Chapter 21 the truth comes out

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Ryker's P.O.V.

Denny was stareing at Ryker in shock right after Ruth had said that.
(What dose she mean?... i survived? she knew?)
There was an awkward silence Kyle and Ava both looked uncomfortable as they exchanged glances with each other and Anthony looked confused as he watched the liepared in awe.
Ryker didn't know how to react to the exspeshion on Denny's face.
He didn't evan know what to say to Ruth all he knew is he had never felted so betrayed and hurt by both of them.
He finally found the courage to breack the awkward silence.
"Ruth..... what is he talking about?..... you didn't tell me that you once followed him.."
Denny shuffled his paws nervousily "ohhh.... umm i.. i errrrr.... " he paused again as if he couldn't speack he turnd towards her "uhhu... c...can i....s...speack to you in privet?"
Anthony got mad "NO THIS NEEDS TO COME OUT NOW!!!"
Ruth evan looked nervous then sighed "i was hopeing i'd never have to tell you... i didn't want you to know the truth....."
Anthony now looked really mad as his claws slid out and his furr bristled alound his back
"if i know one thing... you should never... EVER lie to your SON!" Ruth flinched back then sighed "you just don't understand..."
Her mouth droped open in shock as she turnd to face Denny "wait? what?.... i thought your kid was dead?" Denny shook his head "no... he surrived Jessie gave him up to Fredrick and lied anout his death... so i wouldn't go after him......"
She frownd "your kid ended up being a shiny?.... and yet you still brought harm to other shinys?."
Anthony hissed "he tryed to kill me as a eevee because i was a shiny! I to had foster parents to! my foster mom is in there right now! I know how it is to be lied to you need to tell him the truth."
Ryker was feeling really greatful to have Anthony getting really defensive towards him.
(Im so glad he understands how im feeling right now.... this is a bit much to learn i'v been lied to.)
Denny looked uncomfortable as he slowly began padded away "... perhaps i should.... leave you to talk things out?"
"Ohhhh no you don't!" Anthony hissed at his father "i think you got something to say to Ryker as well."
Denny stoped dead in his tracks and turnd around with a surprised expression on his face as he met Anthony's red glare Denny slowly tilted his head back holding Anthony's stare.
"Hmmmm.... Anthony?.... do you know something?" The shiny umbreon just smriked "perhaps i do...." Denny looked a bit trubled ""
Anthony sat down not replying to Denny the vaporeon sighed in defeat as he looked at Ruth "ok... are you going to tell the story then?..."
She noded "at this point... i have to i guss lies can only go so far..."
Jennifer poked her head out.
"Oh i gatta hear this!"
"What the?... Jennifer we're you ease dropping?!" Denny yelled and she smild "you bet your vaporeon tail i was! I wanna hear this i think i can realate to Ruth... well because i was sorta there..."
Everyone got comfortable and Ava sat closer to Denny.
Ryker moved closer to Anthony wanting the comfort and for once Denny didn't seem bothered by it he looked more trubled.
Ruth looked at Ryker "im so sorry i never told you but.... well i sorta used to kill shinys... it's just Denny was so convincing at the time... everything he said just made sence to me.. i was once bullyed by my own sister because she was a shiny... anyway i was able to relate to everything he said... i believed that Denny was a good mon back then i believed i was doing the right thing.. untill one day i saw him for what he really was... i realized how wrong i was to ever follow him or what i had gottion myself into..."
Everyone listend as she began her story.

