Chapter 38 The Rescue Mission

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Denny's P.O.V

Denny could only stare at them bankly in shock for a moment processing what he had just heard.
'Of course, it just never gets easier. He didn't want to dare meet his son's gaze right now as guilt began to sink in. He remembered the pleading look Ryker had given him. Denny gritted his teeth. 'Ugh, I should have taken him with me! Of course, Ricardo would have tacken him after failing to get us!  Then Anthony growled out loud. "What! How could you guys let Ricardo take him!"
"Anthony, it wasn't our fault he panicked and ran away. Felix went after him but couldn't take him on single paw." Jennifer defended. Denny just scoffs. "Heh, I don't doubt that." Felix looked offended by that. "Now hold on there Denny! I'd say I put up a pretty good fight!" Denny rolled his eyes. "You don't say? Then how come you couldn't stop him?" He challenges. "It isn't Felix's fault!" Anthony snapped as he faced Denny with hatred glowing in his red gaze. "It's yours! I told you splitting up was a bad idea!"
"Hey, Don't lash out at Denny! It was also my idea!" Jennifer retorted. Denny gazed at her warmly he was a bit surprised to see Jennifer defending him. 'It's always off and on with her. Maybe she'll hate me tomorrow who knows?
He thought. Then another voice suddenly cut in.
"Are you serious? My Ryker would be ok if he weren't stuck with you lot!" Ruth snarled. They all turned around to stare at her in confusion. "What are you doing here?" Felix asked in a low growle. "She tried to kill me!" Anthony replied with a hiss. Ruth's ears pinned back as they all encircled her. "Looks like we have you now!" Ava hissed. "So this is how it is? You're all Denny's new followers?" Ruth asked with sarcasm in her voice then turned a glare on Amethyst. "I can see your back at square one Denny!" The Vaporeon growled. "You're not getting out of this one Ruth! And if it's anyone's fault that Ryker is in trouble, it's yours." Ruth looked taken aback and shouted. "HOW DARE YOU BLAME ME!"
"Well, It is! If you hadn't gotten Sparkle to attack us in the first place we wouldn't be in this mess!"
"You know he's right Ruth!" Ava backed him up. The Liepard hissed "No this wouldn't be happening if your gay son wasn't dating mine! You stole him Denny and now he's in danger!"
Anthony got mad. "Maybe if you weren't such a terrible mother he wouldn't have run away!"
Ruth gave a shocked gasp. "Take it back!" she looked at Denny. "You make him take that back!!" Anthony yelled. "HE CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Denny scoffed. "Haha, Are kidding? I'm not going to expect him to take it back because it's true!" He sided with Anthony. "Then you're also a terrible father!" She hissed back and Denny snapped at her. "EASY THERE!! I'm a better father now!"
"HAH! You let your son speak to you like that?  Bullshit you are!" Then Anthony turned on Denny. "She's right you know! Because of you're anger issues you almost got us both killed back there!" Denny was taken aback he couldn't believe his son was now agreeing with Ruth. "ANTHONY!! That is no way to talk to me! Especially after I just saved you from that crazy bitch!" They all started shouting insults at each other arguing. "Everyone! Please stop fighting!" Amethyst called out. "Arguing and pointing our paws at each other isn't going to help us save our friend. Ryker needs us." Ruth nodded. "She's right we got to go save him." Denny glared at her. "Excuse me? What do you mean we?" He asked. "I thought you hated us? And I'm not so willing to help a Mon who just tried to kill my son!" Anthony's fur was on end as he glared at her. "Yeah, there's no way she can be trusted!"
"WHAT?! Well, how do you think I feel?" She hissed back. Everyone stood beside Denny growling at her. Ruth sunk back looking defeated. "Denny we should just put an end to her don't you think?" Ava asked. Denny noticed the Liepard looked scared. 'As she should be!
He had a moment of thought picturing himself tearing his claws through her throat. 'Does it make me bad that I still have these disturbing thoughts? He gritted his teeth feeling troubled hearing his conscience start to go off inside his head. 'She Deserves it! She just tried to kill your son! Rip her open and let her bleed out. She had this long coming. He frowned as he thought of Ryker watching him with a tearful gaze. 'No! I can't! As bad as she is it will hurt Ryker and I can't be that Mon anymore... He frowned narrowing his eyes. 'I need to protect my group through and she is a threat. He glanced at her trying to read her face. But all he could see was fear as she gazed nervously back at him. He made his decision. Denny shook his head. "Maybe we should keep her alive for now." Ruth's green eye lit with surprise as everyone exclaimed. "WHAT?" He shrugged. "Well, I suppose she is also wanted right?" They all nodded. "Then Perhaps we could use her assistance." He suggested then turned towords her. "That is if you can handle taking orders from me." She glared at him for a moment. "Or if not you can leave. Ricardo will find you anyways then you won't be any of my concern anymore." Panic lit her gaze. "OK fine! I'll do whatever you say." She grumbled sounding annoyed. "I mean it." He pressed. "If you want to see your son get out alive I'm gonna need your full cooperation, can you handle that Ruth? Cause if not then I need you to go away. You're not gonna waste our time." Anthony looked mad. "Seriously? She can't help us! What if she does it again?"
"I agree with Anthony. Denny, Ruth has shown us again and again that she can't be trusted." Ava said. Denny gritted his teeth he knew there wasn't time for this. He turned a hopeful glance at Amethyst and she spoke. "For now everyone can set aside their differences." She said. Then she stood in between Denny and Ruth. "I can tell you two need to talk things out to understand one another better." Ruth hissed turning her head away as if she was too good to even be there. Denny had to hold his tongue. 'No point in arguing with her anyway, she only ever wants to see things her way anyway.
Amethyst tapped him lightly on the shoulder with her tail. "Denny, I know now wouldn't be the best time for it but I'd like a word with you later." He raised an eyebrow feeling surprised. "Uh, ok what about?" She dipped her head polity. "Now don't get mad but I Noticed you lack patience and tend to get angry a little too easily. I think you could use some talking to." Denny's mouth dropped open was that a request for anger management? "I DON'T NEED ANGER MANAGEMENT!" He shouted then felt embarrassed as everyone looked at him. "Well, I think you do.." Ava muttered and Denny got annoyed as Amethyst kept a calm expression on her face. "You sure can be rather hot-headed for a Vaporeon." She remarked then padded off. Denny gritted his teeth feeling annoyed. Then Ava padded over to him and giggled. "Hehe you know I don't think that's a bad idea and Amethyst does seem very wise for an Espeon." Denny rolled his eyes. "Oh, please... I'm not that bad am I?" She held his gaze. "It's ok to be moody once in a while but you can get pretty hostile when you're mad." He noticed Ruth had a smug look on her face. "I think you do need it, Denny." She said. Denny bit his lip holding back a retort. 'Just ignore her... there's no time for it Ryker needs us. Denny inhaled a deep sigh and sat down. "Ok, let's get a plan going then shall we?" He frowned as he thought of Kyle. 'If only Kyle were with us, he's the best at making plans... I wounder what Fredrick's plan would have been if he were here.

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