Chapter 13 darkness within the curse 📍

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Anthony was breathing hard has he tried to take in his surroundings he was standing out in the middle of the forest he felted sick as he noticed he had blood on his paws.
Then he heard a pokemon moan as if in pain.
Then when he saw a vaporeon he felted shaken up (Denny..... did that fight really happen?) but as the vaporeon steped into the moonlight he realized it's pelt was purple not blue.
"Ryker?... what are you doing here?"
The shiny vaporeon grunted as he was limping on one of his paws and Anthony saw that his right front arm had a deep claw mark on it.
He slowly sat down and licked at it.
Feeling worried for his friend Anthony ran over to his aid.
"I ... you were talking to yourself... i kinda got worried about you."
"Ryker... im so sorry i did this.."
The shiny vaporeon looked clam.
"Don't be it's not your fault."
Anthony sat down stareing at his injured leg.
"Hey it's only a cut... come on now i think we sholud head back before were missed."
Anthony noded and slowly got up and helped Ryker walk back to camp.
"... if i can't control who i hurt.... dose this make me dangerous?"
"I know your not dangerous... you just had a bad dream and sleep walked."
Suddenly Ryker paused sniffing the air.
"Anthony we have company."
Anthony froze as he picked up the sent.
"Wait this sent.. i know it." Then a shiny glaceon walked out from the trees she paused when saw them Anthony coluden't believe his eyes.
"Jennifer!" He ran up to her and hugged her.
Ryker slowly followed from behind
"Jennifer... she's your mother right?"
Anthony nodded and the shiny glaceon looked happy "Anthony im so glad i found you.... weres Denny?"
Anthony felted tacken aback by the question as he backed away. "what?.... why would you want to see him?... you told me story's of how he held you captive in his camp once and he tortured you and almost killed you... how could you possibly want to see him?"
She sighd looking a bit upset "please don't remind me of that.... it is still hard... but the last time i saw him... he proved himself to me that i can trust him so im going to trust him and try to forget the past he promissed he would help you... is he helping you?"
Ryker nodded. "he is... he said Fredrick told him were to go so we've been following his lead."
She diped her head "your Anthony's freind... what was it again?"
"Im Ryker.... come on lets get back to camp were the others are." She looked puzzled "umm what others?"
Anthony answered "Kyle is with us... and a leafeon named Ava... she was with the pokemon that we're trying to kill me."
Jennifer didn't look happy "then why is she with you guys?"
"You'll see."
Ryker broke in "she's not bad she was only with Ricardo because she had no chioce he told her he would hunt her down if she ever left."
Then finally they arrived back Denny was sleeping with Ava cuddled up close to him and Kyle was sound alssep alone beside a bush.
Jennifer gave a look of amusement as she looked at Denny sleeping beside Ava. "ok... now i see what your saying... but if we can trust him Surely Ava can't be that bad?"
Anthony growled "well i hate her."
Jennifer nudged him "well i think we should all get some rest before Denny wakes everyone up." They all went and found places to sleep.


Anthony yawnd and woke up as Kyle howled to wake them up then heard Denny's vioce.
"Kyle you idiot! Do you want the whole forest to know were we are?!"
The shiny laycanroc gave a sheepish smile
"heh sorry"
Anthony stretched and got to his paws and suddenly Denny yelled "what the?... what are you doing here?!"
Jennifer yawnd and opend her eyes for a secound fear flashed in her gaze then softend.
"I was worried about Anthony.... i just needed to make sure he was doing ok.."
"Well he is under my care so why shouldn't he be?"
Anthony snorted "thats the very reason why she should be worried."
Denny looked at her with a look Anthony couldn't read.
"Your still scared of me don't think i didn't notice that fearful look in your eyes when you saw me." She stood up and held his gaze "im not.... scared of you."
"Jennifer it's been so long." Kyle ran over to her and the shiny glaceon relaxed "your alive?... i thought Denny killed you in the war?"
Deeny looked embarrassed as Ava walked over to stand beside him.
Jennifer shook her head "umm no i survived... who told you?"
"I heard you scream... when i saw you... you were falling off a high ledge you must of landed in soft snow to survive that fall."
Ava looked at Denny "is that true?"