Ruth's story

Ruth had been walking through the forest with a group of mons that Denny had send out to go looking for shiny mons they had been camping temporary in the forest ever since they had a secound attack on Fredrick.
(Stupid flareon what is he up to?... is he planning to attack us? All we want is peace dum shiny mons) Ruth had been a bit eager hopeing to find a shiny so she could get a higher rank in the army.
Then a houndoom nuged her "hey focus! Denny wants us to be rid as many shinys as we can since Fredrick's camp all scattered... heh maby we'll find the shiny flareon himself then this can all end."
Then a mightyena stoped "hey guys look! A shiny eevee!" Ruth froze feeling her heart sink as she looked to see a flareon and leafeon cuple with a young shiny eevee.
(Veary young....)
Before anyone could move Ruth stoped them.
"Stop! Are you out of your mind? Thats a kid."
The houndoom looked mad "it's still a shiny Ruth you heard what Denny said we can't trust one!"
"But thats a kid all kids are innocent whats it ganna do?"
"Grow up one day and follow Fredrick!"
Ruth was watching the family stareing at the kid for a bit thinking.
(....i don't see it through.... not all shiny mons can be evil.... no! It's just Fredrick and his follwers that needs to be stoped no one els!)
She stood up "we're not attacking them im leading this group rember?"
A luxray glared at her "i don't care Denny is the real leader and im going to see through to his demands!" He walked towards them "hand over the little one!" He yelled and right away the flareon stood protectively in frount of his mate and kid.
"What do you want with my kid?"
Then more of the group fell around them "it's a shiny..... and we can't let it live now we can do this the easy way or hard way"
The leafeon grabed her eevee by the scruff and ran and right away the luxray yelled "HEY!"
Ruth got in the way and used iron tail on the luxray before he could ran after her then suddenly the flreaon used heat wave hitting them all "GET THEM!!"
Ruth snarled "leave the kid alone thier not part of Fredrick's army!" But no one listened as they chased after them Ruth ran atfter thrm trying to stop them but it was no use she couldn't stop them from chaseing the two.
Then someone yelled "NO WE LOST THEM!"
"Fan out and find them they got to be around here somewere!"
"ENOUGH!" Ruth scaremed "i say we head back to camp and see what Denny thinks"
The rest all came back towards her glareing and the Luxray growled "ugg fine! Your the one in charge your the one who takes the blame for letting them escape!"
Ruth rolled her eyes
(im sure he'll agree that not all can be bad.... i mean it's only a little eevee...for Aarceus sake.)
Ruth turnd away and started padding back towards camp on the way thinking on what she should say once they return.
As they emerged she was met by Zeta who was on his way out "your back early.. anything to report?" She nervously noded ".....i'll take it up with Denny....." Zeta grew a grin "Hey Denny! Ruth is back and wants to speack with you!"
Her ears pinnd back nervous as Zeta had put her on the spot.
He gave ber a shove towards the camp enterance "well go on im sure he's waiting to hear what you have to say..." then he padded away.
as Ruth slowly walked in she could see the vaporeon watching her from were he sat on a huged rock in the middle of camp the vaporeon jumped down and started padding towards her.
Ruth had to admit she never really felted comfortable being around the vaporeon there always seemd to be something off about him and she was also awaer that Denny had recently discovered that his kid had gottion carried off by a flying typ right before his
ex mate died so he has been a bit more ornery then usual.
"So Ruth whats on your mind?... i can tell something is troubling you."
She felted tacken aback by the question as she met his gaze.... he seemd to be pretty clam wich was rare these days.
She didn't know what to say she felted herself paniking then he let out a chukle "hehe clam down im not ganna claw at you or anything..... you can tell me... did you see any shiny mons?"
She looked down at her paws then finally found the words "Denny..... i ... i saw a family.... they had a shiny eevee with them... i didn't know what do well because it's only a kid..."
Denny paused for a bit "so... you did nuthing then?... you just let it get away?"
She now felted shocked "w..what?.. but it was just a kid!" He frownd then got to his paws "come on lets take this Conversation somewere more privet." he started padding away gesturing for her to follow him.
She slowly padded after him as he went outside of camp she felted her blood run cold.
(Why is he takeing me away from camp? Is he ganna do something he dosn't want the others to see?)
Once it was just the two of them alone out in the forest Denny heaved a heavy sigh sitting with his back to her.
"Ruth... i sorta understand that you didn't want to hurt a child but.... you need to rember we all have once been a child... i mean if someone had ended Darel a lot sooner my life wouldn't be ruined right now..."
"B..but that kid looked innocent in every way..."
Denny turnd around to face her "rember what we're fighting for.. a world of peace... a place were we're all equal... Ruth they can't be trusted!"
