Chapter 32 a broken trust

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Ava's P.O.V.
When she ran off.

Ava ran deep into the woods feeling the need to be alone for a bit then once she was nearly out of breath she paused breathing hard trying to catch her breath. Feeling her emotions taking over she sat down with her leafy tail warped around her front paws as a few tears driped down her face as she thought of her brother a bit. (I know he was mean and bullied me.... But he did look out for me to keep me safe in the group.) then she pictured it again in her head when Slate had attacked Denny and the vaporeon was qiuck to slash at his throat giveing him the deadly wound that had ended his life. Ava knew that Denny didn't mean for Slate to die, but it still pained her to think that her brother died because of him. She wiped her face a bit with her paw then let out a long sigh. She liked Felix but not more then a friend. (I just wish Denny would see that .. he kills my brother.... Then in return accuses me of hurting his son?.... And now im not aloud to make new friends? Would it kill him to just get along with the flareon for my sake?) as she was siting alone her ear twiched as a twig cracked as someone had approached her feeling alarmed she got up and turnd around to see non other then the shiny intleon. "Ricardo?!" Panic gripped her right away. (What was i thinking! I shouldn't have ran off alone maybe i should have let Denny come... i suppose we need to talk out our issues in order for our reationship grow.)
Ricardo held her paniced gaze with a cold one.
"Now dear did you really think that you could just run away from me?.. with him? And after he killed your brother?... come on Ava even i know your not ok with that." She was breathing hard then let out an angry hiss. "NO!! I never wanted to be part of your group im free now and thats the way it's ganna stay!"
"Hehah you really think your free do you?" Ava felted uneasy as she gazed at the evil mon who had ruined her life and killed her family. He took everything away from her. She gritted her teeth as he smild. "I don't think you get how this works... why don't you ask Denny im sure he'd understand because he never allowed his followers to leave either... but we have one differance Denny lied to them so that they would stay loyal to him. I on the other hand don't care that they know my intentions are bad my followers will do what i say or pay a high price like you will Ava they can't keep you safe."
"Denny wasn't like that! He's a good mon who just miss understood is all!"
He laughed "hahah have you not heard it from Ruth?.... She discovered the truth about him then he tried to punish her by death and all because she wanted to leave." Ava paused for a bit remebering the way she had described it. "But this is Ruth we're talking here how do i know she wasn't lying?" He chuckled "im sure Denny would have noticed.. and if you ask Ruth more stories im sure she'd have a lot more to say about him."
"Ok enough talk of that! That was then this is now!"
"Denny won't be able to save you dear trust me.." Ava snarled "im safer with him then i am with you."
"Safer with Denny?.. really everyone close to that vaporeon died even when he wasn't trying.... Denny may be a strong leader... but he's not the hero Fredrick was... or so he tried to be anyway." Ava stood her ground "Fredrick was a hero and died one! He saved many mons and be sacrificed himself to save Denny! Thats gatta mean something!"
"GERRRR ENOUGH TALK OF THAT DEAD FLAREON!" He snaped "this isn't about him! It's about you Ava." Ava held his stare trying not to flinch she knew he was strong. (But as a grass typ i have my advantages maybe i can beat him!) "i know what your thinking dear... but no worries i don't plan to punish you just yet... im ganna give you one last chance but only because i liked your brother when he was alive." Ava frownd "im not comeing back."
"I don't want you to come back because that won't do me any good im after the shiny umbreon and you have a connection."
"No! He's like a son to me.... I'll protect him at all coast."
"Ava... that kid is ganna be the death of all of you before you even reach that rock i saw it at my last viset.... Actually they both saw it to i wasn't the only one who went that time."
Ava blinked in confusion remembering Denny telling her that Anothony went to Darkrai's cave and he went after his son to stop him.
"We're ganna give him all the help he needs.."
"Look Ava im just ganna break it down for you... if you stay with them your going to die Anthony is ganna slowly become evil because thats what the curse dose... but if somehow you guys do get to the rock and he gets cured.... How are you guys ganna defeat me?... you think i'll be gentle knowing my curse is gon?"
The realization sank in. Ava had not thought of that at all. (Theres not enough of us to take on a whole army.) "so i'll make you a deal Ava... you find a way to get rid of him.... Or the others including yourself will all die... and i'll make sure you see the light fade from Denny's eye after i make him suffer! So whats it ganna be?" She paused for a bit swallowing hard. "I.. i can't betray them like that.."
"Well then your ganna die with them... look Ava they can't be saved... especially Anthony! That boy is doomed the sooner he dies the better he's becomeing a threat that grows and grows each day... ask them if you don't believe me because they saw it to."
Ava thought for a bit not knowing what to do.
"If you follow through and help me get rid of him, then i'll let you go... you and Denny can go and start your own family i don't care as long as the curse is mine."
"If you have that power your going to come after us! Don't lie."
"You have my word i'll let you two live in peace if you follow through... but if you don't... then i guarantee you things will not look good for you Ava."
