Chapter 28 recovering after the fight

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Sparkle's P.O.V.

Sparkle was feeling a bit amused as he watched Denny escape running off with Ryker and his unconscious mate on his back then a male shiny espeon ran over to him "Sparkle should we send more after them?... he's geting away!"
Sparkle was hesitant as he thought about what happened earlier today.
(Why did he save me?.... did he want my trust to his advantage?.... but what could he possibly gain from it? Why not just use that curse to be don with it... we all saw.)
Sparkle was looking back to when he was hanging over the cliff stareing the vaporeon in the face. (all i could see was honesty.... but could he have faked it?)
He shook his head not sure what to make of it.
(If he really wanted to.... he could bring his son here to finish us all.... but yet he came alone.... maybe perhaps what im doing is wrong?.... look at us we're just going around in circles)
He looked at the espeon "call them off......"
He looked shocked "what?! How can you say that?!" Sparkle frownd "just do it.... im starting to think..."
The espeon looked annoyed "think what?!"
The shiny mightyena shook his head "if he wanted us dead it would have been don already...... we saw what his son is capable of...."
(And i see how much he cared about that other vaporeon.... but who was the liepared?......)
The espeon glared "how do we know he's not up to something?!"
Sparkle growled "well.... how will we ever know if we never give him a fiar chance....."
Then it hit him (those were Ryker's words!)
"Hmm that Ryker..... he makes a fiar point i wanna talk to him.."
Sparkle howled and all the shinys came retreating back "come on.... we need to leave this valley."
"Ok... but what about Denny?"
"We will find him again...."
(....should i make amends with him?..... what if it dose end badly?....)
Sparkle had to admit he was scared to trust the vaporeon.
(Maybe if i can watch him from a safe distance....)

Anthony's P.O.V.

As Anthony was sitting in the grass with Jennifer he kepted stareing off in the direction to were they left.
(Please let them get back soon...)
Then Ella padded towards him and giggled as she leaped at his tail Anthony glanced at her. (it's kinda werid to have a cousion thats so young...) she pawed at his tail " it!" She pinnd it down then smiled up at him.
Jennifer smiled "awww Anthony she likes you."
Anthony let out a yawn and slowly got up.
"Whats takeing them so long?" He questiond beginning to feel a bit impatient.
"Oh Anthony would you stop.... im sure they'll be back soon."
Jennifer suddenly grew a smile as she looked up the tree she was sitting under. "hey.. i found some apples wanna snack?" Anthony got excited he hadn't had an apple in a long time.
"Mmmm yes!" He ran over to the tree she was sitting under and looked up to see some nice big red juicy apples he jumped up trying to reach one with his paw but to his annoyance the furr on his paw only just grazed one just out of his reach.
"Ugggggh i was so close!"
Ella began laughing as she watch him struggleing to get his paws on an apple as he leaped again and missed.
"Err that dose it!" He began chargeing up a shadowball then he shot it, Anthony smirked as a bunch of apples fell out of the tree, "heh how do you like me now?" Then one hit him on the head.
Jennifer giggled a bit while Ella began laughing pointing her fluff brown paw at him.
Anthony rubbed his head a little with his paw "that hurt.... but it was worth it!" He gathered a few up then went to sit beside his foster mother .
He handed her one "thanks Anthony....." then she looked sad and Anthony could already tell what she was thinking.
(She's thinking back to the time when her and Fredrick took me out into the forest and we found apples.)
Anthony felted a tear run down his face he hated his childhood, because he always felted like he was trapped, liveing in the shiny camp he never understood as a kid untill one day Fredrick had explained to him that it was to dangerous because lots of mons in the forest we're shiny hunting and would kill him if they saw him due to him being born a shiny.
He gritted his teeth together. (it's not fiar! I always knew Denny was the problem..... but i had no idea that he was evan related to us back then.)
Jennifer noticed he had a few tears in his eye.
She huged him "i... i miss him to Anthony...."
He closed his eyes tightly for a bit "my life has never been normal! I never evan wanted to go to war! I only did it because what?..... i grew up cought up, in the middle of some brother dramma?" Jennifer pulled away looking a bit surrprised then she frownd. " sorry Anthony but it needed to be don.... otherwise.... we'd still be hunted today"
The shiny umbreon grunted sitting back down Ella looked a bit puzzled seeing him upset.
Jennifer sighed "oh don't pout Anthony your childhood wasn't that bad... we still had great times..." he sighed ".....yea...."
Then suddenly he heard a famior vioce yell out his name.
"Anthony!!" He sat up startled to see a shiny vaporeon runing at him with full speed, he yelped as Ryker jumped ontop of him knocking him over huging him tightly.
"I missed you so much!" He exclaimed excitedly.
The shiny umbreon was trying really hard not to blush especially now that Denny and the others all cought up.
Kyle padded over and sat in the shade "oh finally it's been a crazy just ganna rest a bit now.."
Anthony watched as Denny padded past him and Ryker to go see Ella.
Anthony couldn't help feeling a bit envious.
(What about me?....)
Jennifer purred as he approached
"Denny im so glad to see you made it back ok with Ava!" The shiny glaceon ran over to the leafeon and huged her "oh Ava im so sorry i can only imagine what you must feel right now...." the leafeon looked a bit disappointed but then shruged it off "im over it.... i feel like maybe i should have seen it comeing."
The two females started geting into deep Conversation with each other.
Denny padded over to Ella.
"Hello little one your uncle is back..."
"Ya! Unkie!" The vaporeon chukled a bit "haha please call me Denny.." she tryed to coppy him "d..den.. ey.."
He smild "thats right Denny."
She giggled as he litghy tackled her tickleing her "watch out here i come!." He teased her
HAHAHAHA!" She began laughing out loud.
Anthony felted annoyed as he sat back up lightly pushing Ryker off of him to watch, his tail flickered with annoyance. (oh so she can call you by your name but not me?) "Anthony?... are you jealous?" Ryker asked
and the shiny umbreon ignored him
as he stuck his tongue out makeing a face at the vaporeon then he started imitating his actions makeing fun of him.
