Chapture 17 New feelings

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Anthony's P.O.V

As Anthony asked if he speack to Denny alone he noticed the vaporeon looked excited but then Jennifer cut in "Anthony... why do you wanna talk with him? can't you share with the rest of us?" Denny looked annoyed flexing his claws in the grass "he's my son Jen... can't i have a moment with him?... i need to talk to him to." Kyle sighed "well i hate to agree with her Denny but i think we should all know... pluse now isen't the time we should be moveing before we run into more trouble."
Denny let out a frustrated sigh then took the lead "come on we need to head for the mountions."
Jennifer looked unhappy with that "what! Why the mountains?"
Denny looked annoyed. "because im leader Jen we'v been through this i know it may be a bit hard for you.. well... considering-"
He paused looking at Anthony making him feel puzzled "hu?... why you looking at me?"
Denny turnd his gaze back to Jennifer "ah... did you talk to him yet?" Ava now looked just as confused "umm Denny is something up?"
Right away the Vaporeon looked embarrassed. "umm yes.. but it's not what you think Ava... it's not mine I love you."
Anthony hissed "ummm What's not yours? And why would you even say that!"
He demanded making Denny look more uncomfortable and Jennifer also looked away for a bit blushing.
Anthony raised an eyebrow then Ryker gasped in shock "oh arceus they have feelings for each other?!"
Denny shot his head up looking mad
"Ryker don't say that! She's my brothers mate carrying my... niece.. or im in a relationship with Ava."
Anthony pinned his ears back and Denny frowned "I.. eh... whoops... well Anthony now you know the news."
Anthony growled "WHAT!" He turnd on Jennifer "so it's true?! How could you guys do that to me! wasn't i enough for you!"
Denny growled "Anthony! Don't be mad at her Fredrick was her mate.... it just sorta happens when two pokemon love each other don't blame her."
Anthony turnd on him next "why are you defending her? Did something happen between you two? and don't lie to me!"
He shouted Denny hesitated then Ryker broke in "ummm Anthony... he is right you know it probably just happend by accident or something you got to accepted it."
He gritted his teeth together still glareing at Denny.
"But can you answer my question?"
Denny looked upset.
"Why?... why do you have to start this with me?.... Ava lost her brother today can we not do this now."
"So is that a yes?!"
Jennifer hissed "Anthony nothing happend.... it was only one kiss thats all."
She looked at Ava "before he met you.... but it's not ever ganna happen with us i promise."
She walked over to the leafeon "im so sorry to hear about your brother.... what happend?."
Suddenly Anthony yelled "YOU SICK BASTARD!" He charged at Denny "RAAAAAA!"
Denny was surprised as the shiny umbreon pinnd him down then Ryker yelled. "ANTHONY STOP!"
Kyle ran over and grabbed him, pulling the shiny umbreon off of his father. "ok Anthony your a bit old to be acting this way over something small."
"Small! My father kissed my foster mother! and your telling me it's nothing!"
Kyle an eyebrow "ummm yea.... your overreacting... their not even together and your making this awkward for everyone."
Ryker nodded. "umm yea... i feel embarrassed and i have nothing to do with any of it."
Denny slowly walked over to Ava and she pressed herself against him Anthony coulden't help but notice she had tears in her eyes.
Denny hugged her pulling her closer to him talking to her in a soft vioce "there, there... it's ok... i'll never leave you Ava... i'll keep loving you untill the day i die."
Anthony felted a bit awkward "so.... are we moveing then?"
Denny shot his head up "yes we will but i need a moment with Ava can't you see how upset she is?"
"Why because of me?"
"No her brother died wern't you listening?"
"Oh? What happend did you kill him?"
Denny flinched at that as if hitting a nerve
Ava wiped her tears away. "it's fine Denny.. we can't wait around for Ricardo i'll be fine..."
He nuzzled his nose with hers "are you sure?" she nodded then they kissed Anthony growled "umm standing right here!"
Denny pulled away looking embarrassed. "come on it's this way to the mountions."
Anthony rolled his eyes as they started walking
He whispered to Ryker who was walking right beside him "he flinched when i asked if he killed Slate...." Ryker shruged "so maybe he did... Slate was kind of a bad guy.... im sure he didn't mean it if he's trying so hard to comfort Ava."