She shook her head "No! Denny please im asking you, can you please just let this one go? Not all shinys can be as bad as you say there are!"
Denny sat qiuet for a bit holding her stare.
Then suddenly his tail charged up and he hit her with iron tail right in the face she gave a loud cry as it took her off guard knocking her off her paws she couldn't evan react before he already used another move and slamed his body into hers useing double - edge.
She yelped as she went flying across the grass.
She felted pain in her side were he had hit her and her head really hurt she felted dizzy as she tryed to see the blurry vaporeon walking towards her.
Then she felt him ontop of her as he frocfully pinnd her down she tryed to scream but he quickly covered her mouth.
"Shut up or i'll make you!"
Ruth felted her heart pounding.
(Was that a threat?... is he going to kill me?)
Her heart was pounding so heard in her chest it was makeing her termble.
She started crying then she felted claws digging into her as he removed his paw away from her mouth.
"Ok heres whats going to happen!"
She tryed pushing him off but the vaporeon was stronger then her and tightend his grip on her holding her frimly to the ground.
"Ohhhhh you don't wanna piss me off right now trust me!"
"GET OFF OF ME!!!" She screamed but he ignored her "your going to take a few mons with you and find that eevee!!"
She noded "ok..ok i'll do it just get off please!"
Denny growled at her "let me make this more clear..."
He planted his paw on her neck with extended claws "i will kill you if you don't... do you understand me Ruth?"
He slowly got off of her she stared at the vaporeon in disbelief.
(He's threting to kill me???! But i'v been really loyail to him! I thought he was a good guy im so confused...)
He narrowed his eyes "i won't stand for betrayal to many have already don that to me!"
Ruth studered.
"I...i... i didn't betray you through....."
He hissed "well you sorta did by letting that shiny go.... oh but it's ok because your going to go finish it!"
He led her back to camp and Ruth started paniking in her mind (i can't be apart of this anymore Denny is a complate psychopath! I just wanna get as fare away from here as possible i should never had listened to him to begin with!)
Once they returnd back Denny had already
Arranged a few mons to go out with Ruth on the mission to kill the little eevee.
(I can't let them get to the eevee.... no im not going to let that kid die if it's the last thing i do!) Denny walked up to her "well good luck Ruth... hope to hear good news from you when you return." There was mockery in his tone
That made Ruth officially hate the vaoreon's guts.
(everything he ever said... was it all lies? Im starting to think that maby no shiny ever did do anything! What if Fredrick isn't evil? I don't know what to believe right now..)
Ruth finally headed out with a group of mons she took off at a sprint and they chased after her (if i run away.... they'll catch me!... i have to warn that family!)
The group started yelling as they chased after her "HEY WAIT UP!"
"I think she's trying to ditch us!"
Ruth pushed herself to move as fast as she could go and took a lot of sharp turns around trees then she came up to the flareon and leafeon cuple.
"Run! Your in danger!" She cryed they both looked at her with puzzled expressions.
"Who are you?" The female leafeon asked and Ruth shook her head
"No time! Your kid is in danger a larg group of mons are comeing and thier going to kill your kid!"
"Why would anyone want to harm our kid?" The flareon asked then his ears shot upright as they could hear the sound of rushing pawsteps they looked worried the flareon turnd towards his mate "Quick hide him! Thier all comeing."
She noded and Ruth quickly helped her finding a bush and tucking the little eevee in.
It looked up at Ruth.
Ruth closed her eyes feeling tears stream down her face (it will all be over soon... please arceus... please don't let them find the eevee...)
Then Ruth nuged the leafeon "run.... get away while you still can!" But she shook her head "i can't abandon my son out here all alone what if a Predator finds it... or worse.... those attacking mons?"
Finally they all cought up and Ruth and the leafeon ran up to meet them.
"Ruth?" A houndoom question "did you find it?... weres the shiny eevee?!" The flareon fluffed out his furr "you'll never find him!"
Then a luxray snarled "surrender the eevee or els!" The leafeon hissed "over our dead bodies!"
The luxray growled "everyone fan out and look!"
Ruth felted scared but didn't wanna check on the eevee in case she gave it away then a fight broke out as the leafeon and flareon attacked 
the fight did not last long before the two fanited and to Ruth's shock she got attacked by the luxray "i find it suspicious that they had time to hide it away before we showed up... you rottion traitor! I know what you did the real question is what are you ganna say to Denny when we return?"
Ruth was qiuet not knowing what to say, she had sacrificed her own life to save a strangers kid.
(Im going to die.... but.... i couldn't.... i couldn't bring harm to a child...)
"Well at least i did one thing right i regret nuthing!"
Then she got attacked as lots of mons hit her useing differant moves and she blacked out fainting.

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