"Look out here i come...." he mimicked his father's vioce trying to sound dum.
Ryker snikered "chhh...Anthony stop it..." then he covered his mouth his his paw to prevent himself from laughing out loud, but Ava cauoght it "i saw that!"
Anthony's face turnd red as Denny turnd around to face them with a puzzled expression on his face. "caught what?.... what are they laughing at?"
"Oh Anthony was only making fun of you while you we're saying hi to your niece."
She said in a sarcastic tone.
Jennifer looked a bit annoyed "way to rattata him out Ava!"
"Well he should show more respect towards his father!" The leafeon snaped Anthony shrank back as he caught his fathers eye.
Denny turnd on Jennifer "wait you knew he was doing that behind my back and said nothing?!" Jennifer looked nervous "......oh relax Denny it's not a big deal..."
"Yes it is! That just shows that he dosn't respect me at all!" Ava nodded "exactly."
Anthony gritted his teeth together he hated Ava. (Why dose she try to act like my secound mother?! It's werid and i don't like it!)
Then he tensed up as Denny approached him.
"Am i a joke to you or something?"
Anthony looked at him feeling nervous as he made eye contacted, then snickered a bit.
"Chhh... m.. maybe...." then Ryker giggled and Anthony started laughing untill suddenly Denny pulled him by the ear.
"Owww!" Denny pulled him away from Ryker and they both stoped laughing "let go! Let go!" He yelped then Denny finally let go.
"It's not funny! I could have died! I just got back from a dangerous battle and this is how your ganna act?!" Anthony went quiet stareing at his father feeling stunnd for a bit.
"Im geting tired of this Anthony! No son of mine is going to make fun of me! I won't stand for that!"
Jennifer got up "heya Denny... lay off would you?!" Then he turnd on the shiny glaceon "Jennifer did you and Fredrick ever give him any discipline growing up?" She froze "what?"
Then Ava frownd. "well cleary Anthony is a brat... he's always, well....a bit misbehaved.."
Jennifer looked shocked "ummm exciuse me?! He's like this because of what Denny did to him! Not the way i raised him!"
Anthony felted offended by the leafeon.
"Ummm what do you mean by that?!"
He demanded and Ava glared at him "well you treat your father very poorly... and you always get mad at him, and all he ever dose is try! You should love your father... but instead your always acting like an ungrateful brat when he's doing so much for you on your behalf to get you cured!"
that made him mad, he hissed "shut up! Your not my mother!"
"No! But he is your father and you should show more respect for him!"
Anthony hissed "what you want me to respect the guy who ruined my life?."
"If it wasn't for him you wouln't evan be here!"
She snaped back.
Denny turnd to face him again his eyes narrowing.
"Anothony has Fredrick ever showed you any discipline?" He shruged "yea.... sometimes if i ventured off, Jennifer would make me stay in the den for the whole day."
Denny looked a bit stunnd "ventured off?"
Anthony smriked "ohhhh i had lots of adventures when i was a kid but Fredrick always told me i was just like him and kepted it a secret from Jennifer."
Denny slaped a paw on his forehead looking mad "WHAT?!" Jennifer frownd "hey! I was a good mother don't you get mad at me! You tryed to kill him so don't evan try to compare yourself with me Denny!" Denny lashed his tail
angerily then Anthony let out a tired yawn.
"So are we don here?"
Denny held his gaze with a bitter look.
"No we're not! im geting tired of your attitude towards me all i over try to do is try to help you! And yet your still disresctful towards me!"
Denny frownd then let out a deep sigh "Anthony can we not get back into this?... you know veary well im trying to help you...."
Anthony growled "why should i have to respect you?! Do you have any idea how bad you hurt me when you led me into that cave?!"
His voice cracked near the end as he began to tremble.
Denny looked shocked for a bit as he held Anthony's gaze.
Then after a few awkward moments the shiny umbreon turnd away from the vaporeon and padded back to sit down beside Ryker.
Denny frownd as he followed him. "......Anthony?...."
He looked up and hissed "leave me alone!"
Denny ignored him and moved to sit beside him. "...hey... look... ok... maybe im being a bit to pushy here... im sorry Anthony..."
Anthony sat down in the grass then felted a paw rest on his shoulder "look.... i know it was a veary twisted thing for me to do... i guss back then all i could think about was the best ways to get at Fredrick..." he let out a long sigh
"...i get it i messed up bad.... i do care about you and i regret it now... i wish i could chang the past but i can't.... but what i can do, is bring you a brighter future.... but i'd appreciate it a bit more if.... well....." he stoped Midsentence Anthony wiped a few tears away "all i want is to live a normal life!"
"And you will.. i promise and this is one i will keep no matter what.... but would it really hurt if you just called me dad?" Anthony grumbled
(i don't wanna im so used to calling him Denny..... it feels weird because im used to haveing only one dad... Fredrick..) he glared at him for a bit then turnd his red gaze to Ava "and whats next? You want me to start calling her stepmother?" Denny let out a small chuckle. "Haha... Now that ones completely up to you."
Anthony hissed "no way! This is to messed up! So what?... i have two fathers and now three mothers?!" Denny raised a brow "who's the third one?"
"Jessie! My brith mother! And Jennifer is my foster mother.... and now i have a step mom????" Ryker fell to the ground in a strom of laughter Denny lighty rested his tail on his shoulder "...i don't think Jessie counts.... she wasn't really there for you now was she?"
This made Anthony mad as he glared at Denny "yes she was! She loved me!....." then his ears drooped as he let out a sad sigh "thats why she had to give me up to Fredick.... if it hadn't been for her..... i might not be alive today."
"Heh well at least she loved you....." he replied bitterly Anthony rolled his eyes as the vaporeon went on. "Trust me Jessie was not what i'd call a good mon.... if she we're here today she'd be on Recadro's side not yours or mine..." (you mean not on your side..... Jessie probably still dose care about me.... evan through she's in darkira's cave.)