"Well sort of.... but i deeply regret that.... i regret everything."
Ava gave Jennifer a look "why is she here?... who is this glaceon?"
Anthony glared at the leafeon "umm she is like my mother she raised me so she has every right to be here!"
Ava now looked confused as she looked at Denny. "my brother raised my son with her... it's a long story but she's my sister in law.... nothing els between us."
Anthony felt his claws sild out "it'd be weird to think of anything els"
He hissed and Denny changed the subject "ok we lingered around long enough come on it's time we move weres Ryker?"
The shiny vaporeon was still laying his bed licking the cut on his leg."
"What happend to you?"
The vaporeon asked and Ryker hesitated to answer as his gaze fell on Anthony.
Denny rasied a brow and Anthony sighed "i sorta attacked him last night.." Denny turnd to face him "is there something you need to tell me?"
As Anthony was about to object suddenly he felted his body go numb. (what?... whats happening?)
He heard a vioce "the curse will use you."
Anthony was well awaer he wasn't in controll of himself as he lunged at Denny with outstretched claws the vaporeon gave a yell of shock as he clawed at his cheeck and aimd a blow for his neck.
But the vaporeon blocked him and used hydro pump to knock him away.
"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!!" He yelled in raged then suddenly Anthony froze feeling panic as a vioce came out his mouth but it wasn't his.
"Did you really think you could get away with my murder after leaving me out to the murkrows?."
Everyone stared at Anthony in shock looking scared and Denny looked puzzled as he spoke.
"J...Jessie?" Anthony wanted to say something but felt paralyzed.
(Let me go!!) he willed desperately in his mind.
Suddenly he used shadow ball and hit Denny
"Hehe Denny your a fool if you think your really ganna get away with all the murders you'v don everyone is out to get you."
Kyle, Ava and Jennifer ran over to his aid while Ryker stayed were he was looking scared.
Kyle snarled "Jessie how did you get inside of Anthony?"
Denny got back to his paws now shaking with anger "GET OUT OF MY SON!!!"
He yelled as he ran up his tail glowing as he used Iron tail to hit him and pin him down then Anthony felted horrfied as Denny raised his paw up glareing at him madly.
(he's going to kill me! And i can't do nothing!)
He heard Jennifer scarem "DENNY NOOO!!"
Then Kyle jumped on the vaporen pulling him off "Denny are you mad? You almost just killed your own son!"
Denny got up "thats not him right now Jessie is inside him im just trying to make her leave!"
Anthony got up "haha our son is cursed because of you... im not going anywere untill im avenged Anthony will be the one to kill you
The vaporen tried to move towards him but Ava blocked him "if you kill her, Anthony will die to ... you don't really think you can help him that way do you?" Denny's tail flickered with annoyance as he watched Anthony.
"I would never kill my own son.... i just want her gon!" A look of worry flashed in his purple gaze as he glaced at the shiny umbreon.
Ryker spoke "she is in him because of the curse i think."
Then without warning Anthony used a really big shawdow ball and hit everyone then walked up to Denny.
Denny grunted as he got up and gritted his teeth "Anthony..... i know your still there you have to fight back take control of your own body." Anthony felted panic as he used dark plus and hit him.
(I can't!)
"Haha Denny your sins have finally cought up to you!"
Suddenly he pinnd the vaporeon down and felt his claws digging into Denny's neck the vaporeon growled and raked his claws out at Anthony and suddenly he felted Jessie leave his body and pulled away from Denny quickly Ava ran over to him "Denny?...."
Denny groaned in pain and slowly stood up.
"Im fine.."
Ryker looked worried "Anthony?... are you back?"
The shiny umbreon nodded then felted pain in his shoulder and realized he was bleeding were Denny had struck him he stared at Denny seeing blood drip from his neck "it's not that deep i'll be fine...."
The vaporeon tried to reassure him.
"You tried to kill me... you almost did.."
Denny flinched "i wasn't trying to hurt you... im sorry i just lost my temper i didn't mean-"
"you weren't even thinking of me! All you saw was your ex mate!"
"Well because it was her"
"I was there to! I still felted pain when you attacked me!"
Anthony felted hurt (i was flooish to think there might be a chance he still cares about me...)