Then Jennifer moved beside the leafeon and the two females started talking with each other.
Anthony glanced at Jennifer
(am i really going to have a cousin?)
Kyle was walking beside Denny "i know how to get to the mountains i'll help you."
"Thanks Kyle."
Anthony felted a bit frustrated (dose anyone care what i have to say?) Ryker gave him a playful poke. "i know what your thinking... we'll tell them about Ricardo once we stop to make camp."
(But... i need to talk to Denny..)
Anthony was watching his father still feeling troubled with what Ricardo said to him about going to Darkrai's cave and him being a lost sole.
(Maybe Denny can help me... he has the gift to theres gatta be something i can do..)
Suddenly Ryker broke his thoughts "so... Ricardo was right about Jennifer..."
Anthony suddenly felted bad as he realized Ryker was watching Denny with a new look in his purple gaze "it can't be true can it?"
Anthony shrugged then Ryker walked over to him and he follwed "heya Denny."
The vaporeon looked surprised "hu?.. do you need something?"
"Can i ask you a question Denny?"
Anthony felted a bit uneasy takeing a guss what Ryker was going to ask.
"When you were well... bad you only killed shiny pokemon right?"
Denny gave him a puzzled look "umm i believe so... why are you asking?" Anthony held his tongue not wanting to say it almost to scared to get the answer he knew Ryker didn't want to hear but Anthony knew Ricardo must have told the truth.
Ryker looked a bit frustrated. "but... what lengths did you go.... if one got away?"
Denny closed his eyes for a bit.
"Further then i should have.... look Ryker i don't wanna get back into that im trying to forget it."
Anthony growled "how come you never talk about it?... in order to forgive yourself you need to accept whats don is don." Denny looked shocked as he looked at Anthony
"umm? What? Anthony.... are you saying you forgive me?"
Anthony pinnd his ears back and snaped
Denny looked puzzled "then why-"
"ERRR i was just trying get you to talk!"
"You want to hear more about my past?."
Anthony paused to think for a bit.
(I only ever heard it from Fredrick's side now i am kinda curious...)
Anthony snaped out of his thoughts then looked at Denny who was stareing at him with a puzzled expression on his face then he awkwardly looked down and shruged Ryker nodded "i think you should talk about it... pluse i kinda want to know.... i never really knew much about you."
(he wants to find out if what Ricardo said is true..) Anthony thought
Denny paused for a bit before leting out a sigh "you already know how bad i was Anthony everything Fredrick had told you about me... was all true."
Anthony felted annoyed with that answer.
"But... why did you do it?.."
Denny avoided his gaze looking almost to ashamed to answer.
Then suddenly Ava jumped between them "hey what you guys talking about?" Anthony let out an annoyed hiss
and he could tell that Ryker was just as frustrated. (We almost got him now he's ganna chang the subject.) Denny looked at her "are you feeling alright Ava?" She frownd and sighed "you can see the dead right?... have you seen him?" Denny looked a bit tacken aback by that "ummm no... i don't think Slate would wanna show himself to me..."
Anthony grunted "ummm i was kinda haveing a conversation with my dad you know... it's rude to interrupt."
Denny smirked at him "oh so you do trust me now?.. i knew it was only a matter of time before you would start to refer me as dad."
Anthony got mad "what! i ment to call you Denny! I will never think of you as my father."
Ryker laughed a bit and Anthony pinnd his ears back as Denny smild "i know you do care about me Anthony... your not very good at lying you know." He mocked in a freindly tone
Anthony's face turnd red as he felted hot with embarement.
"Oh you mean like you are?... yea your just a proe with lies!"
Denny nodded. "suppose i did used to lie to get my way.... but it was wrong of me to do that."
Ava sighed "Denny can we please stop for a rest?"
He looked at her "oh.. of course we can... but i don't wanna stop for to long."
Jennfer found a spot to lay down moaning in pain then she vomted.
Denny sighed "hey... umm you alright Jen?"
She shook her head "im feeling sick... Denny can we please just stay here for camp."
Denny looked a bit worried "oh... i-"
Ava nuged him "please..... im not feeling to great myself..."
Denny looked at Kyle "...what do you think?... do you think Ricardo will find us?"