Denny cought his eye "...ok so she did one good thing before she died.... i'll give her that..."
Anthony yawnd and Jennifer asked "hey Denny?"
"Hmm?... yea Jen?"
"Are we going to camp here for the rest of the day?..... or did you plan on moveing forward?"
Denny sat in thought for a bit as his gazed scanned over everymon.
".....well that depends i guss..."
He looked at Kyle "do you wanna come with me to check out the area?" The shiny lycanroc nodded "sounds good lets go." Anthony felted relieved that this Conversation was over.
(Aww good he droped the whole thing about me calling him dad...) then Denny paused to look at him " are we agreed then?"
"Hu?.. agreed on what?"
The vaporeon looked irritated "really Anthony?... what did we just talk about it?"
Anthony frownd "......"
Ryker answered for him "He wants you to start calling him dad."
Anthony pinnd his ears back "errrrr....... i guss..."
Denny grabbed him and Knuckled his head with his paw messing his furr up teasing him.
"hey!" He pushed him away with a growl the vaporeon laughed "haha alright i'll be back soon."
Then he padded away with Kyle to go check the area.
Anthony grumbled under his breath "not calling him dad...."
"Then don't" Jennifer replied "Denny is just ganna have to be more patient..."
Anthony turnd towards her "then why didn't you say anything?"
The shiny glaceon shruged "i don't really wanna get into that argument with him...not now anyway." Ryker sighed "oh come on Anthony you act like it's a big deal to start calling him dad."
Anthony pinnd his ears back "because it is... Fredrick is my dad."
"But Denny is your brith dad... your real father.." Ava put in that made him growl "will you leave me alone please!"
The leafeon frownd sitting down beside Jennifer and Ella "Anthony.... why do you hate me?" She asked, and he felted tacken off Guard by the question.
Anthony hissed "becsuse your not my mother!"
"..i wasn't trying to be motherly towards you.... i get it Jennifer is your mother.... but that dosn't mean i shouldn't get to know you."
Anthony pinnd his ears back "well i don't wanna know you!"
"Why?... what do you hate about me pacifically?"
Anthony grunted "i hate that you keep trying to stick your nose were it dosn't belong!"
She frownd "...but i saved your life... Anthony the veary least you could do is at least say thank you..." Ryker nuged him in the side "you know she's kinda right.." Anthony felted annoyed "can everymon just leave me alone? Why suddenly pick on me?!"
Ava let out a sigh sitting next to Jennifer and Ella looking a bit disappointed, then Jennifer gave him a look of disapproval shakeing her head "what?"
"Anthony... i think you should be a bit more freindly towards Ava." He rolled his eyes and stalked off wanting to be alone then he paused as Denny and Kyle returnd already.
"Ok looks like we're clear to camp here for the night." Kyle stated Denny ran over to Ava and nuzzled her on the cheek.
Her face turnd red in a blush "Denny.. stop.." he lighty pushed her down tickleing her.
She started laughing "heheh Stop!!"
"Why look so sad?" He asked pulling her back up Anthony looked away (is it because of me?.) the leafeon huged him resting her head on his his shoulder.
"Come on Ava you can tell me..."
Anthony felted puzzled as she wispeared something in his ear.
The vapreon rubbed her back with his paws in a comforting way. Then he wispeard something back and quickly kissed her, Ava pulled away "Denny not in frount of everymon your embarrassing me!"
He huged her then she pushed him away. "s..stop..." he chukled a bit as he warped his tail over and her and pulled her back towards him into a huged.
" gotcha!" Ava tryed pushing him away but the vaporeon had a tight grip on her.
"Let go of me!" She yelled sounding a bit irritated.
"Oh darling im never ganna let you go~..."
He teased her.
"Denny! Stop!"
Jennifer started laughing as everymon was watching with amusement Ava's face turnd red from embarrassment. "Jennifer help!"
The shiny glaceon shook her head "nope your on your own for this one."
Denny smriked at her "looks like your stuck with me.." Ava started struggleing then she burst in a storm of laughter as he began tickleing her "HAHAHA! s.STAOP!" She shrieked then she got free and the vaporeon chased her "ohhh no you don't you get back here!" Anthony felted annoyed watching them acting like kids.
Then he he cought her againe playfully pinning her down "i win!.... in fact i always win." He said with a cocky smrik on his face.
"Denny no! Im being serious right now! You better not tickle me or i'll hit you with leaf blade!"
He pulled her closer to him. "Oh Ava your so cute~ i missed you so much.... i just want my cuddle buddy back."
She then looked a bit upset as her ears drooped "i...i supose i kinda missed you to.. i guss i just got a little jealous of Jennifer i supose... maybe it was wrong of me to push you away..."
he slid his tail under her chin to slightly raise her head up to look at him.
"Come on Ava lets go for a walk... just the two of us how dose that sound?" she nodded and they both padded off together.
Jennifer grew a little smile "oh im glad to see things going back to normail... im thinking Ruth was the problem.."
Ryker's head drooped at the mention of his foster mothers name.
Anthony felted a bit bad "hey Anthony?... can i talk to you alone?" He asked and he nodded Jennifer grew a grin "oh were are you two off to?" Anthony rolled his eyes he knew that Jennifer knew.
"Oh don't be embarrass Anthony there is no shame in being gay."
"MOM!" He exclaimed in an angry tone Ryker didn't seem bothered by it at all through.
Ella jumped on Jennifer climbing up her back "i supose Kyle will have to help me babysit since everymon is out..."
Anthony padded out with Ryker then once the two of them were alone Anthony felted a bit off guared as Ryker suddenly huged him.
"Whoa... are you alright?" He asked then suddenly the shiny vaporeon kissed him on the lips Anthony froze for a bit closeing his eyes enjoying it for a few secounds before pulling away.
