Chapter 22 a Barviary attack

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Anthony's P.O.V.

Anthony waited with his head resting on his front paws he started to get a bit drowsy then he felted a paw tap his shoulder "psst... come on thier all sleeping..." he grumbled " tired..."
Denny got up "come on you promissed me i could count you....."
Anthony let out a sigh (i guss he's right.... is it really up to me to get us through this?)
He slowly got up and followed Denny away from the others Anthony felted a bit nervous
As he glanced up at the sky.
Then he felted Denny's tail on his shoulder "don't worry im watching... im not going to let one take you."
"Isn't this dangerous for us to wander away from the others?"
He questiond Denny looked a bit fusterated "umm yea... but i think this is kinda really important..." then finally they stoped and Denny looked excited and began strenching "aww this is ganna be good i need a good battle ."
Anthony felted nervous "umm battle?..."
He smriked "yes i do believe thats what we agreed on.."
"I thought you wanted... " Anthony stoped as Denny met his gaze and smild "yes... and we'll get to that but frist i wanna see what you can do..."
Denny crouched down geting into a battle position.
"Ok come at me and don't hold back."
Anthony felted awakared he had to admit he never really cared for battleing ever since the war.
"Well don't just stand there i wanna see what you got."
Anthony got into a battle stance and looked at Denny trying to focus on the vaporeon then he charged up a shawdow ball and threw it Denny jumped aside but made no move yet.
Anthony charged at him useing foul play then suddenly the vaporeon's tail glowed and he met Anthony's move with his own move Anthony felted shocked as the iron tail over powered him knocking him down
"Aughhh!" He hissed as he landed on the grass
Denny padded over to him
"Don't hold back... in a fight you never hold back...."
He got up and grunted "i don't need your dum lessions!" Denny rested his tail on his back "Anthony im trying to help because i care...."
He pushed the vaporeon away "i hate this!"
"why?" Anthony felted cought off gured by the question.
"Hu? I just do ok..."
Denny shook his head "something is bothering you... i wanna know whats on your mind i'v seen you fight a lot better before."
Anthony turnd a glare on his father "and why do you enjoy battleing so much?.... do you get a thrill out of it or something?"
Denny raisd a brow "it's ok to enjoy a battle
Anthony....Your scared to fight because your scared your ganna turn out like me."
Anthony felted his mouth drop a bit
(how dose he know?....)
"Well when everyone found out who my real father was it change the way they saw me..... especially Sparkle..... and it's the fact that i left them to go with you....they all saw it as an act of betrayal."
Denny frownd as the shiny umbreon went on "i... i shouldn't have gottion so mad at Fredrick i should have stayed with him and listen-"
Denny stoped him "your reaction to finding out the truth was a veary understandable one.... don't blame yourself... i really got inside your head didn't i?" Anthony avoided meeting his eye "i knew how your reaction was going to be... i saw my moment we're i could easily manipulate you into trusting me... it's what i was good at...."
Anthony let out a sigh "i used to battle pratice with Fredrick all the time.... but as i got older i began to lose my intrest..... we have been doing the same thing everyday.... had to follow the same rules i just wanted.... a normal life...."
He felted tears drip down his cheeks then Denny slowly pulled him into a hug.
"You will get to live a normal life..... i'll see that it happens we're ganna get through this i promiss."
Suddenly Anthony's eyes flew open and he pushed Denny away "...what if we don't make it through this valley?...."
"We will you just need to be confident that we will..... so how about another go?"
Anthony slowly got up and sighed then used night slash but Denny was fast and doged it then the vaporeon used shawdow ball and Anthony got hit againe.
"You need to be faster!"
Anthony growled then used qiuk attacked and got him and used bite.
"Thats better..... but that was kinda weack don't hold back!"
"Why?!! We're not training to go to war now are we!"
Suddenly Denny used surf and pushed him off then without any hesitation he hit him with hydro pump right after Anthony yelled in shock as it washed him away and smacked him into a tree he started coughing up a bit of water then Denny jumped on him with a smrik "well your dead..."
