Chapture 19 truble within the vally

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Denny's P.O.V.

As Denny was walking back to camp with Ryker he couldn't help but feel annoyed.
(I don't think he evan cares about anything i just said he's ganna go running straight to my son as soon as we're back.)
Then once they returned Ryker did exactly that and ran over to Anthony Denny watched through narrowed eyes hateing on Ryker.
He gritted his teeth together.
(Clam down... be clam Ryker has always been the frist to back me up while other's accuse me....errr but arceus why is he so annoying?!)
Then just as Denny was about to turn away he noticed the look Anthony was giveing Ryker and it made him want to gag.
( my son gay?... should i try talking to him?.... or would that just be awkward?)
Suddenly a vioce broke his thoughts "umm are you alright?"
"Hu?" He turnd to see Kyle had approached him.
"your glareing at Ryker.... did he do someing?.."
Denny frownd "i just think it's odd that he always has to be around Anthony.... you know.."
Kyle just shruged "thier close freinds."
"Yea but how close?... do you see what im seeing?"
As Kyle looked the two were running around playfully tackleing each other like they were already a mated cuple.
Kyle looked back at him "so... maby they might be closer..... dose that bother you?"
Denny frownd feeling a bit guilty.
(It shouldn't.... i want Anthony to be happy.... but i kinda hate the idea of him not ever haveing kids... and why Ryker of all males?)
Denny let out a long sigh "you know mabey im just over thinking things." He said clamly not wanting to talk about it anymore then suddenly Ava walked up to him "umm Denny?... everyones don eating i think we should move don't you?" He noded then called out "ok everyone we wasted enough time it's time our journey continues." Jennifer noded "o.. ok... but can we try to travle at a slow peace im not feeling to well." Denny felted a bit irritated
(i mean im happy that she's pregnant.... but this is really a bad time for it!)
Then Denny started to have anxiety thinking about it.
(What if.... when she has the egg what happens if we get attacked?.... what will happen to the egg?..) Denny shook his head not wanting to think about the what if's.
(Im just going with the flow i guss...)
Ava was walking righ beside him as usual Denny still felted bad for her she was still grieving for her dead brother and hadn't been herself around him latly.
Denny thought for a bit then asked.
"Ava?... how you are feeling today?... any better since... you know?"
She pressed herself closer to him she had been veary clingy with him ever since it happend.
Denny had to admit he sorta liked it but at the same time he felted guilty.
(I don't get it... im the one who did it... how could she want to get this close if im the reasion he's dead?..)
There had also been moments were she would be really easy for him to have but he didn't want to take advantag of her.
(Although it's veary temping....) Denny glaced at her then smild (maby when she's in the right state of mind i can have her.)
Suddenly she kissed him on the cheek and he blushed "Ava.. not now we can do that later."
She frownd "sorry.... im just feeling kinda lonly.... it's still hard to believe... he's really gone."
Denny noded then let out a sigh "Ava.... i know how it feels to lose a sliblin...... i grived for Fredrick for a long time... im still not fully over it."
Denny hated thinking about it he was always trying to avoid it.
(But it's so vivid in my head...)
Suddenly Jennifer broke his thoughts as they came to a vally "oh screw this im not going down there!"
(Why dose she have to make every little thing compliacted?)
Then as Denny opend his mouth to object Anthony had beat him to it.
"Oh... Darkrai no! Mom we have to! It will take way to long if we go around!"
(Heh now he's catching on to how serious it is..)
Jennifer hissed "i'd rather it take longer to get there then die in a Valley!"
Denny hissed "this isen't about you! Anthony is right it's kinda urgent that we get there as fast as possible... wer'e takeing the vally."
Ryker agreed with him.
"Denny's in charg rember? If he says we go in the valley then we go in the valley."
Jennifer shook her head "Denny are you evan thinking! Theres hardly any trees down there!"
He shruged "so?"
Her furr bristled "what if there are preditor pokemon down there?!"
He chukled "oh and what kind of mon would want to eat a vaporeon?"
She glared at him looking annoyed "ugggg your stupid! do you really think your ontop of the food chaine Denny?... your an idiot!"
"Ok well cleary im not but whats so scary down there compared to up here?"
She pointed at the sky "larg brid mons... the closer we get to the montions the more we'll see.... and with no place to hide they will try to carry us away."
Denny brust out laughing.
"Hahahaha! Oh Jen you crack me up sometimes now your just being paranoid because your pregnant."
She got mad and Kyle had to hold her back from lashing out at Denny in a rage.
"Denny... she is kinda right you know."
He noded "yea but we're in a groop here... do you really think one will try to take us on? If anything we'll get a feast if that happens"
Ryker looked nervous "that means... it's veary important that we stick together..."
Denny smriked at him "yea.. your right... no sneacking off alone with my son.."
Anthony hissed "mind your own business how about?"
Kyle yawnd "this is getting ridiculous i say we move forward there are no dangers as far as im concernd."
Jennifer hissed "thats because your a lucanrock! What if my egg comes?"
"Then we'll help you deffend it."
Denny put in.
