Chapter 33 a dangerous mission

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Anthony's P.O.V.


As they we're all walking everyone started to let out tired yawns. The vaporeon finally stoped once they reached an emty clearing raising his tail up signaling for everyone to halt. "I think we should make camp here... it's to dark to carrie on."
Everyone let out sighs of relief. Ava shoved her way out from the center of the group then Denny stoped her. "UGG DENNY! Can i get a little space?" She snaped. "Have patients Ava i'll help you make yourself a bed."
"I can manage my own thank you.." he shook his head and walked over to a tree with a hole underneath. Ava's mouth droped "what?! Im not going in there i wanna sleep out in the open!" The vaporeon growled "Ava don't argue with me your not sleeping out here with us because i don't trust you." The leafeon held his gaze for a bit before leting out an angry hiss and crawing inside. Anthony waited for a few secounds untill a loud scream was heard. "BUGTYPS!!! THERE ARE BUGS IN HERE!" The leafeon came scrambleing back out in a panic. Denny let out a little amused laugh then turnd over towards Felix. "Hey flareon!" Felix was in the middle of making himself a bed, he lifted his head up. "Yea Denny?"
"Come here.. can you clear out all the bugtyps for Ava?" He puffed out his chest. "Of course i can." Denny rolled his eyes. "just.... Be carful we don't want to start a forest fire.."
"Oh you don't have to tell me that Denny im very aware of myself capabilities.." then the flareon crawled inside. After a few minutes he poked his head back out. "I'll make you a bed... in the meantime i think Jennifer could use some assistance." Ava nodded "oh yea right i wanna look at her leg." Anthony watched as the leafeon padded over to Jennifer with his father following her around. (Issues much? Cleary she's not ganna run away..) then a paw tapped his shoulder and he turnd to see Ryker holding a bunch of leafs and moss. He droped them "come on lets get ourselfs ready.." he followed Ryker closer to the edge of camp to make a bed a little further away from the others. Ryker began stacking everything together. "So... i've been thinking a little Anthony..." he watched him then looked away trying not to blush. "What is it Ryker?..." the shiny vaporeon looked at him. "Who do you think is ganna be on watch duty tonight?" Anthony felted his heart sink as he turnd his head over to watch Denny making himself a bed right next to the hollow where Ava would be sleeping. "Well not my dad i can see that... but im not sure if he's a heavy sleeper or not..." Ryker nodded then nudged him. "It could be either Kyle or Felix... but you are a dark typ..." he hinted. Anthony rolled his eyes becsuse he already knew that his dad wouldn't trust him. (But maybe it's worth a shot through.) he thought. Anthony breathed out a deep sigh. "I'll be right back." Ryker nodded and continued with making the bed. Anthony padded over to his father who had settled down in his bed. "Been a long time since i could rest in the water..." he grumbled to himself. Then he lifted his head up as Anthony approached. "Oh? Is something the matter?" He asked and Anthony shook his head. "I.. errr... was wondering if anyone is keeping watch tonight?" The vaporeon nodded and sat up. "Hmm.. Kyle needs a break so it can't always be him... but im not to sure about Felix either." Anthony felted relieved about that, he knew Kyle was upset with the leafeon like the others... (but Felix not so much.. i think he would take our side if anything.) then Denny gave him a suspicious look. "Ok so why are you asking that?"
Alarm shot through him he was startin to become awaer that the vaporeon was good at reading others. (It's almost like he can see my thoughts! Don't look suspicious!)
"Well im a dark typ... wouldn't it make sence if i-"
"Out of the question! You are not keeping watch!"
"Oh come on! Why not?!"
Denny sat up holding his stare. "This is serious Anthony i know your trying to find a way talk to her... i told you i don't want you doing that."
"Why not?!"
