Chapter 23 Anthony's ghost

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Anthony's P.O.V.

Anthony blincked open his eyes everything was dark.
"Ugggg... were?..... were am i?" He slowly sat up he didn't feel any paine anymore but he still had wounds on himself such as cuts from the fall.
"W..what is this?....." he took a look at his surroundings he seemd to be in a veary dark place...... like a cave.
He felted his heart pound with dread (Darkria's cave! Im in Darkrai's cave! Im not a bad mon! Why?!) Anthony started to termble a bit (wait... dose this mean im dead?......)
He got to his paws and padded deeper in
"i can't be dead! I can't! How do i get out?!"
He yelled in panik then he heard a laugh that was all to familar "hehe Anthony?... is that you?... i'v been waiting i knew you we're comeing."
He stoped dead in his tracks to see the familar shiny inteleon.
He was leaning up against a huge rock Anthony's furr bristled "RECARDO!"
He snarled "whats going on am i dead?!"
He chukled "heheh not yet..... but you are veary vulnerable....but don't worry daddys got you..... that is untill we meet up with him.."
He snikered "i knew you we're going to come veary near death"
"How?! Were are you getting all this?!"
He started padding away and Anthony follwed then Anthony felted shivers as they came to a black rock with glowing red streams in it Anthony got a feeling telling him not to get close but ignored it the rock felted veary sinister he could tell it had to be a veary powerful source of the cave.
(More evil then my curse....)
"you see this?... this is the power rock it containes more ability within it then you or that curse.... this is were i find my answers only the ones who are truly gifted can get here..... or with a veary evil desire like myself."
Anthony didn't want to be near this rock it gave him a worse feeling then when he frist got his curse.
"Haha im awaer you guys are trying to get through the valley.... and Sparkle is no freind of yours..... i plan to meet up with your fathers little groop.... i'll kill you while your still unconscious and Sparkle will get the pleasure
to kill Denny... it's a win win."
Anthony hissed " i won't let you!" He jumped at the lizard like mon and Recadro just laughed as he doged him "hahaha by for now Anthony... why don't you make yourself at home since you won't be wakeing up."
Then he faded right in frount of the shiny umbreon's eyes.
Anthony hissed with rage (i thought i was ganna be traped on earth?..... is there a way i can leave?) as Anthony touched his paw on the rock he got a clear view of were he was he could see himself laying unmoveing inside the little hidout they had found Anthony felt sick as he gazed at himself looking veary still and limp he grew a few tears (i ....i can't be......) then suddenly when he looked at his father sitting right beside him he could see a shawdow looming over the vaporeon.
"What is that?..." he questiond out loud then another vioce answered him "hehe your father is thinking dark thoughts.... now we can see him and he can see us..."
Anthony turnd to see the All-too-familiar leafeon Slate with a gash still in his neck looking almost as if he just got it.
He smriked "you know what the worst part is.... the pain in my wound dosen't go away..... oh how this is all to precious watching him baling his eyes out over you.."
Anthony hissed "Gerrr leave me alone!"
He smriked "when you join us your paine will be far more severe then mine you'll feel the exact way you did when you hit the ground... and it's for eternity so have fun!"
Anthony unleashed his claws "IM NOT GOING TO DIE!"
"Hahaha but you already are! And your father is loseing his mind!... oh but what can i say once a villan always a villan"
"Is he?... dosen't look that way..."
Anthony felted sick as he could still see a dark shawdow over him.
"" he felted tears in his eyes "ohhh whats wrong Anthony?.... i thought you hated him?... thought you didn't trust him?... or wanted anything to do with him?..."
Anthony peeled his lips back in a snarle "shut up!" He jumped at the leafeon but went right through him "what the?..."
He giggled "flooish Anthony you can't lay a paw on me untill your fully dead... oh and lets see who's next in line to get the curse shall we?"
Anthony pinnd his ears back "that would be Reca-" Slate cut him off
"Denny is! Because he was in the cave with you when you got the curse.... "
Anthony pinnd his ears back in rage
"Now im pretty sure your just saying exactly what i don't wanna hear!" He growled
"I thought it gets past onto my killer?"
"Yea... but you fell to your death so no one killd you... therefore because he was right beside you when you got it..... he's next in"
Anthony screamd "ENOUGH I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!"
Slate only laughed "your always in denial... oh but don't worry kid it's not ganna happen anyway because they won't make it Recadro is already on his way to you.... since all Denny wants to do is sit around crying over you blameing other mons."
"What?!" Anthony felted panik as Slate showed him he could see Ricadro with his army witch wasn't veary far from them.
"I gatta go warn them he'll kill all of us!"
Slate chukled as Anthony could see the whole valley.
"Ohhhh so this is why he comes here....."
then to Anthony's surprise just as he was hopeing to get out suddenly a passage way that led to the liveing world opend up "wait... i can leave?"
The leafeon looked mad "only because your not fully dead.... but your still cursed you will never get to go to the golden forest.... see you soon!"
Anthony rolled his eyes as he left the evil dark sinister place behind him feeling great once his paws hit earth.
