Chapter 16 the struggle with the curse

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Ryker's P.O.V

Ryker and Kyle watched as Anthony took off after Recardo.
Ryker didn't like the idea at all "Kyle we have to go after him!" But the shiny lycanrock shook his head "no Ryker Denny and Jennifer need us he should be fine now that he's got his power under control."
Ryker hissed "thats not a good thing... it's an unnatural power and im sure it's evil he shoulden't be useing it!"
Kyle frownd "i know but we're kinda desperate im sure it won't do much harm to use it this one time."
"But it might be doing Anthony some harm! Im worried about him."
Suddenly there was a loud fire exspolsion and the trees around were it came from became alit with flames Ryker froze with shock.
"Oh no a fire!"
Without another word they both ran towards it as they got near the flames were beginning to spread fast.
then he heard a scream for help and reconzied Jennifer's vioce at once.
Kyle nuged him "come on they need us now!"
Ryker followed him deeper into trees then came to a clearing surrounded by fire typs.
And the tree were all alit with flames spreading fast.
Denny was standing over Jennifer looking despreat to keep her safe as more fire typs kepted attacking him.
"Denny im here!" Ryker yelled before useing hydro pump on an incineroar and jumping into the fight.
Kyle jumped at the nearest houndoom and used rock smash.
Denny looked relieved to see them
"thank arceus your here!"
Denny suddenly got up and hit the nearest opponent with hydro pump Ryker watched with excitement forgeting that he was in the middle of the fight.
Denny slamed into the incineroar clawing at it's arm drawing blood then he ducked as it used fire punch and missed him then Denny shot it right in the face with hydro pump.
"Wow! Great move!" Ryker called then when Denny turnd to face towards him he yelled "Ryker watch out!"
Ryker had been unawaer of a rapidash chargeing at him from behind Denny used surf really qiuk hitting everyone around them Kyle yelled as he glared at Denny "im weack to water to you know!"
"Sorry Kyle..."
Suddenly Ryker fleted claws rake down his back and he yelled in shock as the incineroar had driven it's claws into his back then once it tore all the way down drawing a lot of blood it kicked him really hard
Ryker fell on his side feeling great pain.
As the incineroar towered over him Ryker got scared then suddenly it was hit by a huge rock as Kyle used rock throw.
Then the shiny lycanrock charged at it and pinnd it down finishing it off with a bite to it's throat once it went still he stood up panting blood driping from his muzzle
Ryker jumped up "wow you saved me!"
Denny yelled Ryker turnd to look at him feeling puzzled as the remaining fire typs fled.
(We won!... but why dose he seem angry?)
"Do you not know how to fight? All you did was stand around watching me and Kyle-"
Suddenly Jennifer cut him off
"This is no time to argue we're in the middle of a fire!"
A look of realization lit Denny's gaze "right were's Anthony?"
Ryker answered "he went after Ricardo!"
Denny looked worried with that answer."
"What about Ava were is she?"
Suddenly Ryker felted guilty when he turnd his gaze towards the fire as it was spreading futher into the forest Denny's eyes grew wide with panik "SHE'S STILL WITH RICARDO?!"

Denny's P.O.V.