Denny frownd looking upset "Anthony.... im sorry i didn't mean to hurt you."
Jennifer walked over to him and shot a glare at Denny "your son should be your frist concern...."
Jennifer got mad "the safety of your son comes frist!"
Ava marched over to her "leave him alone Denny was only doing what he thought he could to help Anthony!"
Jennifer hissed "you stay out of this! Anthony is my kid i raised him!"
Denny frownd "Anthony... i wasen't going to kill you."
"You were looking at me with murder eyes!"
Kyle walked over to Denny "you need to have better self control of your temper you did come close..."
Denny hung his head looking ashamed Ryker yelled "ok arguing about this gets us nowhere!"
Ava and Jennifer were still glareing at each other.
"Jessie wanted this to happen i think... she was trying to get Denny to kill him she wants to see him fall." Ryker said calmly and Kyle nodded. "if i know Jessie trouble is what she's good at."
Denny straightened up "ummm i think what we should be concernd about is what just happend to my son.... a dark sprit just took control of him... and Ryker you were saying he attacked you last night?"
Anthony glared towards him "my new fear is will you kill me if it happens again?" He growled accusingly at Denny.
Ava frownd "im sure it was an accident...."
Jennifer growled "how can you be so fast to back him up? My son almost died."
Denny shot a glare at her. "he's not your son! And im sorry..... it won't happen again i swear i just want to move on, so we can help him."
Jennifer glared back at hime. "and who said it has to be you to help him?"
Denny looked shocked "Jen?.... i thought you trusted me?"
"Well im starting to think maybe i was wrong."
Hurt flashed in the vaporeon's eyes.
there was An awkward silence for a few minutes then Kyle broke it "come on now i know Denny made a mistake.... if we are to move forward we need to put this behind us and i know he wouldn't do it again i saw the realization hit him when he realized what he almost did no mon is perffect he really is trying."
Jernifer held his gaze with a cool expression.
"But why is he in charg pacifically?... Kyle your the smart one why don't you lead?"
Denny growled "because he dosen't have the guidance like i do... Fredrick is the real leader here im just following him."
Anthony growled "liar for all we know you could be just leading us all in some sort of trap."
Jennifer looked scared when he said that.
And Denny cought that "seriously? Dose anyone here trust me?"
Ryker looked at him "i do."
Ava walked over to his side "i do."
Jennifer growled "well i say we should vote on who leads i for one vote for Kyle."
Kyle sighed "but what if i don't want to lead?"
"Fine i want to lead anyone who thinks i should lead come stand by me... anyone who picks Denny stand by him."
Anthony stayed close to Jennifer.
Ryker looked apologetic. "Anthony i understand how you might feel about him... but i Believe Denny so im going to vote for him."
Jennifer looked frustrated as everyone voted for him but Anthony.
Denny smirked. "what can i say im a natural leader... come now we wasted to much time i say we move." As everyone followed his lead Anthony travled in the back with Jennifer and Ryker while Ava was walking right beside Denny.
Anthony could tell Jennifer was uncomfortable
Ryker looked at her "why are you so worried? your the one last night who said you did trust him."
"Yea but that was before what happend today.... i mean when he came to me.... he needded me to hide from the other shiny's and it's not the frist time Denny has betrayed anyone...... he promissed Fredrick he would come back for him in Darle's camp and he betrayed him severely he killed everyone includeing his own family it was only a miracle that Fredrick surrived it."
Anthony felted worried as she said that.
"Ryker.... she is right how can you be so fast to just be so trustful?"
The shiny vaporeon looked annoyed "because..... i can tell when a pokemon is good... im not sure how but i can feel it in him he really is sorry for what he did.... and he wasen't trying to kill you he just wanted to scare Jessie away and i think it did work."
Jennifer glared "yea thats easy for you to say because he hasn't don anything to hurt you but your a shiny.... who knows you might see what he really is capable of."
Ryker glared "well if you really think he's up to something bad then why are you here?"
"Isen't it obvious?... Im here to make sure he dosen't harm Anthony..... not ever again."
Anthony watched as Denny and Kyle were talking in hushed voices then the vaporeon turnd a glance toward them.
(Kyle isen't bad..... this is hard.... how am i ever supposed to know how to trust him?)

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