Anthony gasped as he found himself back with the others it was now nightfall Ryker was resting beside Ruth both of them we're sleeping Kyle was only a few pawsteps away resting Anthony walked over to Ryker who was fidgeting in his sleep.
"Hey... it's ok Ryker.... don't be sad..."
Then Anthony rembered (he can't see or hear me....) he entered the cave almost to afraid he didn't wanna see himself.
He sighed (but i have to see my father....)
As he slowly entered he saw that Ava was sleeping peacfully in the coner of the den while Denny was curled up sleeping in the center of the cave with his back turnd towards him.
Anthony let out a sigh as he slowly paded around the vaporeon and stiffend as he saw himself wraped up in his fathers arms with his tail neatly warped over him Jennifer was laying right across from him her eyes slity open as she watched with her egg laying at her side.
Anthony felt bad he hated seeing her look so broken.
Anthony frownd then just as he was about to wake his father suddenly the vaporeon's purple eyes flew open and landed on him.
"Anthony?!" He sat upright and Jennifer quickly got up looking excited "is he up?!"
Pain flashed in the vaporeon's eyes as he looked down at the unconscious body then back up again at Anthony's Spirit.
"" he breathed out and Jennifer hissed "way to get my hopes up! Go back to sleep Denny!" Then she sunggled back up in her own bedding.
"Wake me up if he wakes ok?... i gatta get some rest."
"I will..." Denny respounded
Anthony twiched his ear feeling nervous as he looked down at his body then Denny quickly ran his paw over his body in a panic "were is it?..."
Then he relaxed a bit "still breathing.....atta boy...."
He got up standing over the body blocking Anthony's view from it.
"Anthony..... you need to come back to us.."
He frownd "i..i want scared..."
"Get back inside your body...."
He wispeared trying to be qiuet not to wake the others.
Anthony shook his head "i wish it could be that simple..... Denny look... i saw Ricadro... he's comeing for us frist thing tomarrow we need to move....."
Denny had tears in his eyes "are you comeing back?" Anthony started to shake "i....i don't know i want to..... im scared....."
Denny tryed to rest his paw on him and it went right through him "ok... we need to try to stay positive here.... right now we need to not get cought... Anthony do you know the way?"
He noded and wiped some tears away "yea... i saw... in fact i know the whole valley now i saw everything..... Recadro watches us....."
Denny now looked trubled "how?..."
"At the power rock in Darkari's cave..."
Denny's jaw droped "you were there?!"
Anthony noded "it's because im cursed.... im doomd right now....."
Anthony started shakeing feeling more scared (is it true?.... if i die will i really be in agony for eternity like Slate siad... or just traped on earth?) Denny blinked then hissed looking mad "errr it's her fault... it's all her fault!"
Anthony felted really tacken aback by this.
"Ummm what now?!"
He gritted his teeth "if she had just kepted her mouth shut those stupid braviary's never would have come for us! why should i watch Ruth be happy with Ryker when your laying on your death bed?..."
Anthony felted deeply disappointed seeing his father behave like this.
"So.... you did lie to me?... you haven't changed...." he felted tears in his eyes
"ERRR i can't believe you!..... i was just starting to trust you!.... and what about Ryker? he forgave you after you did horrible things...... and your just going to throw it all away?"
Denny suddenly looked shocked as he looked at the shiny umbreon "Anthony... i ....i didn't mean..that..."
"You plan on killing her if i die don't you?!"
" i ........"
He froze looking deeply lost in thought for a bit then guilt flashed in his eyes and wispeard "...oh arceus.....i ...i don't know....."
Anthony was stunnd for a bit stareing at the vaporeon in disbelief
Denny began to termble a bit and tears streamd down his face "errrr errrrr....." he layed back down and grabed Anthony's body again and huged him
"Come back.... please!"
Anthony felted tears in his eyes and he ran out of the den he didn't wanna watch anymore it was breacking his heart.
He sat outside crying.
He looked up at the night sky "a...arceus i know you can't see me... or hear me... but please help me.... i promiss to more careful.... i don't wanna die!"
He waild out.
Then suddenly he saw movment behind him and turnd around to see Denny had followed him "Anthony... please forgive me.." his vioce was shakey as he spoke
"i didn't mean it...." he placed out his left paw revealing the mark he and Fredrick both shared.
"I promised Fredrick......and now i promiss
you i won't hurt them.... those days are fare behind me... just wake up please...."
He termbled a bit.
"I lost Fredrick already.... no father should ever have to lose his son... please.....i love you.."
Anthony sighed "don't you understand?... im powerless! I can't as bably as i really want to i can't!"
Denny slowly wiped his tears away then inhaled a deep sigh "ok..ok... positive.... gatta be positive if we're to get through this.... frist thing tomarrow... will you still be here?"
Anthony noded "good..... lead me to the next best hideing spot... i'll talk to Ava and see if theres anything more she can do for you... maybe if your Spirit stays close bye... maybe that might help... come on."Anthony followed him back in the den and layed down beside his body and Denny let out a yawn closeing his eyes "goodnight son..."
Anthony didn't answer as he couldn't really sleep.
(Do spirits evan get tired?)

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