Then as they headed down into the Vally he noticed Ava looked worried "Denny.... if there isen't many trees.... won't Recadro find us easily?"
Denny sighed "oh Darkrai... i almost forgot that part...."
He gave Anthony a sidelong look.
But the shiny umbreon didn't seem to notice.
But Ryker did "Denny... i hope your not relying on Anthony's power!"
Denny gritted his teeth.
(Well why shoulden't i?! It's not like he'll turn evil over it.... and if it comes to it i know he'll end up useing it anyway!)
Ryker then went back to talking to Anthony and Denny had to hold back a growl.
Suddenly Jennifer moved to walk on Denny's left side and he could tell Ava didn't like it.
"What do you want Jennifer?" He asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone hopeing she would catch on.
"Denny going through this valley is a big mistake.... your not invincible when we get to the end i'll be the one to say i told you so.... if we're still alive that is."
Now Ava looked scared "umm Denny maby we should turn back."
"Oh for the love of arceus! Jennifer you make it sound like monsters live down here it's just a Valley clam down."
"You know what they say Denny seeing an absol is bad aman."
Then Ava gasped and he turnd his gaze to see a absol watching them from higher ground as they headed down into the vally "oh fuck off Jennifer im sure him seeing us has nuthing to do with anything!" Jennifer sighed "Denny.... i don't want to give brith in this valley please turn back!"
Ava hissed "if your really that scared why don't you just leave?" Denny paused to look at Jennifer who seemd close to be haveing a panik attack "Jen... is there something i should know?"
(Maby she's been traumatize once before in a valley?...) she sat down and gave a pianful cry " in paine...."
Denny backed up not knowing what to do "is it comeing out?"
Everyone els stoped to watch her then Anthony ran over to her and glared at Denny "what did you do?!"
"What?... i did nuthing! She's haveing her egg... i think."
Jennifer began crying and screeching in paine.
"I can't do it im not ready!"
As everyone moved around her to watch Denny got mad "don't crowed around her! Give her speace!"
Anthony had a look of panik "is she going to be ok?"
Kyle noded "Denny's right everyone back away from her she needs air to breath."
Ava ran over to accompany her and Denny felted bad for Jennifer.
(Fredrick should be here with her...)
Jennifer started crying and Denny ran over to her then glared at everyon els "can you guys go keep watch or something? Im sure Jennifer might like a bit more privacy then everyone standing around watching her."
But Anthony stayed were he stood "but.. i wanna see... she's not ganna die is she?"
"No she'll be fine this is natural Anthony all females go through it."
He noticed Ava looked uncomfortable "....i don't think this is something i'd ever want to through...." Jennifer then looked panik and Denny lighty rested his tale on her "it's ok Jennifer you can do it... you have to.."
Denny felted awkward haveing to be the one to walk her through.
(But she's paniking and she needs someone to keep her clam.) suddenly she grabed his arm tightly Denny felted a little tacken aback by it and Ava nuged her lighty in the side "ok.... your makeing progress... just take a deep breath then push ok?" Jennifer started to termble a little then suddenly she gave a loud yell her claws dug deep into Denny's arm, he clenched his teeth together holding back a yell.
(Shit Jennifer your ganna tear my arm off!)
He thought to himself not wanting to yell in case he upset her.
Then finally she relaxed and started panting a bit "i... i think i did it... is it my egg there?"
Denny looked to see it resting on the ground right behind her.
"You did it Jennifer!."
Then Denny realized how tired she looked and Ava frownd "umm Denny... she needs to rest now she'll be to weack...travle."
"But we just started we can't stop now.... maby i can carry her." Jennifer looked surpsied "im not sure im up to that.."
Suddenly Anthony and the others came runing back "mom.. are you ok?"
"Yea im fine....Anthony..."
Ava ran over to the egg and used vine whip to pick it up "i got the egg...i don't mind carrying it for now."
Jennifer was laying on the ground looking restless then Denny crouched down beside her "get on my back... i'll carry you we can't waste another day sitting around."
Jennifer didn't look comfortable with that.
"What?..... im not rideing on your back!"
She slowly got to her paws then as she shakily fell back Denny cought her.
"Come on i got you..."
Kyle ran over "i'll carry her Denny... since im a bit bigger."
He noded and Jennifer still objected.
"No not geting on anyones back."
"Right.... then do you prefer we leave you here Jennifer for the valley creatures to find you?"
Denny mocked in a teasing tone and she glared at him "you won't be laughing later when we're attacked!"
"By what?.... dose a legendary live near by?..."
She shook her head then hesitantly climbed on Kyle's back "weres my egg?" She asked and Ava showed it to her "it's ok Jennifer i have it... i'll stay close to you so you know it's safe."
Denny was stareing at the egg for a bit "hmm you know i bet it'll be be a shiny since my family is famous for that."
Anthony shot a glare his way but Denny ignored it.
As they continued walking now Denny coulden't help but feel stressed.
(Great.. now we have to carry the egg with us through the valley.... if there really are preditor pokemon we really need to watch the egg... it was safer inside of Jennifer why did it have to come so early?.... is it because she had a breackdown?... i don't get it why is she so scared to be in this valley?)

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