Ryker pressed himself up against the umbreon "Anthony.... i wish this didn't have to be a secret... are you ganna tell him?.."
Anthony felted embarest he gave a sheepish smile "umm... errrr ...." Ryker frownd "Everymon els already knows... actually im pretty sure evan he knows, your just to embarest to talk about it.." Anthony pinnd his ears back then sighed feeling a bit guilty "err i supose only a little...."
Ryker looked a bit upset "so... Ruth she..." he began only to pause at the sound of a mon crying, Anthony's ears shot upright.
"You hear that?"
Ryker nodded. Feeling puzzled they both walked towards it Anthony felted shocked when he saw the all to familiar face of Ruth.
"Mom?! What are you doing here?!" Ryker explained sounding worried the liepared looked up at them "Ryker...i.. i came back to get you... please come with me..." she pleaded
Ryker shook his head "mom... you need to leave before Denny catches you here he'll kill you" Anthony felted a bit off guared "wait... what happend?"
Ruth ran over to Anthony "your dad tryed to kill me! He's not a changed mon Anthony he's lieing to you!... both of you please come with me."
"Wait.. i thought you hated me because im cursed?"
"Yea but... he's the reasion your cursed... don't you see?... he's useing you!"
Anthony got annoyed and shook his head "no he's not... he's takeing me to arceus rock!"
Then he looked at Ryker "what happend?... Denny didn't actually try to kill her did he?"
Ryker nodded "thats because she was threatening to kill you' Jennifer and evan Ella."
Anthony unleashed his claws he did pity the liepared.. but he also had no trust for her either. "Ruth.. you need to leave us... now" he growled she flinched looking a little worried then hissed "this isn't over Anthony... im ganna hit Denny were it really hurts.... he took Ryker away from me... now it's my turn i will get you if it's the last thing i do...."
"Is that a threat?"
Suddenly the liepared attacked catching him completely off guard as she used play rough Anthony yelped in paine as it was super effetive on him and he hadn't expected that.
He felted claws rake at his shoulder drawing blood then she pinnd him down really fast.
Anthony was stareing up at her, slack jawed as she was aiming for his neck with extend claws untill an Iran tail hit her on the head knocking her off of him.
Anthony scrambled back up to see it was Ryker who attacked her the shiny vaporeon looked really upset "have you lost your mind?!"
"You almost just killed Anthony!!"
His vioce was high pitched full of distress.
"He needs to die! It's for the better! He's Denny's son Ryker you can't trust him..."
"That makes no sense!! Fredrick was also his brother... how come he got lots of trust hu? You say same bloodline is evil then why was it only Denny doing all that awful stuff?!" He questiond She was geting ready for another attack then stiffened when the bushes shook, the liepared looked scared, she shot one last glare at Anthony. "this isn't over kid!" Then she bolted off and a few secounds later Denny appeared with Ava by his side "whats going on?" The vaporeon demanded.
Then he looked at his son and his purple gaze landed on the shoulder wound.
"Anthony.... who did this to you?..."
The shiny umbreon was stunnd for a bit knowing that Ruth couldn't have gotten far.
"Oh..... i.. errr." He looked at Ryker seeing how scared the shiny vaporeon looked.
"Answer me! I wanna know what happend!" Denny shouted beginning to get impatient.
Ava hissed "i smell Ruth! That bitch was here!"
"No!... it wasn't her i just scrached myself on a branch... thats all." Denny raised an eyebrow at him "oh?... then can you exsplane why Ruth's sent is here?"
Ryker looked nervous " honestly Denny... he scraped it on a tree branch..."
Denny let out a deep sigh of defeat "come on then... i think it's time we all head back."
As they we're walking Denny suddenly tapped Anthony on the shoulder "don't lie to me... did Ruth attack you?" Anthony growled "no! Why dose it matter anyway? she's gon now isn't she?"
He growled "i wanna know because i let her off with a fair warning after she was threating to hurt you and everymon i love...  if she's still keeping to her threat then thats kind of a problem for me in wich i don't have time for... " Anthony rolled his eyes "killing is never the answer tbrough pluse i can handle myself.."
"Ah ha! So she did attack you!" Anothony felted tacken aback. "no i didn't say that!"
Denny growled
"Ava take them back.. i shouldn't be to long.."
Anthony got in front of him "NO YOU CAN'T KILL HER!!"
"Anthony! Im doing this because she hurt you! She's dangerous it has to be don! I gave her a chance and she's already attacking my son?... the nerve of her!"
Ryker also got in front "she won't bother us again i know her!"
"Do you know her Ryker?..... i think i might know her just a little better then you do....."
"Please Denny you don't understand how i feel!" Ryker wailed out.
Denny paused "how you feel?...." the vaporeon let out a long sigh "trust me Ryker no mon will ever know the pain i suffer! Do you know how many times i thought of suicide?" Anthony's jraw drop "only once when i killed Charlie?"
"WRONG! You think i liked hunting down my own brother?! Then when i finally catch him... he goes and reminds me of mons like Shawn... mom and dad..." Denny droped his head down "it hurt me more then anymon could ever know... and he thought he was the one suffering?"
Anthony rolled his eyes "right... but you were the cause of all of it!"
"I KNOW!" Denny screamed and Anthony backed off "......i...i lost a lot... ok..."
Denny rested his tail on Ryker's shoulder "i know... it hurts... but im sorry... sometimes theres just simply no other way..."
Anthony got mad "Rubbish with that!"
He stood up to Denny with a cold glare "no mon should ever deserve to die!... you know what not evan Ricardo deserves to die! if YOU
get a secound chance then i think everymon should get one!"
"And i did give Ruth a secound chance! She blew it already and it's only been a few hours! Tell me Anthony did i blow my secound chance yet?"
Anthony paused not knowing how to respond then Ava nodded "you should listen to your father.... he knows whats for the best."
Anthony felted his eye twich he hated the leafeon so much.
He snarled at her "no he dosn't!! How dare you speack to me like that i told you! Your not my mother!"