"Because i don't trust her yet! And you never listen!" Anthony opend his mouth to argue but Denny had cut him off. "Don't argue with me! Damn it Anthony im geting tired of you acting like a little eevee! Im doing what is best for everyone here you will get to talk to her eventually just give it time!" Jennifer lifted her head up. Her face was red as she was trying hard not to laugh. "Hu?... whats so funny?" Denny asked then she burst out laughing. "Hahaheha!! Im sorry Denny..." Ella slowly lifted her little head up looking confused. Anthony peeled his lips back. "Why is it up to you if i speack with her or not?" The vaporeon stood up. "Anthony... im your father im doing what i need to... she attacked you! and im not ok with that-"
"Yea your not ok with that but i forgive her i-"
"ERRRR!! STOP ARGUEING WITH ME AND GO TO BED!!" Everyone in camp turnd their gaze towards them and now Anthony did feel really embarrest as his dad had shouted at him. "....ok.." he fianlly said in defeat and padded back to Ryker. "So it's a no go then?"
Anthony looked at him. "did it sound like he agreed to let me on watch duty?" Then Felix called out "ok i got a fire going for anyone who is intrested." Ava poked her head out from the hollow she was staying in. Then Denny got in her way "this isn't fiar!" She hissed. "You can sit by the fire with me as your escort.."
The leafeon looked upset as the vaporeon walked her over to the fire. Everyone els joind except Jennifer who stayed in her bed with Ella. "Im tired and i don't wanna wake my doughter up.." she said before laying back down. Anthony sat close to Ryker watching with annoyance as Denny kepted hovering over Ava like a mandibuzz. Ryker looked frustarted "how much time do we have before it's to late to help her?" He whispared and Anthony shruged his shoulders. Denny looked at Felix "so... can i count on you to keep watch tonight?... just in case Ricardo or Sparkle try to get a jump on us.." the flareon looked surprised. "Really?.. you want me to keep watch?"
"Umm.. yea.. Kyle needs a break.." he smiled "so dose this mean you trust me now?"
"Yea sure.." he replied sounding irritated.
Ava looked uncomfortable as she sat up. "Denny.." she said calmly. "I need to go somewere privet were i can urinate... without you hoveing over my shoulder..."
He shook his head. "come on dear i'll escort somewhere where you may do your business."
"No Denny! You are not watching me! Thats gross!"
"Your my mate... and don't worry Ava im not going to disrespect you i'll look away i promise.. i might even do my own business." The leafeon now looked both, embarrassed and disgusted at the same time. "No! I just wanna go alone!"
"You think i don't know these tricks Ava?! Why are you trying to escape?" He looked hurt. "Your trying to leave me? You really are trying to plot against me!"
"Im not! I...." She began crying and the vaporeon huged her. "Ava... stop it your breaking my heart..."
"Denny please!! Will you just help me please i only get a few hours left!" She cried out.
"If you go back to Ricadro thats not going to help you my love!!" He grabbed her tightly. "this is for your own good Ava! Im not letting you go!" Anthony was geting frustrated watching this. (If only i could tell her what we're planning to clam her down.... But she has no idea because i can't talk to her.)
"Come on Ava... i'll take out so you can go, and then it's time for bed."
They both got up and padded out together."
Everyone els was quiet. "Well this is awkward.." Kyle commented. Felix let out a long stretch. "I can't believe Denny is allowing me to keep watch tonight." Kyle grunted "yea that must be an honour eh?"
"It's one step closer to friendship i know i can reach out to him... so this is pretty important to me i can't let Denny down!" He said with determination in his voice. Kyle snorted then let out a laugh. "Let me tell you Felix... back in the day when Denny was in that bad place... no mon in his camp wanted to be on guard duty because if the prisoner was gon the next day they were geting buried alive."
He looked shocked "oh?... wait did i hear that right?" Kyle nodded.
"I....i heard stories from Charlie a jolteon when i was forced to travle with Denny... Charlie told me that he had helped Fredrick escape one night and the next day the houndoom on guard... well it wasn't pretty to watch..." Anthony's mouth droped in shock. "Ummmm?.... What For real?" Jennifer hissed "guys shut up! Im trying to sleep! Arceus you better not wake Ella up." Kyle dipped his head. "Denny was.... well.... Oh never mind actually that was in the past and he probably feels awful about it so... maybe don't tell him that i said that.." the shiny lycanroc was looking at Anthony. He nodded "how come no mon ever told me these stories?... what els has my father don?" He sighed "look... theres a reason Fredrick never wanted to tell you kid... and now i feel bad so just forget it alright?" Felix was flexing his claws. "Well then i will act as if my life depends on it.... Because im really depending on a friendship here."
