Chapter 37 An Unexpected Attack 

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Ryker's P.O.V

Ryker watched helplessly with the others while Denny and Anthony both got taken away right after they fainted. Ava began crying. "Sparkle, please don't do this! They're both innocent!" He growled. "No! They're not! Anthony killed Kyle!" Ryker couldn't hold his tongue any longer. "NO HE DID NOT!" He yelled. "I know Anthony and he would never do such a thing! We were all there! We saw how Kyle died!" Sparkle shook his head. "He's lying to you, that's what Denny is good at! He always finds a way to stretch the truth." Sparkle sighed. "Look I know this looks bad but I had to do something! Denny is dangerous and if I don't act quickly he's gonna find a way to kill us all!" Felix pinned his ears back and growled. "Boy, you're not so tough for a Mightyena now are yeah? if you're scared of him that much you should be called a Wimpyena instead!" The Flareon mocked. Sparkle now looked mad as he peeled his lips back reviewing his sharp fangs. Amethyst padded up to him seeming to be the calmest of the group.
'How can she be so calm? Doesn't she realize this could result in war? We can't just sit back and let Sparkle kill them! Ryker thought. "Sparkle if I may, I believe that they are innocent until proven guilty we were all there and we saw how Kyle died." Amethyst, said. He paused seeming confused for a moment. "But I do have proof! Someone claimed to have seen it happen."
"WHAT!" they all examined in surprise. Felix grunted. "Mind if I ask who?" Sparkle paused for a moment. "I sorta can't recall her name but she is a liepard." Ryker felt himself stiffen. He knew very well that there was only one Mon this Liepard could possibly be. Amethyst and Felix still both looked baffled as they never met her yet. The others all yelled. "RUTH!" Ava looked mad. "Where is she?" The Leafeon asked.
"She's Receiving medical treatment right now, as Denny attacked her! He tried to kill her because she was a witness!" They all stared at him in shock. "No, that can't be right.. when was the attack?" Amethyst asked. "I believe this happened earlier today around morning."
"She's lying!" Jennifer hissed. "She's lying to you Sparkle! She hates Denny and she'll say anything to get him killed!" Felix had a puzzled look on his face. "I'm sorry but who is this Ruth? And why exactly does she have it out for Denny?"
"Yes, I'd like to know the same thing," Amethyst added. Ryker let out a deep sigh. "Ruth is my foster Mother, and she used to follow Denny, I guess in the end Denny tried to have her killed and then she just never forgave him after that."
Sparkle looked at Ryker. "She's your mother? Wait a minute, is she that same Liepard who tried to join me back in the valley?" Ryker nodded his head. Sparkle seemed lost in thought. "Hmm, I kicked her out the first time because she used to be one of his followers but now. I've come across more of Danny's ex-followers and I understand now that they've all been lied to." He gestured for them to follow. "She's this way." Sparkle led them to the medical room. A Glaceon was tending to an open wound she had on her chest, it looked deep. Ryker got a bad feeling as they were about to enter. The Glaceon padded out and gave them all curious glances. "Sparkle who are these guys?" He asked. "They are here to see Ruth." The Glaceon shot them with a bitter look. "Freinds of Denny's?" Ava answered with a hiss. "Yes! In fact, I'm his mate! There's not a problem with that is there?" He just rolled his eyes. "That's only because you're not a shiny!" He paused. "Well... at least I hope you're not or he'll kill you too!" Ava growled. "I've got nothing to hide from him!" He slowly padded up to her. "Hey, take it easy I'm only thinking about your safety. Perhaps you should reconsider finding a different mate?" Ava's mouth dropped open. "No thanks, I got all the Happiness I need." He leaned closer to her making the leafeon look uncomfortable. "Are you sure? Because I could-"
"She said no thanks! Are you def?" Jennifer interrupted with a hiss. The Glaceon looked surprised when he saw Jennifer then without another word padded away. Felix grunted. "I'm gonna keep my eye on that one if Denny had Witnessed this he'd-" Sparkle suddenly interrupted. "So are we ready to go in?" Felix looked annoyed that the Shiny Mightyena had cut him off. "I guess... ever heard of manners? Or do Mightyena's lack that too?" Sparkle shot him with a glare and then Ryker nudged the Flareon in the side. "Um, Felix might be better for all of us to not pick a fight with him." Sparkle now looked impatient. "Well, are you all ready to come in or what?" without further ado, they all followed him inside the cave. Ruth was lying in a moss bed near the back of the cave licking her front paw then froze when she saw them walk in. Panic flashed in her green gaze. "Sparkle, What are they doing here?" she asked. He smiled. "They are going to be staying with the group until we reach the end of these mountains. It's too dangerous to leave them alone out here." She didn't look happy with that news as her fur began to bristle at the sight of them. But once her eye landed on Ryker, she smiled. "Ryker, Your here!" The shiny Vaporeon frowned at her. "Where did you get that nasty cut?" She answered him. "Denny attacked me! You all know he's trying to kill me." Ava hissed. "Your lying! That wound looks very fresh and Denny was with me all morning!" Amethyst moved closer to her. Ruth just glared at the Espeon. "Who are you?" Amethyst dipped her head politely at the Liepard. "Allow me to introduce myself I am Amethyst, Now do you mind telling us exactly what happened?" Ruth just glared at her. "Like I said Denny tried to kill me! That's why I'm here!" They all stared at her wound in confusion. Ryker knew that it wasn't Denny because it couldn't have been. He had been with them all day and Ryker was sure the Vaporeon would have mentioned Ruth if he had seen her. 