"ENOUGH!" Denny shouted then once everymon went quiet the vaporeon let out a deep sigh "ok... Ruth is long gon by now so no point in arguing we'll discuss this when we get back to camp" then he turnd his gaze to Ryker.
"Im sorry Ryker... we'll talk about this later but can i ask you to go back to Jennifer and Kyle?... i need to speack with my son.."
Ryker looked deeply trubled but didn't argue as he turnd and slowly padded away his tail draging on the ground behind him.
Anthony felted bad for him.
(Poor Ryker.... Were going to be discussion about killing his mother... the only mon he ever had in his life....)
Then Anthony felted annoyed when he realized Ava was still there sitting beside Denny.
"Ah hem.." he coughed as he glared at the leafeon, Denny shook his head "no Ava is staying here... like it or not Anthony your going to have to start geting used to her."
Anthony shook his head "never!"
Denny let out a frustrated sigh "uggg you act exactly like the typical teenager you are!"
Anthony's only responce was to stick his toung out.
"seriously.... grow up.."
Anthony let out a yawn
"so whats this about?"
Denny sighed "look... Anthony without you geting mad.. can i just ask, why you hate Ava?"
Anthony pinnd his ears back "....i just do.. ok.."
"So you just hate her for no reasion?"
Anthony got annoyed "why do you care anyway?... why should i like her? Just because she's your new mate, dosn't mean i have to respect her!"
Ava looked a bit upset then Denny sighed "i don't think you hate her... i think you just hate the fact that i have a new mate.... why?"
Now Anthony felted embarest as his face turnd red "....ohh i don't care! So what you got a new mate! I bet you can't wait to get a new son next!" Denny looked shocked ".....Anthony is that how you feel about this?"
Anthony growled "oh what do you care! Your not a father to me anyway! I miss Fredrick!"
Suddenly the vaporeon pulled him into a hug takeing him off Guard.
".....i was jealous of Fredrick... it bothered me knowing they got to raise you... thats another reasion i had to take you away from him..."
Denny looked at him then sighed "look... i know i wasn't there for you... i did you wrong... you had a good run with Fredrick but he's not here anymore to look after you.... thats my responsibility now..... it's my responsibility to fix the damage i did it's my turn to make things right with you i am your father... your brith dad and i will always look out for you... i love you Anthony no mon can ever replace you, evan if i do end up with another child." Anthony found himself huging Denny back with a few tears in his eyes "please... be kind to Ava you don't have to call her mom... but she hasn't don anything wrong to you."
Anthony looked at the leafeon who was watching him "i..errrr... sorry Ava.." he mumbled out then the leafeon huged him.
"Your forgiven." She let out a soft purr "i'd like to get to know you a little better if i can... i wanna help you... if there is anything you need to talk about, im always around."
Denny chukled "now, now Ava lets not get to carried away here he is my son don't forget."
Suddenly the leafeon tackled him playfully "it's not always about you!"
Anthony grunted "ok... so can i go now?"
Denny stoped him by placeing his paw on his shoulder as the umbreon tryed to walk away. "Hold on i think we should gather some wood for a fire then we can head back." Anthony rolled his eyes he didn't really wanna be stuck with the both of them.
Ava smirked "watch this" her tail glowed "stand back!"
Then she used her razor sharp tail to cut down a whole tree Anthony stared in shock as the tree towered down crashing into the forest floor then the leafeon used her tail to cut up chunks of wood.
Denny chukled as Anthony stared in awe.
"leafeon's have razor sharp tails... don't wanna get on her bad side." He commented
Anthony pinnd his ears back "was it necessary to chop down a whole tree?"
Ava shruged "hey it's not that big of a tree it's not like i did a lot of damage."
Denny nuged him in the side. "well don't just stand there help me carry some wood" Anthony nodded then gathered up as much as he could carry and the tree of them began walking back together. As they we're walking through more trees Ava started talking again "i like this why don't just the three of us start spending more time together?"
Anthony grunted (because thats werid, quit acting like we're a family because we're not..) but he didn't dare to say it out loud, evan Denny looked a bit surprised "'s kind of hard to just hang out, when we're trying to get to that rock Ava..."
"But... what about when we're don?"
Denny raised a brow "don what?"
"Ugg the journey! Whats going to happen after your son gets cured?"
Denny suddenly turnd to look at Anthony.
"Hu? Why are you looking at me?"
The vaporeon looked a bit lost "hmmmm well... that is a good question i never though of that... im so used to being in a group of mons... it will definitely feel strang..."
"Oh yea i bet it will be strang to live normally eh?" Anthony mocked. Denny nodded his head then his purple gaze darkened looking a bit sad as his ears drooped "yea....."
Anthony now felted a bit puzzled by it. (why dose he seem upset?.... dose he not want to live a normal life?) Ava sighed "so... nothing planned then?.... were will Anthony go?"
The shiny umbreon was tacken off guard by that question "oh?... ummm i don't know..."
Denny looked at her then his tail entwined with Ava's "i know one thing for sure.. we'll find a nice den were we can stay together..."
Ava blushed a bit then frownd looking a bit disappointed as she looked at Anthony now he understood why they seemd upset. (they want me to be around....)
Anthony felted awkward then Denny spoke his vioce was a bit hoarse. "so... heh i supose once your cured.... you'll probilly go somewere with Ryker?" He asked Anthony could tell he was a bit anxious.
"Umm... i suppose so... why you asking that again?" Ava frownd "oh.... i believe that family should stick together.... it isn't really good bye is it?"
Anthony glared at her "well im a grown umbreon... you don't actually exspect me to live with you two i hope, im not a kid who can't look after myself!" Denny smirked at him "really? You can look after yourself?"
Anthony growled then the vaporeon laughed "heheh im only kidding Anthony i wouldn't want you laying around the den all day bumming off of us.... but that dosn't mean i don't want you around...."
He added at the end looking a bit hopeful. Anthony looked away for a bit then grunted "lets just focus on one thing at a time how about?... like geting to the rock?"
