mother she'll keep you safe...." she looked at him "" Denny pointed towards Jennifer "she's your momy..." the little eevee stumbled towards her and Jennifer pulled the little eevee towards her.
Everymon was watching then Anthony gave a loud over exaggerated yawn.
Denny looked at him "well then go to bed if your that tired." Anthony hissed "why is everymon makeing such a big deal? so what the egg hatched....." Denny chukled "your not actually geting jealous are you?" Anthony pinnd his ears back "pfft... of course not...."
Ruth let out a yawn "you know... that kid may be part of your bloodline... but it's still Fredrick's brith child.... i bet Ella is destind for greatness." Now that made Anthony mad "what about me?... what am i destind for?"
Ruth frownd "well it's obvious we're your going.. your eyes are blood red and you have that very unnatural dark power..... your a monster... oh but don't worry i know Denny must be veary proud of you."
"Don't listen to her Anthony.... no mon is destined to do anything everymon walks thier own choose the path you follow.."
"Is that suposed to make me feel better?" Denny shruged "i don't get why your geting so upset... you should be happy our family is expanding."
Anthony hissed "yea.... everymon hates me because im your son! but as soon as they learn about Ella i bet everymon will love her!"
Denny flinched "ok.. as i recall last time i checked Fredrick wasn't a legendary... your geting worked up over nuthing."
Anthony hissed "are you serious! There is a larg amount of pokemon out to get you because of what you did!.... and i get looked down on.... because of you!!!! This isn't fiar all this time i thought Fredrick was my real father..... and now im going to be treated like shit while everymon loves Ella?!"
Everymon was stareing at Anthony now.
Denny shruged "wow.... you really like to over think things...were are you evan trying to go with this?" Anthony hissed "ERRRR don't you see?! You runid my life!"
Denny kepted a clam expression on his face. "yes.. we'v already been through this phase... im quiet awaer.... but im going to fix it you need to trust me... Anthony i could care less what the whole world thinks of me... i know deep down i am a better mon and im doing the right thing... in the end the only judgement that matters is what Arceus thinks... Sparkle can keep hunting me all he wants i will stop at nuthing to get you cured.... you really shouldn't care what other mons like Ruth think...." he turnd his gaze towards her "after all thier only small specks of dust in the crowed."
"Ummmm whats that suposed to mean?!" The liepared hissed "it means i don't care what you think."
She gritted her teeth "Gerrr.... or you don't care about me! Im offended by that!"
"Oh yea how so?"
"You just called me a speck! Is that how you looked at me when i was in your army?!"
Denny coughed "umm heh no..."
Then Ella started laughing pointing her little brown fluffy paws at Ruth "s..spe sp eck...."
Anthony brust out laughing at that as did all the others.
Ruth got up now looking pissed "look at you all! Denny acts no better then young Ella! grow up."
Ava chukled a bit "chh... im sorry Ruth.... im sorry..." the liepared hissed "well this just won't do i need to be respected and im just not geting any."
Denny shruged "hey... you get what you give."
Ruth sighd then got up "i need to go for a hunt or something... Ryker come with me."
The shiny vaporeon looked disappointed "do i have to?... i was gann-"
"Yes you have to! I need a word with you." She said in veary strict tone.
He sighed as he padded after her Anthony felted a bit disappointed himself.
Denny let out a long sigh then turnd towards him "hmm im sure you'll be able to see him when he gets back... but i highly sujest you rest... Anthony... tbe sooner your better the sooner we can move."
The umbreon felted nervous as he went to lay back down in his bedding he turnd his gaze back to Denny who padded back towards the little eevee who was snuggled up agianst Jennifer.
The shiny glaceon was napping in a patch of sunlight Denny smild then Ava moved to sit beside him "....ohhh just look at it.... i think im geting jealous she's so cute..." Anthony perked his ears up to listen better as he watched.
Denny turnd his gaze towards the leafeon "oh?... " he paused for a bit then asked. "why? do you want one Ava?" The leafeon froze for a bit as she met his gaze then she turnd red and looked away. Anthony began feeling sick (no! It's bad enough Jennifer already had her real kid! Isn't that enough?)
Denny was still stareing at her.
"Well?...... you can say no if you want it's completely up to you..."
then she finally answered.
"Oh.... im not really sure if im being honest.... maybe someday but not now..."
Denny moved really close her placeing his paw on hers.
"hey... i still love you.... you know that?" She looked at him and slowly noded
"how long are you ganna make me wait?" She looked at him in shock. "ummm what?"
"Oh no.... heh i didn't mean it like that...."
He kissed her on the cheek.
"im not just trying to get your body that can wait... i want you back, when will you take me back?"
Anthony covered his ears (why am i hearing this?!) He couldn't hold it in he vomited on the grass.
everymon immediately turnd to look at him and Denny looked worried "oh no... that can't be good Ava go see if he's ok."
Anthony sat up and glared at him "no im fine but if your going to talk about haveing a kid do it were i don't have to hear it! I don't wanna know!" Jennifer opend her eyes looking pissed "Denny?.... is Anthony right?...."
Right away the vaporeon's face went red from embarrassment "well... i... i didn't think anymon was listening...."
Ava padded away "im ganna go look for some berrys for Anthony anyway i need something to do now.." Denny ran after her "let me come with you....i really just wanna talk to you."
The leafeon didn't object as he followed her away.
Anthony let out a long sigh (finally.... peace and qiuet.) suddenly Ruth appeared in frount of him "hu?.. what do you want?" He questiond and she hissed "for you to stay away from my son! Listen up im only going to say this once... but if i catch you near him againe there will be consequences! And you better not breath a word of this to your father or Ryker or i will end you!"
Anthony stared at her in shock (is she being serious right now?.....) "you have been warnd."
Then she padded away.
Kyle was watching her closely.
then when she went to sleep beside Ryker the shiny lycanrock padded over towards him "Anthony?... what did she say to you?"
The shiny umbreon shruged "eh nuthing it's fine Kyle..."
(.....should i be worried?... im pretty sure i could easily beat her in combat... pluse i'v seen how scared she is of my father... she would't dare.)
He looked over towards Ryker then felted a bit sad. (arceus i wish i could sleep beside him.... we're going to be separated in two days..)
It gave Anthony anxiety to think about it (what if something happens to him?... or Jennifer? I don't wanna lose anymon....)
Finally he fell alseep after a few hours went by.

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