Chapter 4 Proving Loyalty

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Denny's P.O.V.

Once Denny returned to the den Jennifer was curled up in her bed sleeping.
He slowly approached her carrying a Lumineon trying not to wake her.
He laid the prey down beside her then to his dismay her eyes slowly blinked open and at the sight of him she sat up fast and used an ice beam.
"Whoa!" Denny only just avoided it.
"What did you do that for?!" He snapped "I was only bringing you food." She looked scared then settled back down.
"You were sneaking up on me!" He frowned "I didn't want to wake you up. you need to sleep." She yawned then slowly got to her paws and Stretched Denny nudged the Lumineon towards her. "here I got this for you." She held his gaze "Why?" Denny shrugged. "Umm, I just thought maybe I owe it to you since you let me stay." She sniffed at it and then poked the fish-like Pokemon with her paw.
"How do I know you didn't poison it?" Denny felt taken aback by that.
"Jen, please I'm only trying to show you I'm not dangerous how am I supposed to do that when you won't even give me the chance?"
She sighed. "you need to understand from my point of view Denny. After everything you put me through. It's not easy sharing my den with you."
Denny looked down at his paws "Uhhh I know it's just frustrating." She frowned staring at the Lumineon with unease.
"Ok, I'll take a bite then you'll know it's not poisoned."
Denny sat down and took a bite of the Lumineon then smiled looking at Jennifer.
She nodded. "Ok, thank you." Denny watched as she leaned over and hesitated sniffing it again before taking a small bite and chewing it slowly.
Her eyes lit up and she licked her lips "Mmmm.." she devoured the rest of it Denny watched with amusement. "Never had water prey before have you?" She shook her head.
"No... I don't know how to fish for Pokemon."
Denny chuckled "Fredrick couldn't teach you eh?" She looked sad and he felt sudden pain realizing he shouldn't have mentioned the shiny Flareon. "Jen I'm sorry.... I miss him too you have no idea." She broke down in tears and he moved closer to her hugging her and feeling his tears.
"Oh, Jennifer." he sniffed "I'm sorry I'm so sorry I did horrible things to you. I understand if you can't ever forgive me." She then pulled away from him. Then sat down. "Can you please tell me the story again?" he nodded and sat a few paw steps away from her.


Once he finished she was silent "So, you did change at heart? I always knew there was good in you. But only Fredrick could make you see that." Denny felt a little excited "So, you Believe me now?" She was hesitant "I... I suppose I do but."
"But?" Denny pressed.
"Don't take this the wrong way but I would still like to just keep an eye on you for a bit longer."
He nodded. "Ok, fair enough then." He slowly got up. "I just really need to be around what's left of my family. How is Anthony by the way?" She frowned "Not good ever since Fredrick passed. He left just yesterday before you showed up. He said Fredrick told him there's a cure for his curse." Denny felt hopeful. "I got to help him. I'll help him find the cure, after all, I'm the one who put him in this mess." She nodded and then yawned. He looked at her. "Go back to sleep Jennifer I'm not going to hurt you if anything I'd fight hard to keep you alive I still consider you family since you're my brother mate." She blushed a little then curled up in her bed.
"Thank you." Denny felt a little puzzled. 'was that a blush? But then he brushed it off and decided to head back out for a bit.

Anthony's P.O.V.

