39 A New trail

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Denny's P.O.V.

Denny found himself sitting in the middle of the forest. He sniffed the air feeling a bit on edge wherever this was it most certainly wasn't the golden forest. 'Will I ever get that experience again? He thought. Then he heard paw steps approaching and turned to see Fredrick. "Hello Denny." He said as he jumped to sit on a flat rock. Denny glanced at Fredrick and smiled. "So you have a new path for me to follow?" He asked and the shiny Flareon nodded. "I do, you're getting closer and closer every day Denny, you'll get there soon." Denny couldn't help but feel relieved. "Oh, thank Arceus! I can't wait to get Anthony cured!" He paused as he glanced sadly at Fredrick. "Does this mean I won't see you anymore?" Fredrick was also quiet and Denny felt that there was something on the shiny Flareon's mind. "You still have some ways to go brother, don't get too excited just yet." Denny let out a sigh as he watched Fredrick. He glanced back at Denny. "All you have to do now is keep heading towords the sun and you'll eventually find it, trust me you can't miss it you'll know when you get there." Denny frowned. "So that means we can't travel at night anymore." Fredrick chuckled. "Well, we both know that's not your style. You always prefer getting up early anyway." Denny nodded. "Well, that's how you get ahead of things."
"Like hunting me down?" Fredrick teased. "Well, if you had no trouble finding my camp then surely you'll get to Arceus Rock. I know no one can stop you from getting what you want." Denny frowned. "Yeah, I suppose." Fredrick's blue gaze sparkled with curiosity in them as he watched him. "Hey, Denny?" He asked and the Vaporeon looked up at him. "Yeah?" Fredrick seemed to hesitate for a moment then asked. "If you could have anything you wanted what would that be?" The question took him off guard. "I... uhh."  He let out a sad sigh. "Fredrick, There's nothing left for me to want." Then he felt puzzled as to why Fredrick was even asking that. "Why do you ask?" But to Denny's disappointment the shiny Flareon was gone. "No, no no!! Fredrick!" He yelled then started running through the forest trying to find him. "Fredrick please come back!! I need to know!" He started losing his patience. 'Who knows when the next time I'll get to see him is! Then a haunting thought hit Denny. 'What if it's never?
"FREDRICK!!" He screamed. Then he woke up in bed sleeping next to Ava. The Leafeon had shaken him awake looking deeply concerned. "Denny, you were talking in your sleep. Is everything ok?" He avoided meeting her gaze for a moment as he felt that heavy pain in his chest. 'I miss him. He got out of bed. "I ahh... I think I need to go out for a bit." Ava got out of bed. "I'm going with you, it's too dangerous to go out alone at this hour." Denny felt slightly annoyed because he did want to be alone but he wasn't going to argue with her about it either. They headed out together then stopped once they got to the river and sat by the ledge. Denny glanced at his reflection then growled and smacked the water. "Denny, please talk to me," Ava said looking upset. "I ruined everything, Ava! All I wanted was to have my brother around but I let him down! I let him die!" He hung his head feeling some tears slide down his cheeks. "I thought I was over it, but I'm not! Seeing Fredrick in my dream reminded me how much I miss him!" Ava moved closer to him. "I know it hurts... Sometimes I think of Slate." That only made Denny feel worse as he slumped down lying on his belly now. "Yes, I killed him also." He glanced at Ava. "Do you still love me? Knowing that I'm the reason he's gone?" She leaned closer to him. "Yes, Denny that was never your fault. He was threatening you and to be honest, if I had to choose I would have chosen you." He let out a sad sigh. "It's hard Ava I've done very bad things I've tortured innocent Mons! I killed them!" He started crying. "I....I let them all die just ask Ruth she knows." Ava hugged him. "So you're finally gonna let that out? It's good that you're finally acknowledging it." Denny trembled a little then let out a sigh. "I wish I could just forget everything... but I can't. Sometimes I swear I can still hear those desperate cires... I just want it to stop." He whimpered. Ava placed her paw on his. "It's ok Denny the fact that you're finally, letting it out is a start towords healing."
"Ava, I think I need to make a new promise for myself." She looked at him. "I'm never going to kill another Mon ever again." He let out a sigh. "I was going to kill Ruth... but I couldn't.." A small smile formed on his muzzle. "I'm happy I didn't. When I saw the fear in her eye it reminded me of my old self and I don't wanna be that guy anymore." Ava frowned. "What about our enemies? What if they try to hurt you?" She asked. "Then I'll defeat them in battle the proper way." He answered. "Ok, but what about Ricardo?" Denny glanced at her. "I think Anthony can have that one. I just don't want any more blood getting on these paws. But if it did come right down to it, then I suppose I could kill if it meant saving a life." He got up. "I'm still gonna protect this group. I'm just gonna start by doing it the right way. Like my son keeps saying killing solves nothing." Ava hugged him. Denny let out a soft purr as he stroked her fur. "Ava, thanks for listening. I suppose having someone I can confide in isn't so bad." She nudged him playfully. "That's what mates are for silly, we don't keep secrets from each other. Denny, if there's anything you ever want to talk about I'll always listen." Denny embraced her in a hug holding her tighter. "I love you, Ava. I hope I never lose you." She let out a soft purr as he kissed her. "Ava? Is it alright if we stay out here for the rest of the night?" She nodded. "OK, but first thing tomorrow we have to make sure everyone is up. We have a long journey still ahead of us." They found a comfy place to sleep under a tree near the water. Denny lay down then pulled Ava close to him and nuzzled her nose with his. "Goodnight Ava."
"Goodnight Denny." As Denny closed his eyes he still couldn't help wondering about Fredrick.
'Am I ever gonna get to see you again?

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