"Why are you trying so hard to get my dad to like you?" Anthony asked and Felix looked at him. "I don't know... ever since i found out he hates me it's been my main goal... i know we'll be good pals in time." Kyle laughed "well im already a friend of his and i used to be on his... to kill list.." he laughed wageing his tail "but i always knew that there was good in Denny.... But only Fredrick could be the one to get it to come out he wouldn't listen to anyone els..."
Jennifer's ear twiched "yea... Kyle is right even i saw it back then." Anthony frownd. Am i the only one who was blind?.... I just fell head over tail to his lies... then all i could pick out was the evil vengeance in his eyes... or did my anger get the better of me?.... I guss he never held me captive in his camp like he could have.. and.... He didn't try to kill me.... Was giveing me this curse an excuse to keep me alive perhaps?. As Anthony was thinking to deeply about it the bushes shook as the two returnd. Denny was walking back towsrds the hollow with the leafeon leaning on him. Once they approached she crawled in wordlessly. Anthony noticed the leafeon looked a little weak. "What happend? did you attack her?" He asked then Denny turnd towards them. "She tried to make a break for it.... while i wasn't looking.." Kyle frownd "oh so she is still working for Ricardo..." he padded over to Denny. "Im sorry dude.... That must hurt.." the vaporeon said nothing. "I appreciate you trying to comfort me Kyle... but i think i need to sleep it off right now.."
"Denny... don't hide your emotions.. it's not good for your health." The vaporeon said nothing as he curled up in his beding wraping his tail over his nose. Anthony could see the misery on his face as he stared blanky ahead of him for a bit. Anthony began debating rather or not if he should go try talking with him. Then Ryker pawed him on the shoulder "come on Anthony i think we should get some rest as well.." he said then slowly winked at him. Denny suddenly turnd his attention on both of them. Anthony tried not to give anything away as he suddenly grew nervous. (Hold the poker face..) the vaporeon slowly raised an eyebrow at him. "Go to sleep you two!... and arceus don't let me find you trying to slip past me! Your not going to speack with Ava! She can't be trusted." he said bitterly. Anthony nodded. "Of course...." He faked a yawn.
-yawwwwn- "goodnight Denny.." he said then he and Ryker padded off towards their bed. Anthony could feel Denny's gaze on them still as they got comfy together. Anthony turnd his gaze over towards his father. (Stop watching us..)
Anthony rested his head on Ryker. Who gave a soft little purr he warp his tail over Anthony then gave him a kiss on the cheek. Anthony's face turnd a little red as he looked at Ryker. They made eye contacked for a bit. Anthony whispared "pretend to be alseep Ryker...."
"Im sorry Anthony... maybe im geting a little carried away.." he whispeard lying down. "I really like you..." Anthony closed his eyes and Ryker did the same. "Hey Anthony?" The shiny umbreon's ear twiched. "What?"
"I know It's far to soon to be mates... but we are dateing right?"
Anthony warped an arm around him pulling him closer. "Of course we are Ryker... i do love you." The shiny vaporeon let out an excited squeak. "Shhh! Ryker your ganna blow our cover."
"Im sorry... im.. just so happy you said that."
Then Anthony felted alarm as he heard pawsteps approaching he peeked his eye open slightly to see it was Denny. (He's comeing to cheek on us!) Anthony did his best to breath softly wanting to fool his father. Anthony tried not to let his ear twich as Denny slowly inspected them. "Go to sleep you two.." he whispeard letting out a tired yawn. -yawwwn-
"I can't stay up all night waiting on you two."
Anthony wasn't sure what to think.
he paused to let out another yawn.
Anthony felted shocked as he slowly began to feel drowsy. (Wait that actually works?) Then the vaporeon walked away to his own bed. Anthony watched as his father tiredly layed down and closed his eyes. (He's more tired then i am.. good..)
Anthony waited for a few moments wanting to be sure. Then once he was convince that Denny was alseep he poked Ryker in the side with his paw.
"Ryker come on.." to his annoyance the shiny vaporeon was actually sleeping. "Psst Ryker!"