Anthony suddenly got scared and slashed at Denny's shoulder with his claws "OWW!" Blood was drawn from him then he shoved the vaporeon off of him of and used foul play Denny yelled in fusteration as Anthony's tail charged up for an iron tail the vaporeon used acid armor then Anthony hit him Denny snarled and shot hydro pump at him Anthony hissed as it hit him as he slowly got up Denny was charging up a shawdow ball Anthony narrowed his eyes "ERRRRR YOU'LL NEVEE TAKE ME!!!!"
The shiny umbreon charged at him then as Denny threw the shawdow ball Anthony ducked and skidded across the grass not careing that he was geting scrached in the process, then he hit the vaporeon with iron tail Denny went flying backwards and Anthony didn't give him a chance to get up he charged up a shadowball and hit him.
The vaporeon grunted then used aqua ring to heal himself
then he shot an ice beam attacked as Anthony jumped aisde to doged it he was suddenly cought off guared as Denny slamed into him useing double- edge Anthony yelld as he got knocked down.
He slashed his claws at Denny and the vaporeon backed up moveing away just missing his claws as he swiped his paw through emty air.
Anthony felted his heart pounding in his chest he shot a shadowball and the vaporeon did a backflip douging it.
Anthony now felted scared as a wave started forming behind his father and he used surf Anthony couldn't dodge it and got hit.
"Im not going to go easy on you i know you can do better!"
the vaporeon spat as he shot an ice beam and Anthony got hit once again and felt cold.
(Errr.. don't freeze...)
Anthony screamd as he got up and used shawdow ball then as Denny neatly jumped aside Anthony charged at him headbutting him off his paws useing foul play then he used night slash right after Denny looked shocked as Anthony jumped on him slaming his paw down on the vaporeon's neck.
When he met his fathers gaze he felt puzzled his eyes were glowing with pride.
"Well fought Anthony! thats what i want to see i knew you had it in you."
Anthony didn't know what to do.
(Is this an act?) Denny snikered then pushed Anthony off "is it always ganna be this way?.....
I didn't mean that i was going to kill you.... Anthony Recadro has a whole army out to get you when your in a real combat you will be fighting for your life.... thats why i want you to fight the way you just did..... you took me serious right after i said that."
Anthony sighd "yea... so are we don then?"
Denny shook his head looking a bit disappointed "not yet... now about your curse.... we may need it to get through this valley... do you think you can activate it now?"
Anthony shook his head then Denny padded closer to him "ok lets get it activated then."
Anthony felted uncomfortable as the vaporeon went on.
"Hmmmm you know what you need to be focuesing on.... something sinister.."
Anthony growled "it's hard... i would never wanna hurt anyone im not like you!"
Denny smriked at him "well i think it's easy to say you hate Recadro... and Anthony... i hate to remind you but.... you did kill...."
He hesitated as if struggleing to say it.
Anthony tensed up as he remembered he started to tremble a bit he hated remembering Charlie's death and the way Denny had reacted to it.... it made Anthony feel hurt.
Denny seemd to have notice "hey.... it's alright im sorry i shouldn't have mentiond his name."
Anthony felted tears from in his eyes.
"You cared way more about that jolteon then anyone els! You rubed it in my face when Lupin got crushed by an ice rock!"
"Now thats not true... i mean it broke me to lose Charlie... but it hurt way more when... Fred-"
Denny stoped as his vioce shook at the end "errrr.....errrrr"
He had tears in his eyes "Fredrick....."
He hissed "it's not fair! We'v been separated our whole lives! It's not fiar that he had to die i'd give anything to get him back...."
Denny hung his head for a bit then quickly gathered himself back letting out a long sigh "when this is over.... i need to go viset him.... i remember were i buried him."
Anthony felted tears in his eyes "im going to... is he in the ice mountains?"
Denny slowly noded "yea... but for now we need to focus on you frist.. i know you hate Recadro... and he is a bad mon try to focus on... heh well you know.."
Anthony closed his eyes for a bit.
Then as he began to picture it the inteleon dead suddenly he could feel it his power... the curse.
"Oh great! You got it."
Anthony looked up meeting his fathers gaze.
"Ok so i can count on you then?"
He shruged "i..i supose."
Denny flikered his tail "ok so i'll flicker my tail when i want you to use it..... make it seem like an accident or something i don't want the others to know what we're up to... or they may not like it." Anthony gualped as he felted so much energy within him Denny looked at him "are you alright?..."
