Chapter 10 The Unforgiving Shiny

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Ryker's P.O.V.

Once Ryker and Denny found a sheltered spot they laid the shiny Umbreon down. Ryker felt just as worried as Denny looked. Anthony's body was cold and still like he was dead. Denny placed his paw on the Umbreon's chest. "He's, still breathing but he's really cold." He got up and looked at Ryker. "Gather as much wood as you can we need to get a fire going." Ryker nodded and ran off and started digging for twigs and branches whatever he could find. 'Please Arceus let Anthony be okay. He ran back and made a pile and began rubbing two sticks together the shiny Vaporeon knew how to make fires. Once he got it sparked up Denny returned with more wood looking relieved. "Good, you got it started."
He sat down beside his son and Ryker joined him glancing at Anthony. Ryker wasn't sure exactly what it was but he cared about the shiny Umbreon even though they hadn't been friends for very long. 'I just feel a connection with him.
Denny was looking down at his paws. "I'm a terrible Pokemon." He looked at Anthony with weariness in his eyes. "Can you hear me, Anthony? If you can I'd like to say I'm sorry I did this to you. Please wake up." Ryker stared at him in disappointment. "He's not dead? is he?"
Denny moved closer to Anthony. "I... I love you, son." Ryker watched as after he said that the Umbreon's body twitched and his red eyes slowly blinked open.

Anthony's P.O.V.

Anthony slowly blinked open his eyes to see that it was nightfall he looked to see a crackling fire just a few paw steps in front of him. Anthony slowly sat up. "Wa? What happened? Where are we?" He asked. Ryker padded over to him and rested his paw on the shiny Umbreon. "Anthony... what do you remember last before you passed out?." The shiny Umbreon tried to think everything seeming like a blur in his head he turned to see Denny staring at him with deep concern in his purple gaze. 'Is he worried? Or is he just faking it? He's the reason I'm like this.
Anthony's ear twitched then he started to remember what happened. He glared at the Vaporeon. "You! You sided with them!" Denny shook his head. "No, I helped you if I sided with them I wouldn't be sitting here with you right now I would be with Ricadro right now."
Denny looked a little hopeful "Is that proof enough for you?" Ryker looked at him.
"He does make a good point. If Denny truly had bad intentions he had the best opportunity to join Ricadro but he turned it down for you." Denny looked a little excited but Anthony had to turn away. "That could be because Ricardo is a shiny through."
"Oh come on!" Denny growled with frustration.
Anthony turned to face him. "And now your getting mad! Screw you I have every right after what you did to me!!" Ryker looked nervous "Hey umm let's not argue." Denny hissed. "What do I have to do?! I said I'm sorry!" Anthony snarled "I want you to leave me that's what you have to do!"
Denny lashed his tail. "I'm not going to do that."
He hung his head and his voice cracked a bit.
"Can't you see how sorry I am? I would do anything to take back all the things I've done."
He laid down. "..... I killed them..." He sniffed. "My father... he was so happy to see me... I'll never forget the look on his face and when he was dead..... he still had that shocked look in his eyes.." Denny unleashed his claws and started tearing at the grass in distress. "ER, I killed my father because Charlie lied to me!" Ryker looked upset and Anthony had tears in his eyes seeing this. He turned away "I....I need some air.."
He ran off not wanting to see Denny crying in agony. The shiny Umbreon was trying to picture what it would be like if he had killed Denny.
'And I almost did when I believed he was joining Ricardo's army. Anthony felt sick picturing the Vaporeon's bloody body at his paws. He felt a few tears roll down his cheeks then swallowed.
His ear twitched at the sound of paw steps approaching from behind. "Hey...." he turned around to see Ryker as he sat down next to him.
"What's on your mind?.." Anthony wiped a tear away "It's nothing I'm fine.."
"Denny's ok he's just tired now.... You know he's living in deep regret... I can only imagine the pain he must feel." Anthony started to feel sick not knowing how to handle it. He started thinking back to before the war when Denny used to talk with ice in his tone. "It's so hard to see through to him... he hides his emotions," Anthony said. Ryker sighed "Well it looks like he can't hide them any longer."
"But how do I know he's not faking it?"
Anthony started tearing up. "I wanna trust him... I want to so bad." He said "But I can't! I don't know how to trust him. He might tear me apart and I don't wanna risk it I'm scared." Ryker hugged him. "It's ok then... just take it slow no one is rushing you. But maybe try avoiding arguments with him because it just upsets everyone." Anthony slowly nodded then sighed "Well we should get back to the fire I suppose."
Anthony padded back with Ryker beside him once they approached he saw Denny lying on his side looking dead as he stared into the flames.
Anthony sat down across the fire from him.
When he lay down he caught Denny's eye for a brief moment before he looked away.
"Richard... he was brave and noble but scary when we got into mischief." Anthony grunted "Fredrick told me about him." Denny chuckled a bit "Heh I remember years ago when I was a kid Fredrick was always the trouble maker has he ever told you that?" Anthony looked at him and Ryker made himself comfortable as he laid down warping his tail over his nose. "He would wake me up in the middle of the night sometimes... I'll never forget that one night we sneaked out together and we found a Combee's nest and he wanted it. I tried talking him out of it but his mind was set on that honey..." Denny let out a small laugh "The clumsy furball knocked it down and it smashed... Boy did that ever hurt getting stunned by all those combee's we made a mad dash to our den... big mistake Richard had our tails ripped off after that... well at least he got his hony through.." Anthony enjoyed hearing what Fredrick was like as a kid. Denny met his eye. "I know there were four of us... but Fredrick and I we're a team back then." He looked down at his paws. "I should have listened to him but I was too stubborn. And to think of all the times I almost killed him... you know I still wonder to this day how he survived the great war with Darle."
Anthony sat up "Franky..." Denny raised a brow "What?..."
"Franky that was Fredick. Scarlets's ghost came back to him for protection.... she saved him." Denny's mouth dropped open. "Oh ARCEUS! I remember him! That was Fredrick? That just blew my mind." He turned to look back into the flames. "Haha under my nose the whole time."
He frowned. "Thank Arceus Shawn showed when he did... Fredrick was just hanging by a tiny thread when he showed up, one more hit would have to done him." Anthony let out a yawn feeling drowsy. Denny slowly got up and walked over to him as he started drifting off to sleep.
The Vaporeon lightly touched his nose to Anthony's head. "I promise... I won't let anything bad ever happen to you... Your all I got left."
Anthony accidentally let out a small purr
before falling asleep.

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