Denny nodded "right... right ha don't wanna get to ahead of ourselfs.... we'll worry about it when the time comes...." then the vaporeon looked a bit trubled again.
(Am i upseting him?..... he seems worried about something...) Anthony thought to himself "Denny... is something wrong?" The leafeon asked sounding a bit worried herself, then the vaporeon shook his head as if trying to clear it "oh no... im fine.." then he began to pick up the peace "come on lets get this wood back"
Once they returnd Anthony spoted Kyle and Ryker sitting together in converstion then an unfamilor laugh was heard and when he turnd to look he spotted a flareon sitting with Jennifer playing with Ella.
Anthony droped his wood and before he could question it Denny snarled "the fuck is this guy?"
"Denny! watch your language!" Ava snaped
Jennifer looked up in shock "Denny, Ava your both back Great!"
Denny narrowed his eyes "that dosn't answer my question.... Jennifer who is he?"
She giggled then the flareon puffed out his chest as he got up and smiled "the names Felix."
Ava blushed deeply right away "damn he's kinda hot.." Denny turnd towards her in shock. "what did you just say?!"
"Oh...i.. i was talking about" She replied quickly.
Denny snorted "were did he come from?"
" excuse me... i don't really like being spoken to in third persion."
Denny snaped his glare back on the flareon who chukled "whoa hehe your a feisty one aren't you?"
"Veary feisty actually..." he replied bitterly.
Then he turnd back towards Jennifer "how could you trust a stranger with Ella?!"
Jennifer hissed "what?! Screw you Denny! you do not get to tell me what im aloud to do with my child!"
Anthony looked at Ryker who shruged "he was here before i got back...."
Kyle turnd his head over "he just kind of showed up... and they started talking..."
Felix sighed "you know it's kinda rude to talk about me as if im not here..."
Denny narrowed his eyes "oh and it's also rude to intrude on other mons business... now get lost!"
Ava and Jennifer both shouted at the same time.
"What?... don't tell me you actually want to invite a stranger to stay for the fire?."
He smriked "oh a fire! Im good at makeing those! let me stay!"
Anthony felted a bit annoyed but shruged it off as he piled up the wood and the flareon already used flamethrower litighing it on fire everymon cheered "yea finally easy to make a fire!"
Denny was grumbleimg under his breath as everymon gathered around the fire to sit.
"Ugg stupid flareon... i could easily wipe that dum look off your fluffy stupid face...."
Anthony sat down beside his father while Ava sat on Denny's left side then Ryker came to sit beside Anthony.
Anthony watched as Felix sat close to Jennifer then suddenly a new feeling came over him.
(Wait... is he flirting with my mother?!)
Now Anthony was pissed.
"I don't think i like him...." he mumbled under his breath.
Ryker looked puzzled "oh why not?... he seems like a nice guy i mean he hasn't don anything wrong.."
Denny coughed to get everymons attention
"soooooo fluff Was it? Ummm.... why you here again?"
He shruged "oh my den isn't far just went out for a walk and wanted to make new freinds... speacking of, whats your name vaporeon?"
"How about non of your damn business fluff head."
"I would appreciate it better if you called me by my actual name... im not sure if you heared me before but im Felix."
Denny just snorted then Ava poked him with her paw. "hey... quit being so grouchy...."
She smiled at the flareon "don't mind him... he's not good with meeting new mons.. im Ava by the way.."
"Ava.... such a pretty name for a pretty leafeon~."
The leafeon's face turnd bright red "oh....i... t..t..thank you.." suddenly Denny warped his tail around her and pulled her closer to him. "and im her mate" he declared with a snarle.
Kyle shruged "you can call me Kyle"
"Oh oh! im Ryker nice to meet you!" The shiny vaporeon said rather excited.
Denny sat up "hold up... why are we all introducing ourselfs?... we're leaveing in the morning it's a big waste of time."
Felix looked puzzled "oh yea?.. were you off to?"
Denny glared as he pointed with his tail "off towards the mountains..."
"Hmmm why you going there?"
Denny growled "now that is definitely not your business!"
Ava whacked him with her paw "quit it!" then Denny grabed her paw. "Ava.... don't hit me" He growled then the leafeon looked veary annoyed "then quit acting like such a jerk!"
Kyle nodded "umm she's kinda right Denny... ease it down will you?"
Denny grumbled sitting back down Anthony shared the same expression on his face he wasn't happy with the flareon either.
"Hey who's the umbreon? he hasn't said a thing yet.... why dose he seem just as grouchy?"
Ryker smiled "oh his name is Anthony... he's actually Denny's son."
"RYKER!" Denny snaped "great now he knows my name!"
The flareon stared slack jawed at Denny for a secound "Denny? in shiny killer?"
"....was... but im not anymore.."
The flareon nodded "hmmm well that explains a bit then dosn't it?.." then he looked at the shiny umbreon "yea.. he is just like his father i can see it.." Anthony got up "WHAT?! Im nothing like him! you take that back!" He snaped the flareon backed up looking shocked "whoa there i wasn't trying to be offensive there buddy.... usually most mons take it as a complement."
Anthony gritted his teeth "well not in my case!"
"Ok, ok im sorry..."
Anthony sat back down then the flareon smirked at Jennifer "hehe and i already know this gorgeous mons name."
Denny snorted "she's tacken already..."
"Oh... so were is he then?"
Denny paused before answering "Fredrick is her mate... he ummm.... he's with arceus...."
Jennifer nodded "yes my heart will always belong to him.."
Felix raised a brow "so.. he's dead?...."
She nodded "so.... you are free then."
Denny got up "no she isn't.... she dosn't want another don't you get it?"
There was menace in his ton.
Ava looked mad now "ummmm Denny.... why do you care if he likes her?... it's up to Jennifer if she wants to move on or not..."
Denny slowly sat back down still glareing at the flareon Anthony hissed "she's my mother! You sick pervert!"
