Chapter 7 No Trust

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Anthony's P.O.V.

Anthony was fast asleep when a paw poked him in the side feeling drowsy with sleep he opened his eyes to see Denny standing over him. "Morning Anthony." He rolled his eyes then covered his face with his front paws feeling tired.
His ear twitched as he heard him talking to Rkyer in a quiet voice. "Hey, since you're his friend can you get him up?." Ryker yawns. *yawn*
"Why so early?" He asked in a groggy voice.
"Well, in case you don't remember Ricardo was after us. I think we should be on the move."
"Ok, fine," Anthony grunted as another paw poked him on the head this time. "Hey, psst... time to get up now." His eyes flew open and he glanced outside to see the sun wasn't even up yet.
He hissed "Too early wake me up when the sun rises." Then just as he was about to drift off back to sleep cold water splashed his face. Shocked from the cold he jumped up startled soaking wet.
"Errrr!" He turned to glare at Ryker who nervously pointed his paw at Denny.
"It wasn't me." Denny sat with a smirk on his face "Oh, good your up." Anthony growled and used a Shadow ball but missed as the Vaporeon ducked then used Water Plus. Anthony felt annoyed as the water hit him. Ryker was snickering trying not to laugh. Anthony growled, "It's not funny!"
Ryker poked him playfully. "It kinda is now come on we should get going." Denny nodded and led the way out but Anthony didn't follow. 'Since when is he in charge?' He sat back down in his bed then Ryker popped his head back inside the den. "Hey, aren't you coming?" The shiny Umbreon shook his head "Why? Because Denny said so? I don't think so." Ryker let out a sigh then went back out and a few seconds later Denny came back in. "Why are you acting like this? It's a bit childish don't you think?"
Anthony stuck his tongue out and made a fart sound. Denny narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, real mature now get up." Anthony hissed "You don't get to tell me what to do!." Denny was hesitant to reply. "Umm, actually-" Anthony yelled. "NO! Don't even try! I want nothing to do with you!" He got to his paws. "Why even bother staying? You know I hate you! And I will never forgive you for what you did! Fredrick is dead and it's all YOUR fault!" Denny flinched looking hurt.
"Well, if that's how you feel then fine. I don't expect you to forgive me but I keep my promises."
He laid his paw out with the mark on it.
"I promised Fredrick I would help you I promised myself. And I'm not leaving until you are helped." Anthony sat back down. "You just don't get it do you?" Denny growled, "What's there not to get?" Anthony let out a yawn. "I'm going back to bed now." Denny marched over to him. "Oh, no your not! You are going to listen to me!" Anthony yelped as the Vaporeon struck him and then used a hydro pump. "Owww!"
He lunged at Denny but he easily moved aside and then pinned Anthony. 'Oh, he's lucky I haven't learned how to use my curse!' Anthony tried pushing the Vaporeon off but Denny was stronger. "Sometime I'll have to teach you some better fighting techniques has Fredrick trained you? He was really fast for a Flareon I thought It'd rud off on you." Anthony growled, "I don't like battle training, especially with you!" Anthony growled, "Get off!" He screeched. Denny slowly got up. "We wasted time. Ryker is waiting let's go." Anthony snorted "Why should I listen to you?!" Denny turns to face him. "Because Anthony like it or not I am your father. Your real father and no son of mine is going to just sit there pouting like a little Eevee!" Anthony peeled his lips back. "How dare you! Take that back!" Then to his shock, the Vaporeon grabbed him by the ear and yanked him out of the den. "Oww oww! Err let go!" He yelped in pain. Then he felt embarrassed in front of Ryker as the shiny Vaporeon was watching. Denny finally let go "Ok, no more dilly-dallying look the sun is rising already let's move." Ryker nodded his agreement.
Anthony was rubbing his ear with his paw grumbling. "My ear hurts." As they started moving Ryker moved to walk beside Anthony.
"So, what was that about?" He asked.
Anthony grumbled "I was tired ok. I didn't realize having him around meant we had to follow his every order." But Ryker just shrugged. "Well, it kinda makes sense to me. He's older and has way more experience I think he knows what he's doing." Anthony frowned "Way to make me feel like shit."
"Oh, sorry why do you hate him so much?"
Anthony growled, "I told you he's the reason I'm cursed. The reason Fredrick isn't here."
"Yeah, but he's trying to help you now.." Anthony grumbled, "I wish he'd leave." Then suddenly to his surprise, the Vaporeon fell back to walk beside them. "So, Anthony what you have been doing since... well you know." Ryker looked at him. "Hey, I know why don't we stop to hunt I'm going to see if I can catch anything in the water."
Anthony knew what Ryker was doing and felt annoyed. 'Fuck this is awkward I don't want to be alone with him!' Denny was looking at him now.
"Oh, um. Since you're both Vaporeons maybe you could teach Ryker some tricks in the water." Denny opened his mouth about to say something when Ryker cut him off. "Oh yeah! That would be great!" Denny now looked very annoyed as Ryker nudged him towards the river. Anthony was fighting back laughter. 'Heh serves him right plus I like to be alone when I hunt.'

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