Chapter 36 Ruth's plot

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Denny's P.O.V.

Denny watched as the sun slowly began to rise then his gaze landed on Jennifer and he slowly made his way towards her being careful not to wake anyone else up yet. 'I owe it to Frederick to pass on his message to her. He rolled his eyes at the thought. 'Even though she won't believe me' Ella was curled up beside Jennifer fast asleep. Denny lightly tapped her with his paw. "Hey, pssst."
He whispered then nudged her when she didn't respond. Her eyes blinked open cloudy with sleep in them as she let out a tired yawn. "Is it morning already?" she asked then looked around seeming confused that no one else was up yet.
"Jennifer I need to tell you something."
Her blue eyes suddenly grew wide with surprise.
"Oh? What's this about?" As Denny was about to respond she shook her head disapprovingly at him. "Denny, no this isn't right, I'm sorry but I don't love you and how do you think Ava would feel about this?" That took the Vaporeon off guard and made him frustrated. "What? I didn't come here to flirt with you! Ava is my mate and I love her. I'm over you now." He replied. Jennifer rolled her eyes. "So, what's on your mind then?" Denny just held her stare for a few seconds. "Don't try to act like you didn't enjoy that kiss, because I know you did." Her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.
"I was confused when that happened I'm still missing Fredrick." He sighed. "We all are, so now speaking of my brother, I think you upset him the other day because when I saw him-"
"No! not this again! Denny, look I think it's nice that you have dreams of seeing Fredrick but you need to accept the fact that they are just dreams." The Vaporeon gritted his teeth with annoyance he knew that Fredrick must be close by watching them. 'Fredrick I'm trying!
He laid down close to her and grabbed her paws.
"Jennifer, listen to me." The shiny Glaceon looked uncomfortable. "They're not just dreams."
'I wish I could show her!'
"Maybe I can't convince you that they're real, but I promised Fredrick that I'd tell you that he still loves you and he spends every minute watching over you and Ella." She looked sad a few tears dripped down her eyes. "You were only dreaming Denny." Suddenly there was a glow and Denny could see Fredrick standing close by them. "If only I could show you." Suddenly her eyes grew wide and to Denny's shock, her gaze landed on Frederick. Even the shiny Flareon looked shocked. "Jennifer? Can you see me?"
"Fredrick? Is it really you?" There was a moment of silence until Jennifer broke it by getting up and running over to the Shiny Flareon. "Fredrick! I miss you so much!" she tried to hug him but her paws went right through him. "How is this even possible?" She asked. Denny also met Fredrick's gaze. "Denny, how are you doing this?" The question took him off guard. He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, I guess I just really wanted her to see you." Fredrick looked happy. "This is the best thing you've done for me! Thank you." Denny nodded then began padding away thinking he should give them their space but he realized Fredrick was beginning to fade as he quit focusing on him. Jennifer looked shocked as Fredrick vanished. "Denny! Bring him back please!" Denny felt surprised himself he didn't know he had this ability. 'What if I can't? I don't even know how I got Jennifer to see him the first time' He focused his thoughts back on Fredrick again and the shiny Flreaon reappeared. "No way! You can open other Mons's eyes to spirits?" Fredrick asked looking excited. "Let's not make this a gig now," Denny confirmed. "Of course not I'm just happy I get to speak with Jennifer once more."
"Once more?" Denny asked. "Yes, I saw her when she nearly died, thanks for saving her by the way." Denny glared at Jennifer who now looked embarrassed. "Fredrick..... I'm sorry I thought it was just a dream I-"
"It's ok Jennifer I know it's difficult to take in, but everything Denny has told you is true, I really am doing my best to guide you all to Arceus rock."
Jennifer looked dumbfounded for a bit. "So it's true then? Denny really didn't kill you?"
"HEY!" She sheepishly looked at him. "No offence Denny, but I really want to hear it from Fredrick's side." The Vaporeon rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you do, I'm sure everyone would love to hear it from Fredrick's side."