Now Felix looked shocked as he looked at Denny then Ava then back to Jennifer again.
"Ummmm? Ex mates?"
Denny let out a laugh "oh no hehehe she's his foster mom... Anthony's birth mom is actually dead... it's a long and complicated story that i don't really wanna get into with a stranger like yourself."
"So you didn't raise your own kid?"
Denny growled "i said i don't wanna talk about it...." Felix shruged
"well ok then maybe in time."
"Umm exciuse me?.... what do you mean by that? Are you stupid? we'll be gon tomarrow."
"Hmmm well i know a shortcut maybe i can tag along?"
Ava got excited as her tail waged "oh yes sounds like a plan!"
"Ava, Ava, dear im in charg here... not you"
Denny pointed out then with that the leafeon got mad and crossed her arms with a pout on her face as Denny shook his head "yea... umm no thanks we don't need you."
" touché" Anthony agreed.
Jennifer glared at Denny "ok cleary your jealous of this flareon... Denny if he has a shortcut i say we should take it!"
Kyle nodded "yea... i agree."
Ryker nodded "come on Denny let him travle with us.... please?"
The vaporeon shook his head "na.... im sure i can manage without fluff head."
Ava got up then Denny grabed her paw "babe?... were you trying to run off to?"
She yanked her arm away "who said your in charg anyway hu? I didn't agree to that!"
Denny laughed "haha! Ava yes you did! When i promised to look after you remember?"
Ryker got up "hmm i think we should vote to be fair.... Ava is right not everything should be up to you" Jennifer snorted "Denny's just used to being in control is his problem im pretty sure no mon agreed on him being in charge... he just kinda took it."
Anthony got up "we know why he's in charg mom.... frist off only he can get us to the rock secound off.... he is the most experience fighter here as much as i hate to say it..."
Denny nodded "heh indeed he's right... this whole thing is about my son don't forget.."
Jennifer's face turnd red from anger "Denny literally everymon here exspect you and Anthony want him to join us!"
"And yes i get it we need you to lead the way but it's not fiar that you get to make every single decision!"
"Jennifer... why do you want him with us so bad?"
"Because he can help us!!" She yelled Denny finally let out a long sigh.
"Uggggg fine then!" He shot an icy glare at the flareon "i guss you can tag along..." then he took a threatening step towards him "but i better not catch you trying to flirt with my mate or arceus help you!"
He nodded "don't feel threatened by me i onl-"
Denny cut him off "ummm no it's you who should feel threatened by me.... im a water typ fluff head better watch your step."
The flareon dipped his head to the vaporeon "...umm did you kill your brother?"
"Ohhh don't get me started!"
He gulped "im ganna take that as a yes... i'll be sure to stay clear of you Paul."
"Don't call me that! We are not pauls... and no! I did not kill my brother!"
He gave a sigh of Relief "good to hear your a better mon now."
"Oh trust me im not above killing you if you piss me off."
"DENNY!" Ava screeched sounding at her limit "i had it! Apologize now!" Denny sighed "ok.. so i wouldn't go as far as to kill you.... why do that when i can torture you instead?." Anthony bit his lower lip to prevent himself from laughing he knew his father didn't mean it.
Ava glared at him. "i..i mean only if you try anything..."
He added then looked at Ava "there satisfied now?"
She layed down looking upset then Denny lightly pulled her towards him "hey..."
"Don't touch me..." Ava growled "come on babe i wasn't being serious..."
"No but your so rude sometimes! Why do you gatta be like that?!"
Jennifer was watching the two of them.
"Because Ava he's just that way... pluse i can tell when somemon is jealous..."
Denny looked mad "and what do i got to be jealous of?"
Jennifer snickered "your scared your ganna lose your girl to him... i can see it..."
"Am not!"
Ryker chukled a bit as he leand close to Anthony.
Felix chukled "you may hate me Denny... but i like you already... i think maybe in time we just may end up becomeing freinds."
"Yea keep dreaming fluff head.... never ganna happen."
Anthony grunted "your not staying with us.."
"Sure whatever you say kid... so who's the father of this young eevee?"
Anthony answered "Fredrick's doughter."
"Oh... ok."
He smiled as he sat closer to Jennifer.
Anthony wanted to claw him but before he could say something Ryker stoped him "Anthony leave it be.... it's Jennifer's chioce what she wants to do..."
Anthony grumbled then looked at Denny "were we ganna talk about Ruth?"
Jennifer looked up "umm what about her?"
Denny hissed "she already attacked Anthony... next time i see her thats it... im going to kill her.."
Ryker wined looking hurt then Denny sat back up ".....Ryker i don't think Ruth is the mon you think she is..."
Ryker had a teary face as he huged Anthony.
"Umm???" Denny looked at Anthony "are you two??..." Anthony shook his head "were very good freinds.."
"Yes Denny we're gay! Im dateing your son"
Ryker clarified.
Anthony's face went really red and Felix yelped "whoa..... awkward...."
"Oh shut up!" Denny hissed at the flareon then turnd his purple stare back on Anthony.
"Is that so?"
Jennifer sighed "for the love of arceus Denny! We all knew it was very odeus was it not?"
Ava nodded "yup i could tell.."
Kyle looked puzzled "well you got me.. i didn't suspect anything.." Denny sighed
"I...i mean i did have my suspicions... but for real?... finding out the truth...'s differant.."
Denny paused looking lost in thought for a bit.
and Anthony lowered his head feeling shameful then Denny caught it "oh no.... Anthony im not saying it's wrong... well it's just...." he let out a deep sigh "i mean i do care about your happiness....ugg"
Anthony rolled his eyes "Anthony... can i speack to you alone?" Ryker looked worried "....your not bothered by it are you Denny?" He asked "no... no of course not..."
"Then what do you need to say?"
He questiond, then Denny let out a long sigh as he looked at Anthony "you do realize this means you can never have kids...... are you sure this is what you want?"