"Wa?." He tiredly lifted his head. "Come on we need to get Ava out so we can figure out whats wrong." Recognition flashed his gaze. "Oh right.. i can't believe i fell alseep while Denny was checking on us.." he giggled then his face turnd serious. "lets move." As they got up Anthony became aware of Felix keeping watch. The flareon was sitting up in a tree where he could keep sight of the whole camp. "I'll have a quick word with Felix you find a way to get Ava out.." Ryker said. "Will you be able to climb?"
"It's difficult being a vaporeon yes... we're made to be good swimmers not climbers.. but i'll manage." Anthony nodded as he slowly made his way towards the tree with the hollow. He froze feeling tence as he had to walk right past his father to get in. Anthony slowly creeped up a few pawsteps trying his best not to make any sounds as he tiptoed lightly in front of Denny. He paused feeling stiff as he gazed at him. (I really hope your tired right now...) the vaporeon was snoring softy then he began to mummer a bit in his sleep.
Anthony sliped inside the hollow and found Ava sitting in there with her back to him. She wasn't sleeping at all she was fully awake. "Psst.. Ava..." he whispeard. Her leafy ear twiched and she turnd around in alarm looking paniced then relaxed once she saw who it was. "Oh Anthony!... you came!" She ran up and huged him tightly and started crying. "Anthony... im so sorry... im sorry i hurt you...."
"Shh it's ok.... Look theres no time... we need to get you out of here.. then we can catch up on the details ok." She looked shocked "r..really?... your really ganna help me?... and after what i did to you?" He nodded. "I won't stand by if there is another mon in danger... dead or alive." Her brown gaze filled with tears "A...Anthony... your such a good mon... t..thank you so much.." she huged him again. And began to shake. "I do love you Anthony.... I never wanted to hurt you..."
"Ok... Ava no time for this.." she wiped her tears away now looking more serious. "Your right.." she whispeard. "How did you get in without Felix noticing?"
"Ryker went to talk with him.. come on now." Anthony poked his head back out then a paw stoped him. "No Anthony... " Anthony relaxed as he realized it was only Ryker. "Felix isn't on our side... he's more worried about that dum friendship with Denny..." Anthony began feeling strssed out, he knew Ryker was standing right in front of Denny. (He could open his eyes any secound and then what?) Anthony didn't want to think how bad that would be. I'd have to fight him... im the only one who stands a chance at beating him... but then Felix and Kyle would back him up... and Ava can't faint or it's game over. "Anthony... i'll distract Felix when i do that you and Ava can get ou-."another voice interrupted.
"Ryker... what are you doing?" Anthony felted his heart sink as Felix had approached. The flareon was speaking loudly. Ava looked alarmed "quick hide!" She hissed grabbing him and shoveing him under her bedding burying him under all the leaves and moss. Anthony felted shocked as she layed ontop of him. Then he heard the voice he didn't want to hear.
"Hey..WHAT THE?! RYKER! Why are you out of bed?!" Denny snaped. "And Wheres Anthony?!"
"Oh.. he ummm... he's out doing his business..." he replied nervously. Then Anthony could hear him enter the hollow. "Ava?"
"Hmm??..." the leafeon lifted her head up. Anthony knew she was faking being really tired right now acting as if she had just woken up from a deep sleep. "Ava.. dear are you alone right now?" She acted confused. "Yea.... Why wouldn't i be?" The vaporeon hesitated for a bit, he sniffed the air a little before backing out again. "Ryker get back to bed! Felix stay right here and guard this spot until i get back i don't want him out alone it's late." Anthony felted dizzy with relief as he heard his father walking away.
Then he heard Ryker again. "Im sorry for this Felix!" Anthony felted shocked as he heard a loud splashing sound. He and Ava both got up and ran out in shock as Ryker had attacked the flareon. "Ryker are you crazy?" He hissed. "We don't have any choice Anthony! we need to leave now! It's our only chance before Denny gets back!" He used another hydro pump knocking the flareon out pretty fast with his water moves. Ryker grabbed the flareon and dragged him inside the hollow. "Now come on!" The three of them made a mad dash across the camp then Kyle lifted his head up in confusion and Ava quickly used leaf blade hitting him. "Ava!" Anthony yelled "we can't knock them all out!"