Anthony woke up sleeping next to Ryker he sat up and yawned. He poked the shiny Vaporeon with his paw and he lifted is head. "Mmm, morning already?" The shiny Umbreon nodded then felt lost for a bit. "Come on I think we should keep moving." Ryker paused. "What's the rush? Why don't we hunt first?" Anthony gave it some thought. "Well, I guess we haven't seen any of those Pokemon maybe they just wanted me out of that forest." Ryker raised an eyebrow. "We don't know where we're going right now. Honestly, I think it would be better to just wait for another dream from Fredrick."
"But what if it takes too long? What if those Pokemon-" Ryker stopped Anthony lifting his tail up. "Trust me Fredrick will not leave you hanging. You just need to be patient with these things and don't worry I don't think anyone is on our tails." Ryker then padded for the river.
"Be back in a bit." Anthony then padded out trying to find something then he spotted a Furret and ducked down slowly stalking towards it making sure to stay downwind so it wouldn't be able to pick up his scent. Then finally he leaped at it and killed it quickly. "Hey, nice catch!" Feeling shocked he turned to see the same Leafeon and Mightyena from beside the lake where he had just left. His fur bristled the last time he encountered them they had both been hostile. "What do you want? Why did you follow me!" He snapped. The leafeon looked calm" I told you it wouldn't be the last time we see. Now we've been watching you and I couldn't help but notice the power you used fighting with those Houndooms." Anthony sighed "OK, you got me so I am cursed but I'm trying to find the cure for it." He nodded. "Well, we can help you with that. Why don't you come with us? I know a Mon who can help get rid of that curse." Anthony felt uneasy he could tell that something wasn't right. "Umm, thanks but I think I'll pass on that offer."
Then suddenly he heard paw steps and Ryker came running toward them. "What's going on here? You two followed us?" He demanded glaring at both the Mightyena and the Leafeon.
"Look, I know we may have gotten off on the wrong paw but we only want to help. Our friend can take that curse off your paws." Anthony felt puzzled. "How? Who is this friend of yours? And how can he help me?" He asked. "And why would he want the curse?" Ryker added. The Leafeon's smile faded into a frown. "You just need to trust us." Anthony shook his head "I think we'll manage just fine on our own thank you." Now they both looked hostile. "Why you! Ok, we tried being nice!" Anthony was taken aback as the two attacked them. The Leafeon used a leaf blade but Ryker dodged it and used an ice beam and Anthony used a shadow ball on the Mightyena right away he got mad and pinned the Mightyena down with his claws on his neck.
He started panicking. "Don't kill me, please. I'm begging you we'll go." He looked to his right to see Ryker had the Leafeon pinned as well. The Leafeon also looked worried. "Listen to my friend we won't bother you again." Ryker snorted "Yeah right if that were true you wouldn't have followed us in the first place!" Anthony Frownd. 'Ryker may be right but. He started thinking of Sparkle back when he stayed in camp with all the shiny Pokemon. 'He's going to end up just like his Father a murderer! Anthony closed his eyes.
'I can't... I'm not a murderer... it's the right thing to do. It has to be that killing is never the answer.
Anthony growled. "leave us alone if I see you again I won't hesitate to kill you next time!" The Mightyena looked scared "O-Ok"
"Ryker let him go." The Shiny Vaporeon was hesitant. "Fine." then he hissed at the Leafeon.
"Let this be a warning to you!" Then he clawed at his ear drawing blood and getting a good rip at it.
The Leafeon got up as Ryker let him go. The leafeon held their glares for a bit. "Big mistake you made!" Then they both ran off. Anthony glanced at Ryker who looked a bit worried. "I know it didn't feel right to just kill them. But now I think maybe we should have just done it." Anthony sighed "But then would I be much better than Denny? He nodded. "You need to stop comparing yourself to him. I think that's your problem your so worried about turning out like him that you're not paying attention to what you would do." Anthony realized he was right.
'I am always worried about that. But so many Pokemon mocked me about it, and this curse doesn't help. Anthony sighed "Yeah, I suppose your right." Ryker gave him a playful shove. "Well come on we won that battle anyway thanks to me." He teased. Anthony raised a brow. "I was able to handle my own battle." Ryker nudged him. "Come on I'm only joking around. Let's go eat now that they're gone." Anthony followed him and they sat down together finally able to eat their food. Anthony felt troubled. "So, their friend. He wants the curse." The shiny Vaporeon shrugged. "Well he's not going to get it now, is he?"
"Yeah, I know. But it's still a bit worrying. I mean for a Pokemon to want a curse must have bad intentions." Ryker started licking his paw. "You know sometimes it's just best not to think of those things. I never look at what could go wrong instead, let's think of what could go right." Anthony nodded. 'Perhaps he's right.

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