Anthony nodded "im happy with Ryker.... and to be honest i never thought about haveing kids..."
Denny nodded "ok then... just makeing sure.."
Anthony couldn't help but notice he did seem a little upset "wait... why do you care if i ever have kids?"
Denny raised a brow "well now it's clear to me that im never going to be a grandad.."
Ava growled "Denny! It's not about you! You have no right makeing your son feel guilty like that!"
Denny sighed "yea... your right... im sorry Anthony i don't have a problem with it... not if your happy i'd rather you be happy...."
Jennifer let out a yawn "you should be more supportive then that....i can tell your upset."
Denny sat back down then Ava flickered him with her tail "so.....about Ruth?"
Denny lifted his head up "maybe some other time it's geting kinda late now and i just need some rest....."
Anthony hung his head a little (he disapproves of me...) Felix let out a tired yawn stretching his arm over Jennifer then the shiny glaceon got up "well i gatta get my little eevee to bed now.... nice meeting you Felix see you when the sun comes up.." then the shiny glaceon picked up her kid and a found a place to lay.
As did everymon els Ava got up to leave then Denny frownd "were you off to?"
"Im just ganna go get some water im thirsty..."
"Why not ask me?"
"Im not drinking your water that comes out of your mouth Denny thats gross..."
then she padded away.
Ryker nuged Anthony in the side "come on..." but Anthony was hesitant watching his father as he sat by the fire alone stareing into the flames.
"I'll be a few minutes." Ryker nodded then padded away.
Anthony slowly padded towards his dad. "Denny?"
Suddenly he turnd his head over his shoulder to look at him ""
Anthony sat down beside him he could feel the negative Energy flowing from the vaporeon.
" are you disappointed in me?"
Denny ignored him then Anthony hung his head feeling hurt by it, but soon it was replaced by anger "fine then! Im sorry im not the son you want me to be! And you'll never be the father i wanted either!"
Suddenly Denny placed his paw on Anthony's shoulder holding him firmly as he tryed to walk away.
"Hey... let go of my arm!"
"Im not answering you because you called me Denny... and no im not disappointed in you..."
The vaporeon got up and stretched "it's just a bit to take in... but i'll get used to it." Then he let out a small chukle "so dose this make me a father in law now?" He joked as he nuged Anthony (...then whats trubleing him?)
Anthony flikered his ear "........what are you thinking right now?"
Denny sat back down "ok im going to be honest with you.... i don't like that flareon..."
Anthony nodded "well me neither...."
Denny grumbled "look... Anthony right now theres just a lot on my mind.... ok im thinking of Ruth... im thinking of Sparkle, Recadro your curse... and now this guy?"
Anthony was trying to understand "so Jennifer is right?... you are worried about loseing Ava to him?"
Denny looked a bit uncomfortable "ok now... off to bed for you im not haveing this Conversation with my son..." then he let out a yawn -yawwn-
"We got a long journy ahead of us tomarrow.."
Anthony let out a tired yawn then padded back to lay beside Ryker.
Then as he sat down the bushes shook and Ava returnd walking back with Felix.
"Oh no.." Ryker wispared as Denny ran over towards them yelling "Ava! Why were you out with him?!"
"Oh stop it Denny he just wanted to accompany me thats all."
"I could have don that!" He retorted Angerly "you could have asked me to go with you!"
then he pulled her away from the flareon and got into a battle stand squaring his shoulders
"I told you to stay away from my mate!"
Ava got mad "DENNY I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!" She shouted back.
Denny turnd towards her looking stunnd "Denny this isn't fair ok if i can't be around him then your not aloud to be around Jennifer! How about that!"
"SINCE WHEN DO I GO OFF ALONE WITH JENNIFER!!!" He screamed out haveing a pissy fit.
Felix looked scared "whoa clam down bubby i wasn't trying to steal your gril..."
Everymon woke up due to them all yelling Ava rolled her eyes "oh now you'v don it... jealous issues much?" Denny held her stare "ok Ava we need to talk" then the leafeon turnd her head away. "no... im not talking with you.... or sleeping with you tonight talk to me tomarrow when you'v clam down."
Then she padded away leaveing Denny to stare after her.
Then a low growl rumbled in his throat as Felix went over to lay down beside Jennifer instead makeing Anthony still confused (ok... so that bothers him to?.... if he flirts with either one of them?)
Denny stalked back to sit alone by the fire mumbleing under his breath but he was to far away for Anthony to hear.
Ryker frownd "oh boy... tomarrow isn't going to be a fun day... he really has it out for that flareon..."
Anthony nodded "well i kinda do to... if he's going to hit on my mother then im going to hit him...." then Anthony cuddled up with Ryker but it had been hard to sleep.

Ruth's P.O.V.

Ruth was stalking through the woods alone she knew it wasn't veary far then she found it... a larger group of mons then Sparkle's group of shiny pokemon.
A shiny inteleon greeted her right away "Ruth... i'v been expecting you.." her jaw droped "but how?"
"Hehe i know all a lot of things... and one thing i can tell you is, that your not going to regret this you will find the justice your looking for i to am targeting Denny and his son.."
She nodded then asked ".....were you in the veally?"
He shook his head "i had to retreat... it seems that Anthony has full Control of that curse... but thats ok if we're going to get them it will take a lot of patients but i know just what to do...."
Feeling puzzled Ruth tilted her head to one side " what?"
He smiled "Denny is a strong powerful leader we all know that.. without him thier doomed."
"No i want him to suffer before he dies..."
She said bitterly "im not finished yet.... Anthony trust his father fully thats whats keeping them strong right now... you see? We need to find a way to breack that trust... we want to watch Denny tumble down and fall to his death in wich he will when they find out he's still a bad mon deep within... after we frame him."
Ruth then grew a smile "how are we going to do that?"
"Just wait it will happen and when it dose Denny will have absolutely no mon to help him."
Ruth grew a devilish smile "and im going go need your help Ruth can i rely on you?"
She purred "indeed you can.."

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