She felted almost to scared to refuse as she shook her head. "I'll take my chances then.. im not ganna hurt him i can't!"
"Do i really have to show you?" Now the leafeon was confused "show me what?" The shiny intleon placed a paw on her forehead then muttered to himself a bit. Ava felted confused to what he was even doing. "Im going to open your eyes to make you see for a bit girl but he's here standing with me..." then suddenly Ava knew what he was talking about as a lefeon appeared right behind him. "SLATE!" She cried out as he was standing there looking a bit frightened. "Ava! Im glad your ok!" He ran towards her. Ricadro yelled "make it fast! It's not easy for me to do this i can't hold it for long!"
Slate began crying. "Sister!! Im so sorry i was a horrible brother to you! I wish i could take it all back!" Ava began crying. "I forgive you Slate!" The leafeon had a nasty wound on his neck she noticed. "Ava.... Please don't listen to Ricardo he's-"suddenly he fadded away right in front of her before he could finish his sentance. Then she screamed. "NOOO!! Slate come back please!" Ricardo grew a nasty grin on his face. "ohhh how touching... it seems we have a traitor on our paws." She stared at him in disbelief. "I.. i don't understand did you summon him here?.... Let him go!" He laughed "hehe oh i intend to.. that is only if your going to play your part... let me tell you something... has Denny told you about the shadow forest?" Ava stared at him dumfounded for a bit. "No... whats that?"
"It's a place." He said then grind "a specail place in Darkrai's cave where they say Giratina lives... i was pretty fascinated by it.. it's just so horrific." Ava's heart droped she knew the games this mon played. "So what are you trying to tell me?"
"Well lets just say any mon who goes in never comes back out... their gon.. noone knows what happens to them when they enter but my guss is that Giratina takes them." Ava's ears droped and she began to shake. "Your... your kidding..."
"No i most certainly am not... even ask Denny he saw it for himself... being the cowered he was he fled from it." Ava stared at him knowing his threat now. "Oh Slate!! No... no you can't do that to him please!"
"Ah there we go some Corporation in progress.. i really don't wanna have to do this to Slate but i was more upset that he turnd on me... maybe betrayal just runs in your family."
She snorted "we didn't get to live with our family! You showed up and runid everything! We we're just kids!"
"Yes... i like my recruits to start young Ava then they are raised within in the group and become loyal like your brother once was."
Ava gritted her teeth together in hate Slate had been broken within the first few weeks of joining the group because of the way they had been bullied. (But he was always looking out for me... he may have turnd bad... and bullied me after some time but now he wishes to take it all back it's not fair!) "now Ava the deal?" She was frozen for a bit not sure what to do. "I want you to attack Anthony kill him.... But if you refuse then your brother will no longer exist not even in the afterlife.... Or if he dose then it's a fate far worse then death." Ava started to shake again. "I'll... i'll come back to you... please don't do it..."
"Not good enough... i don't want you back just yet you have their full trust.. i want you to be the one to attack when Anthony comes... do it or els." Ava began crying. "I can't! I love that kid Denny will never forgive me if i do it!"
Then he grabbed her up by up the neck. Ava began panicing as she couldn't breath as her hind legs left the grass. "I don't care Ava! You do this now or not even Arceus will help you! Do you understand?!" Then he threw her down. "Look!" She tried to get up but he slamed her face back down in the grass she started to get a vishion. (How is he doing this?) then she saw it the evil umbreon it was Anthony alright... but somehow looked completely differant as the shiny umbreon grew a crooked smile and his eyes we're blazeing with murder in them.
"Do you want this to happen?!" She shook her. "Good now get up!" She slowly got up and he towered over her. "You are not free unless i say you are... you work for me and you will obay my orders!" Ava stared at him blankly feeling scared. "Now im ganna say this one more time... Anthony will be here in a few minutes your going to attack, you only get one day to make sure he dies Ava or you can say goodbye to Slate forever." Ruth and a bunch of others came out from hiding. Ruth smiled "Ava girl! Glad to see you again are you ready to finally dump him?"
Ava began crying again. "Now Ava you get one shot at this... kill the boy or your brother and everyone you care about will die." Then he finally turnd and left. "Do not disapoint me.."Ava got upset and ran over to sit by a puddle. She closed her eyes and hung her head crying. (What have i gotten myself into??! Oh Denny im so sorry! I shouldn't have gotten mad at you! I shoudn't have come out here alone!) as she began sobbing it didn't take long when she heard the all too familiar voice. "Ava?" She looked up right away in shock. (Already?!... what do i do?!)  she quickly wiped her tears away not wanting him to see her crying.
"Anthony?... what are you doing here?" She asked woundering how Ricardo know he would show up. The shiny umbreon approached her. "The real question is what are you doing?" She suddenly flattednd her ears against her head turning away. (I... i can't do this...) "Anthony.... You need to go... leave me."
"Leave you? I don't understand..." then she caught a glimps of Ruth glareing at her. (If i don't do this im in trouble Ruth will surely kill me...)
She took in a deep breath as she was well awaer the others we're waiting on her to strike. She closed her eyes. (Im sorry! I'll try to make it quick!) then she quickly lunged at the shiny umbreon feeling her heart break at his shocked expression as she pinnd him down.

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