"Denny it's nothing personal it's just-"
He lifted his tail dismissing her. "It's fine Jennifer ask him everything you want to know his story is no different than mine." Jennifer looked shocked. "Wait I don't understand Fredrick, how did you repent Denny?" The shiny Flareon laughed. "Well, It wasn't easy we did start off fighting with each other Denny told me that he was going to kill me then shared his suicide plans to take everyone with him after starting an avalanche." Jennifer looked shocked as the shiny Flareon went on excitedly. "Hehe he almost did have me but then I saw Kyurem standing right behind him as Denny was just getting ready to kill me, I knew if I did nothing Kyurem would have clawed his head off and I could have won, but I couldn't watch my brother die like that." Jennifer nodded. "So you saved him and Kyurem killed you?"
He shook his head. "It wasn't Kyurem that killed me, but if I hadn't taken that damage I might have survived but my wounds were too severe and as much as Denny kept pushing me to leave I just couldn't leave him to face Kyurem alone. It was Kyurem Who actually caused the avalanche and we couldn't get away in time." Fredrick's ears went down. "I'm sorry I couldn't return to you and Anthony Jennifer, I did what I had to." then he looked at Denny and smiled. "But I'm just glad that Denny is alive, Jennifer please don't have any doubt about him. Everything he said is true." Denny grew a smirk on his face. "Told you the story would be the same." Jennifer looked shameful for a bit. "I'm sorry I kept doubting you, from now on I'll never doubt you again I promise." He smiled "Well no need to be too sorry, I mean after everything I put you through there is some understanding behind it."
Jennifer glanced at Denny and then turned back to Fredrick. "So you two are friends now..." She suddenly looked sad as Fredrick slowly faded away. "Goodbye Jennifer, don't forget I'm watching you." Denny felt warmed he knew he had done a good thing just now. 'I gave them a chance to properly say goodbye, I was able to help Fredrick see his mate one last time. He was taken off guard as Jennifer suddenly hugged him crying. Denny's face turned red he didn't want anyone to wake up seeing them in this position. 'Ava might get the wrong idea!'
"Denny I'm so sorry!"
"It's ok Jennifer, please let go of me." She sobbed some more. "I kept accusing you and questioning so much about you, It must have been hard on you losing Fredrick in that avalanche." The Vaporeon slowly pulled away from her. "It's fine let's just carry on as usual."
"I just feel bad I didn't believe you-"
"Shhh Jennifer please I don't want the others to think something is going on with us, can you please." She turned red and pulled away.
"Ok, I'm embarrassing you I guess."
Denny's gaze suddenly went to Ella.
"Jennifer I'm always welcome to spend time with Ella right?" The Shiny Glaceon nodded. "Yup, you are her uncle after all."
"Ah, good because you know things might be difficult for her, you know without her father-"
"Umm no. You can be her uncle but she's gonna grow up knowing that her father isn't with us."
Denny felt taken aback by that. "What? But-"
"No! You're making this weird Denny if you were going to be my mate then I'd say yes, but you are Ava's mate and I don't think she'd like the idea of you fathering my child, you are her uncle you need to understand that this is what's best for everyone including Ella." Denny finally nodded in agreement realizing she was right.
"Look I can see it on your face, you really want to raise a little one don't you?" Denny stared at her feeling surprised he hadn't realized it but it was true. He was upset about missing the chance to watch Anthony grow up. "It's just.."
"I'm having a lot of regrets, I wish I was there for Anthony I missed out on everything, and I didn't get to watch him grow up, don't get me wrong because I still love him and I'm not going to miss out on any more of his life." Jennifer smiled. "And I can see that he's starting to warm up to you, it makes me happy to see that." Denny smiled turning his gaze over towards the shiny Umbreon. "I'm so proud of him, but I'm going to turn him into a brilliant fighter I was thinking of some good techniques I could show him next time we battle." She nodded. "And that's great to hear, have you tried talking to Ava about..." She broke off not finishing her sentence. Denny gave her a puzzled glance. "Talk about what?"
"Well it's obvious you want to raise a little one, have you asked her how she might feel about it?" Denny's face turned red as he looked away.
"We're getting off-topic Jennifer."