The shiny lycanrock shrugged "i can keep a look out... i really hope the egg comes out soon... we can't keep stopping like this or we'll never make it."
Ava yawnd and found a spot in the shade to sit.
Anthony sighed watching as Denny went over and made himself comfortable settling down beside her she rested her head on his chest and he started speacking to her in a soft quiet tone.
Anthony perked his ears up trying to hear then suddenly Denny cought his eye and he awkwardly looked away.
"Anthony why don't you and Ryker go collect some wood for tonight so we can have a fire?"
He felted a bit relieved to have an excuse to get away for a bit.
He nodded. "alright.."
Then him and Ryker padded off together as the two of them were alone in the forest Anthony began looking for the biggest pieces of wood he could get suddenly he felted Ryker's paw rest on his shoulder.
And he paused "Anthony... i can tell something is on your mind..."
Anthony turnd to met his gaze.
He had been stressed out with everything that Ricardo had said to him but he wanted to ask Denny about it.
(Am i really ganna be left on earth alone after i die?....) Anthony shook his head "it's nothing Ryker..."
"Come on.. you can talk to me... im here for you to." Anthony let out a deep sigh "...just drop it... i know your upset to because of Denny..."
He paused for a bit then shook his head
"no Ricardo lied... he just wants everyone to turn on him thats what i think..."
Anthony frownd as he met his gaze.
(I think he might believe it... but he's in denial.)
Then the shiny vaporeon shrugged. "honestly it dosen't bother me... lets not get into that topic right now... lets just focus on gathering sticks for that fire."
Anthony shrugged and started diging through branches and twigs braking off as much big peaces he could find then as he picked them up and turnd around, he was suddenly nose to nose with Ryker feeling shocked he droped all his twigs and felted a bit embarest he noticed Ryker looked just as red.
"Heh sorry Anthony..."
Anthony awkwardy cought his gaze.
"Oh.. thats alright... we should probably hurry back to the others."
He picked up his sticks and they both padded back together.
Once they arrived back to camp Anthony droped his sticks and started gathering them in a neat circle trying to from a nice campfire
he noticed Ryker was watching him with a look of amusement in his purple eyes.
Anthony gave a small Chuckle
"Don't just stand there help me out."
"ok.." he teased as he knocked his stack of sticks down playfully makeing a mess.
"Hey! You werked my neat pile"
Ryker giggled "oh come on now dose it have to be perfect?"
He mocked then Anthony grabbed one and threw at him "hey!" He yelled as it hit him.
"Oh i'll show you." He grabbed another one and threw it back but Anthony douged it then he tackled Ryker trying to pin him down but then he squirted him in the face useing water gun.
"Oh your going to regret that!"
Then he charged at the vaporeon.
Ryker laughed as he got pinnd down.
"Ok.. ok i surrender..."
Anthony smild "good now help me clean up the mess you made."
He noticed the shiny vaporeon was now stareing at him with a new look in his eyes and his face turnd a little red.
Anthony felted his heart beating in his chest as he stared back at him feeling a bit excited and scared.
(whats happing right now?... whats this feeling? Why am i enjoying this so much?)
Then suddenly Denny broke him out of his tranze.
"Ummm what are you two doing?"
Feeling embarest he quickly got off of Ryker he haden't noticed Denny approaching them.
He looked away feeling to embarest to met his fathers gaze.
Ryker was the one to speack "oh.. we were just fooling... no harm in that right?"
Anthony noticed Denny was fixing Ryker with a stern look.
"Well how about lesss flooing around and more work."
"Oh come on Denny your always so serious thier both close freinds can't you see that?"
Ava called out from were she sat under the shade with Jennifer.
Denny turnd back towards them
"Alright... then.."
He was about to leave but then he paused holding Anthony's gaze
"hey... you said you needed to talk to me?"
Ryker looked excited as he nuged the shiny umbreon and wispeard in his ear "go on... talk to him."
Anthony felted a bit of panic.
Then Denny spoke againe
"come Anthony i wanna know whats on your mind."
Anthony paused thinking as he turnd back to Ryker "come with us... i don't want to be alone with him..."
Ryker hesitated as if he was thinking about it then shook his head "just trust him ok?"