Then suddenly another vioce called out.
"And what are you two up to?"
They both turnd in shock to see Ruth Anthony's power faded back to normail as he got nervous.
She raisd a brow "what the darkrai was that?.... what did your kid just do?"
Denny frownd "now' now Ruth it's not what it looks like he's... eh cursed.."
"Cursed?" She questiond "yea.... he's consumed with an evil unnatural power... but im going to help him find the cure.... we're going to arceus rock."
She looked worried "dose such a place evan exist? and what do you mean?.... evil power?"
Denny nuged Anthony in the side "show her.."
Anthony frownd as he focused on evil thoughts again and his dark aura formd around him.
"You see what i mean?"
She looked really scared as she slowly backed away " how did he get that?"
Anthony growld as he pointed at his father "he tricked me into getting it!"
He hissed "we're loseing her trust here can't you see that?!"
"No you mean your loseing her trust i did nuthing!"
Ruth looked really scared "so he has power to conquer anyone he wants?... and..... all your freinds are shiny mons..... were are you takeing them?!"
"I told you arceus rock!"
then she hissed "Your lieing!"
Denny raised a brow at her "Ruth give us a breack if i was still trying to kill you i'd do it right here right now."
Panik grew in her eyes "STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!" She screamed and at that Anthony suddenly noticed three braviary's had started flying towards them.
Denny looked mad as his tail began to lash back and forth "clam down Ruth! Or your ganna.."
Anthony nervousily probed his fathers side with his paw "umm..d...Denny?..."
Anthony pointed and Denny froze "oh.... oh no..... Ruth now you did it...." she scaremd in terrior "AWWWEEEEEE!!!!!"
Denny shouted and Anthony yelled "RUN!!"
They all bolted back to the others in panik Ruth continued to scream "AWWWWWWWEE!"
"RUTH STOP THAT!" Denny sounded desprite
This time then the others got up looking shocked Ava shouted "what the darkrai?! Whats going on!"
"Take cover we're under attack!"
Denny shouted and everyone started fighting with the braviarys Jennifer shouted "im useing blizzared watch out!"
Then suddenly it got really cold Then Denny joind her "i can do that to come on lets over power them!" Anthony watch as the vaporeon also used blizzared helping the shiny glaceon Ryker gasped "wow.... thats tough for a vaporeon to learn...."
Anthony shruged "well he did used to want to become a glaceon...." it worked the braviary's seemed to be backing off then Kyle dived in and used rock throw hitting one really hard it cryed then fly off.
"Look thier retreating!" Ryker called but then as they we're flying away suddenly one doubled back and Anthony felted shocked as it swooped down right towards him he froze in shock.
"ANTHONY MOVE!!" Denny screamed Anthony wanted to but couldn't his paws were frozen to to the spot as he stared at it then before he knew it he felted sharp talons dig deep into his back he yelled in terrior.
Anthony watched as Jennifer gave a desprite cry "ANTHONY!!!" She ran up and used ice beam but it missed and before Anthony knew it his paws left the ground then Denny shouted "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!"
He charged at it and used ice beam then it doged him and he jumped trying grabged a hold of it but it was already to high for the vaporeon to reach Anthony suddenly felted terrfied as he realized no one could help him.
He cried. "you promissed i wouldn't die!!!! Help me!!!!" He beged
Then to Anthony's horrior he kepted going up higher and higher watching as they all got smaller he screamed haveing a full blown panic attack suddenly his power exsploaded from him and it hit everything around him the braviary screeched as it drop him.
Anthony yelled as he started falling to his death now the ground came closer and closer suddenly it started raining he could see Denny and Ryker both shooting hydro pump up at him.
(Thier trying to soften my landing!)
The hydro pumps hit him then they both used surf slowing Anthony down on his fall then finally he slamed into the ground he lost his vission at once as pain shot through his entire body he could hear shouting and rushing pawsteps as everyone fell in around him.
He couldn't hear what they we're saying but he could tell they were panicing by their voices then he felted someone grabbed him pulling him into their arms "it's alright i got you.... your going to be alright.... i promisse..."
"" he maniaged to breath out before everything went dark as he used the last of his energy.

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