Denny felted his heart pounding in his chest knowing that it woulden't be enough for him and Ryker to put out the flames.
(She needs me! She's a leaf typ!)
"Ryker... Kyle you need to get Jennifer to safty."
But the shiny vaporeon shook his head "no way! Im going after Anthony!"
Before anyone could argue he had already bolted off and Kyle yelled "Ryker!"
He looked at Denny "...ok you go after Ava i'll stay with Jen."
Denny noded his thanks before Speedin off back towards were Recardo had his camp heading towards were the fire was spreading suddenly when he was deeper in the smoke it was starting to hurt his lungs but he ignored it pushing on.
"Ava!" He called then he picked up the sent of Recadro's army and followed it he keepted going chaseing after them as he saw them all runing from the flames trying to escape.
Denny felted sick as the forest fire seemd to go on only geting worse.
(W..what if she's dead.... and what about Anthony?.....)
Then as he kepted runing he finaly he heard a familor scarem "let me go!"
Denny ran harder then Slate came into view (ERRR! not this guy!)
Denny broke into the clearing surrounded by flames and Slate was standing over Ava they both hadn't seemd to notice he was standing there only a few pawsteps away.
"hurry up sis or we're going to die! The army is heading this way!"
She was crying "i don't want to go with the army!"
"Then why did you ask if you could rejoin us?!"
Denny felted shocked "what? Ava you rejoind?!"
Suddenly they both turnd to face Denny and Ava got up looking scared "i.... i did what i had to... Denny he was ganna burn me alive after watching you die.... i got scared.."
Denny coulden't help but to feel a little hurt.
"Ava.... rember what i promissed you when you join me?... i told you i would keep you safe."
Slate snarled "haha right! You and what army?!"
Denny peeled his lips back "i don't need an army not when my son is to powerful to catch! In case you hadn't notice we all escaped because of him!"
Ava looked a bit concernd then suddenly Slate charged at Denny and used leaf blade Denny yelled in shock as it was supper effective on him.
Suddenly he felted claws sink into his chest as he pinnd him down "say good bye Denny because im going to kill you!"
Ava yelled "PLEASE NO!"
Denny kicked him off and used ice beam but this time Slate duoged it and smild "can you tell i'v been practising?"
He used leaf storm and Denny grunted in paine.
(Err i won't let him win!)
Suddenly a huged fire branch cracked and fell knocking Slate down.
Ava yelled.
Denny stared in shock as the leafeon was struggling to push it off and the flames were burning away at his leafy fur Denny was frozen to the spot unable to take his eyes off the burning leafeon remembering.
(My... mother... is he going to burn the way she did?) Slate gave a horrified yell and Ava ran over to him "DENNY HELP HIM PLEASE!"
Denny suddenly broke out of his thoughts and used hydro pump trying to stop it
(i gatta save him! I don't wanna see this happen againe i can't!)
Denny never told anyone but another reasion he haden't chosen to be a glaceon was because how Darle had traumatized him as a kid it made him scared of fire.
Finally Denny was able to put the branch out then Ava helped him to push the huged log off of him.
Slate got up at last breathing hard, still looking shooken up.
Ava started coughing "d..Denny we need to get out of this fire!"
Denny noded and nuged Slate "come on this way we need to move!"
To his surprise Slate didn't argue and they both followed him they all ran looking for a way out.
(I gatta get back to Jennifer and Kyle..)
But it seemed hopelss as Denny himself starting to feel exhausted from the smoke that was starting to get to him then suddenly as if Arceus had sent help a big groop of water typs came running into the fire and started useing water moves to put it out but Denny realized (thier part of Recadro's army!)
He nuged Ava "come on we need to run before they decide to attack us."
She noded but Slate growled "no Ava don't leave with him! Don't you get it? Recadro gave you secound chance!"
She shook her head "i never wanted to be part of his army."
Denny growled at Slate "it's her chioce not yours!" He looked mad but then he said nuthing as the three of them fled the clearing then once they were clear of the fire they stoped to breath
Denny looked up at Slate "so Slate are you joining us or are you going back to Recadro?"
The leafeon snarled "Ava is comeing with me!"
Denny moved to stand in frount if her "no she isen't! Like i said it's up to her!"
Ava looked away from Slate "im not going back Slate...i can't."
He growled "why can't you! Can you at least say why!"
She lifted her head up "for one thing im not a bad pokenon and Recadro is evil and for two..... i don't get how could you be so willing to fight for him when he's the one who killed our parents and froced us to join him."
He frownd "mom and dad were weack... thats why they had to die."
Denny couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"How can you say that?!"
He started laughing " hahaha am i any differant from you Denny?.... didn't you kill your whole family?"
Denny flexed his claws in the grass "don't compare yourself with me! im not like that anymore i regret what i'v don"
Slate pinnd his ears back "ya ya enough about you, Ava last chance your to come home now!"
She shook her head "no.."
Slate hissed "you rotten little traitor! How dare you leave whats left of your family for him?! He's also a bad pokemon whos don Worser things then Recadro!"
"Recardo will be a monster if he gets that curse! And i want no part in it!"
Slate snarled "I'LL TEACH YOU WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU BETRAY ME!" As he jumped to attack Ava Denny got in frount of her "Slate leave us alone!"
"Or what? you think im scared of you?! Grass beats water! Just like water beats fire!"
He hit Denny with leafe blade then tryed to claw at his pelt but Denny moved away in time "your trying to kill your own sister?!"
"No i just have to kill you! Then she'll come home."
Denny used ice beam but he douged it then used magical leaf and Denny got hit then Slate had lunged at Denny pinning him down raiseing his paw up with extended claws ready to kill him.
"thanks for saveing me back there! This just go's to show how stupid you really are!" Without evan thinking Denny quickly aimd a blow for his throat feeling his claws tear open the skin around his neck then suddenly Slate stiffend up and a look of panik flashed in his brown gaze as he made a horrible chokeing sound slowly he backed off of Denny.
Ava screamd "SLATE!"
Denny slowly sat up and watchd as Slate had kneeled down on the grass covering his neck with his two frount paws that were now turning dark red with blood.
(Oh no... he's dieing....i messed up!)
Denny slowly walked over to see the leafeon trying to breath but Denny knew it was to late already.
Ava was on the ground beside him "It's ok... you can pull through.... your strong."
Denny slowly rested his tail on her. " so sorry.. i.. was only trying to defend myself i never ment for this to happen."
Slate's eye darted over to Denny filled with hate and Ava presed her paw over his neck wound "no.. Denny don't say that theres still hope left!"
Then Slate tryed to speack.
"I... t..t..this."
"Slate what are you doing!" Suddenly he shook her away and slowly stood back up and coughed up a mouthfull of blood "t..this isen't o... over.. Recardo... will get you."
suddenly he broke down coughing and weezing before collapseing back to the ground his body gave a few last quik gerks before finally going still.
Ava started crying and to Denny's surprise she huged him burrying her face in his chest fur crying.
Denny huged her back and gave her a small lick around her ears "Ava.... im so sorry i took your brother...." he pulled away from her feeling concernd
(will she ever look at me the same way after what i did?)
She sobed "it's ok.... if you haden't... he wolud have killed you...." she sat down beside her dead brother and Denny sat with her
"come on... i'll help you burry him... and then we need to go find the others i know it's hard we'll sit vigil for him later."
She slowly noded and they both began diging a hole together.

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