Ava hissed "Kyle will howl to alert Denny! And we don't want that!" Anthony stared in shock as Ryker and Ava both knocked him out pretty fast. (Poor Kyle... two of his own weakness hiting him.) Ava grabbed him with her vine whip "come on!" He nodded and they all ran out into the forest. Anthony took the lead being a dark typ with night vishion. Once he thought they were far enough they all stoped. Ava and Ryker we're breathing hard trying to catch their breath. Anthony stared back towards camp with uneasiness. "Denny's ganna have all our tails when we get back..."
"We'll worry about that later right now i have bigger problems!" Ava hissed. Now feeling curious Anthony turnd his attention back on her. "So whats going on?.. why did you attack me?.. what is the shadow forest?... why is Slate in danger?"
"Slow down Anthony!" She hissed "i'll tell you..." she looked deeply troubled. "Ricadro has threatened me... i didn't have choice.. i was surrounded like you we're.."
"But Ava! I fought them off i would have saved you!" She hung her head. " sorry... but Anthony.. he showed me Slate.... There is this place in darkrai's cave... a place where when you enter your never seen of or heard from again... a place they never return.."
"And thats the shadow forest?..." he asked. And the leafeon slowly nodded. "Tonight.... If i don't kill you now... then my brother will be forever lost.." Anthony looked at her nervously. (What if she dose attack me again?...) Ryker placed his paw out. "Ava... i fully turst you right now." Anthony felted shocked. (How can Ryker just blindy trust other mons?) Anthony looked at her as she gave him a desperate look. "Anthony?..." he heaved a heavey sigh. "Ok Ava... im going to trust you what is it you want me to do?" He asked and excitement lit her brown eyes. "We need to get Slate out from Darkrai's cave.."
"You want me to go in?." Shock lit her gaze. "Oh no... no please don't i think there is a way you can sumion his sprirt without entering... Ricardo's don it." Anthony sat in thought. "Im not sure..." he said. "Yes Anthony you can do it! You have the curse... your far more powerful then Ricadro, i know you can can do it! You have to!" He shrugged then closed his eyes. (Lets see to activate the curse... it felted pretty similar when i entered the cave...) Anthony let his mind go to his dark thoughts until he could feel all the energy rushing through him, the glow of his rings turnd red. Then he slowly opend them. Rryker was looking a little uneasy. "Anthony?.. your still in control of yourself right?" He slowly nodded alrough he was feeling the evil energy flow within him as the urg to kill was running through his mind. Anthony took a deep breath and sat down then looked at Ava. "Anthony?... can you do it?... can you find him?" He closed his eyes and focused his mind on the leafeon for a bit. Anthony was soon shocked as he imagined the dark place he could see it very clearly in his head it was like he was actually there. But in Reality he was only thinking of the place while sitting in the middle of a forest with Ava and Ryker by his side. (Am i that powerful?.... To go to a place by useing only my mind?)
As Anthony keeped wandering deeper within the cave he soon found himself to be standing there physically. Panic surged him. (Did i teleport myspelf here?!) then he could see lots of evil mons as they all gathered together in a larg group. Cleo smiled at him. "Well, well lookie who it is... Ricadro told us you'd come for the leafeon kid just how naïve can one get?" Anthony let out a deep growl. "Where is he?" The ninetails pointed and Anthony could see him. The leafeon was surrounded by a bunch of angry mons. Anthony ran up to stand beside him. (Dose everyone here follow Ricadro as well?!)
Then Jessie walked out. "Anthony my darling this leafeon dosn't belong with us... he turnd against us."
"Why do you all follow Ricadro?! Your dead what do you care what goes on in the living world?" Cleo growled. "Because it's what we do! Ricadro has high intentions and i wanna see him reach it!" Anthony grabbed Slate. "come on im geting you out of here!" Hope lit the leafeon's brown gaze. Anthony froze for a bit he wasn't quite sure how to get the leafeon out now. He grabbed Slates paw and focused his mind back on the forest where he was. (I can only hope this will work....) suddenly a sick feeling started to take over him like he was just waking up from a dream then he heard another voice that sent shivers down his spine.
"im comeing to! Thanks for inviteing me in."

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