"Hey, no need to feel embarrassed. It wouldn't hurt to just ask her." He got up and padded away deciding he'd go wake up Felix and Amethyst first. He used a water gun on the Flareon watching as he suddenly jerked his head up glancing around with confusion. "Wah? Is it raining?"
"No," Denny answers. "But it's time to get up can you wake Amethyst?" He couldn't help but notice the Flareon blush. "Yeah, sure." He turned to see that Jennifer had already gone to wake up Anthony and Ryker leaving him with just Ava. He slowly approaches her wondering if he should say something to her that indicates a kid. He looked at her as she curled up with her leafy tail going over her nose looking peaceful. He felt his heart racing just looking at her. He did want to ask her but wasn't sure how to go about it with her. He lightly stroked her soft creamy fur with his paw. "Rise and shine dear." Ava woke up gapping her mouth open letting out a sleepy yawn. "Awe, you always look cute when you yawn." Ava purred. "You seem cheerful today did you see Fredrick last night?" He nodded. "yeah I did." Ava slowly got up. "So what did he tell you?"
"Oh, he just gave me an update to keep pushing on, he'll tell us our new path once we're through the mountains." Anthony approached them.
"Hey, are we gonna hunt this morning or should we get ready to go?" He asked. Denny glanced around realizing he wasn't sure what kind of prey they would be able to find then remembered that Fredrick told him there was a pound near the top of the mountain. "Hmm Fredrick told me that there's a pound near the top I think we should reach it first and then we'll take a break there to hunt." His son nodded. "Right, well I think we're all ready to go."
"Ok just give me a minute." The shiny Umbreon padded back over to the others telling them about the pound near the top. "Is everything alright Denny?" Ava asked and he nodded. "Yeah, everything is fine are you ready?" She didn't look convinced through. "I can tell that there's something on your mind." He felt slightly embarrassed. "I umm, I want to talk to you about something later." Her brown eyes flashed with worry. "Did I do something wrong? This doesn't have anything to do with Jennifer does it?" Denny shook his head. "Why would you think that?" Her eyes narrowed. "Oh, I don't know maybe it's because I saw you talking with her early this morning!" Denny felt alarmed hearing her say that. "Yeah that's right I saw you but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to cause another unnecessary fight." Denny inhaled a deep sigh. "Ava it's not what you think, I was only passing on a message to her for my brother. Fredrick wanted me to talk to her." She rolled her eyes. "Right, you expect me to believe that after you come to me acting all weird trying to hide your emotions then tell me there's a serious talk coming later." He gritted his teeth he knew where this was going. He grabbed Ava and started leading her away from the others who all now looked concerned. "I need to speak to Ava alone we'll be back in a few minutes." Jennifer looked worried while the others all seemed puzzled. He led Ava around a few big rocks and then stopped once they were out of earshot from the others. "Ok, Denny what is it you need to tell me?" she asked seeming almost too worried to get the answer. Denny grabbed her paw. "Ava, you know I love you very much, I would never leave you. Especially not for Jennifer." She met his gaze. "Ok, so what's this about then?." He looked into her brown eyes? "I, well..." She seems to be getting frustrated. "Would you just spit it out already!" He looked into her eyes. "Ava, I want to have another kid." The Leafeon suddenly turned red. "Oh, I... I don't know if I'm ready." The Vaporeon moved closer to her. "You'll be fine I'll take care of you Ava I promise." She shook her head. "Is it wise? We still have to reach Arceus rock don't forget."
"I'm sure your egg won't come before we find the rock, do you think it will take us 6 moons? And besides the sooner it happens the better, Ella can have a friend to play with if we make it sooner."
Ava seemed to be in thought about it.
"Come on Ava, please?" She paused seemingly unsure. "Give me some time to think about it, OK? I'm not ready to just make the move once I'm pregnant there's no undoing it."
"OK I understand Ava it's completely up to you, and whatever your answer is just know that I love you and I'll stay with you even if you don't want to." She hugged him. "Thank you, now I think it's time we head back to the others."
They both padded back together in silence.

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