Suddenly Denny turnd to look at them "what are you two wispering about?"
Ryker nudged him "go i'll be waiting here for you to get back."
Anthony slowly followed Denny feeling his heart pounding in his chest.
(.... what if he attacks me?... kills me and hides my body? Then lies about it... oh Frddrick did he do that to you?) as Anthony got further away from the others he felted more nervous then finally Denny stoped and Anthony sitffend up focussing on the vaporeon trying to read his gaze.
Denny looked at him "i didn't bring you out here to hurt you... i can tell your scared.."
Anthony unleashed his claws "and why shoulden't i be?" Denny let out a small chukle and sat down warping his tail neatly over his paws geting comforable.
"It's a good thing Fredrick got to raise you.... althrough if im being honest... im not sure if i would have been able to kill you either...."
Anthony looked at him in shock "what?... you tryed to kill me as a little eevee!" Denny nodded "i remember seeing you... arceus it hurt so bad seeing you as a shiny.... i never wanted to hurt you... but i coulden't keep you either at the time.."
"Because you cared more about your followers to help you destroy shiny pokemon and you didn't want to look bad...."
Paine flashed in the vaporeons eyes as he slowly nodded then sighed "im so sorry... i wish it could have been differant.."
Anthony didn't know what to say.
"But... it could bave been differant... i don't understand... can you please tell me why?"
Denny looked up at him with a puzzled expression .
"Why what?" Anthony felted fusterated "why did you turn on everyone? Why did you try to kill Fredrick? why did you murder my aunt and uncle?"
Denny let out a long sigh before sitting down "i....did Fredrick not tell you?"
"I want to hear what you have to say."
Denny was hesitant before speacking.
"It just.... when i was separated from Fredrick and Scarelt... it troubled me deeply... i was always afraid.... what if they sided with Darle... what if they eventually think like the rest of his group most of them were horriable pokemon..."
Denny paused with a deep frown "so... i came across Fredrick.... well i sotra sneacked in hopeing i could get him out... but he chose to stay in Darle's camp... it hurt sooo bad... i assumed Darle had turnd them all against me.... thats when i decided im not going to take shit from shiny pokemon ever againe... thats when.... i started my hatred against all shiny pokemon."
A tear sild down his cheek  "i'v been hunting him down.... he ketped trying to reach out to me... but i never listend to him... i treated him poorly... i tortured him.... but he never stoped trying no matter how close i came to killing him... Fredrick was indeed very brave he stood up to me even knowing he stood no chance... i used to hate it... but now i admire that...."
Anthony had tears in his eyes as he started to cry. Denny sighed "by the time i listend to him.... i had already gon to far..... oh how i wish i could take it all back... i wish i could go back to that war with Darle and do it differently..."
He closed his eyes with a look on pain on his face. "But whats don is don.... there is no going backwards in time.... the only thing i can do is try to move forward..." Anthony rubed his eyes trying to aviod his gaze.
Feeling a low growle in his throat.
(Don't buy it from him... it could be more bullshit trick me.)
Then Denny nuged him "Anthony?..... i know you still have your distance with me.... and i don't expect you to forgive me right away... but i want you to know i mean it when i say i really am sorry..."
Anthony just grunted then Denny cleared his throat
"So...whats been bothering you?"
He gualped feeling nervous "well i.. when me and Ryker were fighting Ricardo he told us that he goes to Darkai's cave to find answers."
Shock lit the vaporeon's eyes "umm what now?.. he has the gift to?"
Anthony noded "he walks to Darkai's cave in his sleep... he's trying to find out how to defeat me... and.. im worried."
Denny hissed "you didn't think to share that sooner! Anthony thats pretty alarming! If he's geting answers to what he wants it won't be long before he finds us!"
Anthony hissed "hey im not don yet.."
Denny was looking pretty impatient.
"Do you think theres anything to do to stop him?"
Anthony shook his head and got in frount of Denny before he could go raceing back to camp "can you please listen me? Im don yet."
"Alright then what is it?"
Anthony held his gaze "well... im kinda scared Recadro said that when i die im going to be traped on earth forever..."
"Thats only if you die in witch your not going to now come on!"
Anthony growled as he ran after his father back to camp.
(So much for helping me..)

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