'But how did she get that cut? She wouldn't go as far as to hurt herself, would she? As Ryker was lost in thought Jennifer hissed. "So you accidentally hurt yourself on a sharp rock then blame it on Denny? Surely those can't be claw marks!" Ava frowned. "But those are claw marks." Sparkle patted Ava on the shoulder. "Look at I know this may be hard for you guys to take in right now but-" Jennifer hissed cutting him off. "No Sparkle! you are wrong! I know deep down now that Denny is innocent! He doesn't deserve this punishment! He's already suffered enough! And what about Anthony? Have you forgotten who raised him? I'm not going to let you hurt my son!" Sparkle frowned. "Jennifer he betrayed us a long time ago have you forgotten that?"
"IT WASN'T HIS FULAT!" She shouted. Amethyst lightly laid her tail on the shiny Glaceon's shoulder. "Just relax Jennifer, I'm sure things will work out for us." Ruth looked annoyed as the Espeon spoke. "Sparkle do you have any proof that it was Denny who attacked Ruth?" Amethyst asked. The shiny Mightyena also looked annoyed. "Those claw marks should be proof enough." she shook her head. "Well, there are five of us who saw what actually happened when Kyle died, so we know already that Ruth is lying, I say we do further investigation before anyone gets hurt." Sparkle paused for a moment then showed his teeth. "But I know already that Denny is evil!"
"Oh? How so?" the Espeon questions him. He paused for a moment. "Well, he... Aug."
"I say we give the Vaporeon a fair chance don't you?" She pressed. Felix nodded his agreement. "Yes, you wouldn't want to risk killing an innocent Pokemon would you?" Sparkle growled. "Denny killed thousands of innocent Pokemon! Let's not forget!" Ryker hissed. "He is repenting! Give him a chance Sparkle! Please we don't want you to kill him!" Ruth snarled. "That's a load of bullshit Sparkle you're not actually going to believe them are you?" He frowned. Ryker spoke up. "I believe in second chances, don't you?"
"RYKER!" Ruth suddenly hissed looking as if she wanted to hit him. Sparkle looked surprised seeing her hospitality towards him. "Hmm, you know I suppose Ryker and Amethyst both share a fair point. Ruth don't mind but we're going to investigate further before I make a decision."
"Yes, I mind!" She hissed. "I refuse to be touched by anyone!" The shiny Mightyena padded out. "I'll go find Jack he's good with that kinda stuff." once he was gone Ava turned to Ruth.
"Ok, Ruth what really happened?" She smiled. "Ava darling! I wouldn't lie to you." Felix granted.
"Yeah sure you wouldn't, Liepared does have the word Lie in it!" He hissed. Amethyst looked closely at her claw marks. "I can tell by looking at those that they are not the size of Vaporeon claws, they look too long, I know Liepards have pretty sharp claws through." Ryker unsheathed his claws and held one up to her wound. Ruth pulled back looking hurt. "You're supposed to be on my side! Not theirs!" Ryker felt hurt seeing the pain reflected in her green eye. "You did this to yourself. How could you do something so reckless?" He asked feeling broken seeing her at this level. They all gasped in shock. Ava glared at her. "You really went that low just to hurt my Denny?" Ruth turned away from them. "I think you're forgetting who ripped my eye out!" She hissed. "He didn't mean for that to happen! Maybe if you hadn't tried to kill me you'd still have two eyes right now instead of one!" The Leafeon hissed. Ruth let out a grunt. "I should finish what Roary didn't and take out his left eye." Jennifer held her gaze. "How do you know Roary?" Ruth sat down. "I knew him from a long time back, he has always been a rogue but a friend to our pack." Jennifer held her gaze. "Right, well You know you're not going to get away with this right?" The Liepard just scoffed. "Haha, I'm not sure if you noticed as I have but a lot of these Mons, The ones that aren't Shiny used to follow him, just like I did. I found my true place here, like me, they all want vengeance on Denny!" Jennifer just glared at her. "Ruth you're going to regret doing that." Ruth eyed them cooly. "Oh, no Jennifer it's you guys who will be sorry if you don't leave soon." She threatened but they ignored her as they padded outside. "So what now?" Felix asked. "Surly we must do something." Ava glanced at Jennifer and then at Amethyst. The Espeon responded calmly. "I think we should wait, we'll get these Mons on our side later. They have no proof or evidence that Anthony or Denny committed any crimes." Ava looked worried. "But what if they do try to hurt them? And then what?" Amethyst dipped her head. "Then we fight, of course, if we stick together we can get out of this mess." Ryker felt worried about so many things. He was worried about Anthony and Denny, but he was also scared for his foster Mother as well. 'What will they do with Ruth after she's exposed? Will Sparkle hurt her? Or will Denny finish her off? Oh, Arceus I can only imagine how angry Denny's gonna be after he finds out it was Ruth's doing.

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