Chapter 40 Anthony's trust

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Ricardo's P.O.V.

The shiny Inteleon was pacing back and froth looking enraged. "I didn't reslize everyone in my group was either an arrogant traitor or a complate imbecile!" Everyone sat quietly and watched him. He smacked a hand on his forhead looking very annoyed. "This ends now! I'm not going to be tacken for a fool! Winston! Get up here now!" He ordered. A Mightena walked over and stood before him. "Do you remember Slate?" The Mightyena nodded. "Of course I d—"
Ricardo kicked him down and hold his finger out ready to use snpie shot. "He's dead! And his sister is gone!" He pulled the Mightyena back up. "I want Ava back! Do you understand me?" He growled. "Why me?"
Ricardo punched him in the face. "Because Slate was your partner! That makes you responsible for his sister! Now this is your last chance you return with Ava or I'll kill you myself! Are we clear?" He nodded. "Well why are you still here? Go get her!" He sped off. Ricardo paused and started grumbleing. "I've been patient this whole time but I Believe time is running out and that little brat still has what's mine! ZETA!" He shouted.
"WHAT?!" The Zoroark screamed back at him from the crowd. Ricardo calmed down after that.
Good so hasn't decided to run off on me like Ruth did.
"Zeta I have an important role for you to play. It's time we break up that little group of Denny's it's time to destroy their trust." The Zoroark cracked a huge smile on his muzzle. "Ah! Finally, I thought you'd never ask!"
"Ok, I need you to follow them. As soon as Denny is gone you do the attack... I want you to disguise yourself as him and then you kill Ryker. No one makes a fool out of me and gets away with it." Zeta looked pretty excited. "Ohh, that'll be good I gotta make sure Andy witnesses it! The look on his face will definitely make it all worth it!" Ricardo nodded. "Good, so you understand what needs to be done?" The Zoroark nodded and then began walking away. "I'll get to it!" Ricardo turned back to the rest of the group. "Once Denny is out of the picture I want him captured as well. I'm sure he won't put up much of a fight once he realizes he's nothing but an Outcast." He smiled.
Things are about to get real Denny I'm going to win not you or Anthony. You never should have turned down my offer now you're gonna suffer the consequences.
He cracked his knuckles feeling his hatred towords the Vaporeon he was well aware that this whole ordeal was none other than Denny's fault.
'It should be you who needs to die not your son! It's your fault I didn't get what's mine!
He thought of Darle for a moment and clenched his fist. 'Denny you are so fuckin mine when I finally get you!

Anthony's P.O.V.

Anthony let out a tired yawn as he walked alongside his father while the others followed from behind. The sun was only just rising. They had started their journey earlier than usual since Denny had announced their new path. At first, he argued with his father about it but quickly accepted it after realizing that their heading straight for the rock. Anthony felt his paws fizzing with excitement he hadn't felt this happy in a long time and he was finally feeling connected with Denny. He felt warm as Denny caught his eye. "I errr..." Anthony started wanting to speak his mind. Denny raised an eyebrow. "Is there something on your mind?" Anthony felt awkward not exactly sure what to say. "I know I've been pretty moody with you lately..." He began. "Well, you do take after me so no surprise there." He replied. Anthony nodded. "I suppose. Anyway, I didn't exactly trust you before but now.." Anthony felt more awkward as Denny paused to look at him with a smile planted on his face. "Go on... You were saying?" Anthony was quiet for a moment then took him off guard as he hugged the Vaporeon. "... I love you, Dad..." He said not caring that the others were watching. Denny looked surprised and then let out a purr hugging him back. "I knew it was only a matter of time before you would come around." He put a paw on Anthony's shoulder. "I promise I won't ever let you down again. I love you too son." Anthony smiled. As they continued walking. "So once I'm cured you said you wanted to go back home?" Denny nodded. "I'll show you all the places I used to go to when I was an Eevee." Anthony smiled. "Sounds good." Ryker got beside him and smriked. "Oh, shut up," Anthony muttered. "What? I didn't say anything... I'm just happy to see you on good terms with your dad that's all." Denny looked happy. "Now first things first let's just focus on getting there before Ricadro dose. The last thing we want is to get caught up in another war." alarm jolted through Anthony this feeling... It felt much too familiar when he went to war with Fredrick. He glanced sadly at Denny. "Dad?"
"We're not going to war, are we?" He asked. Denny let out a deep sigh. "Well let's hope not... but whatever happens I'll make sure you get cured... no matter what." Hearing those words was only making Anthony's anxiety worse.
"NO!" He suddenly shouted and everyone came to a halt. "Anthony is something wrong?" Ava asked. Anthony got in front of Denny. "What are you Doing? There's no time for this!" He hissed. "Anthony, we have to keep moving!" The shiny Umbreon shook his head. "I need you to promise me you won't die!" Surprise lit his gaze and Jennifer moved forword. "What's going on? Were you planning to kill yourself?" Now Denny looked annoyed. "Arceus no! I'm just doing my responsibility and that is to make sure my son gets to Arceus Rock." Anthony's ears went flat. "You are planning to die aren't you?" He shook his head. "Of course not! What kind of a question is that?" Ava moved to his side looking worried there was definitely a look of guilt in his eyes. Ryker let out a shocked gasp. "Oh, my Arceus! You think you're gonna die!" Denny got mad as everyone now surrounded him. "ENOUGH!" He suddenly shouted out. "Don't worry about me! We don't even know if there's going to be a struggle yet!" Ava frowned. "Oh, there's definitely going to be a struggle. I know Ricardo and he will not go down without a good fight." Denny looked stressed out. "That's what I was afraid of... we'll come up with a plan when we get closer but for now, we need to move!" Anthony now felt disappointed. "..... Why make plans for a false future if you just plan to die?" He muttered.
"Who said I was planning to die? Seriously did you put Fredrick through this?"
"No! I'm putting you through this because it's not fair!" He shouted then hung his head miserably. "I already lost Fredrick... I can't lose you to.... I've only just started to make a connection with you. You Weren't there for most of my life." Denny looked sad. "I regret that... I wish I got to see you growing up. But we have to just make the most of what we've got." Anthony held his gaze. "But I just opened up to you! I'm not gonna go if it means you're gonna die!" Denny gave him a side-long look. "You're so fixated on that why?" Anthony stopped once again. "Anthony can we please not do this? I'm not gonna die so please stop saying that!" Anthony had tears in his eyes. "I can't do it! I know what's going to happen! Ricardo is going to try and get me and you're planning to take the fall for me!" Denny gave a sigh of defeat. "OK, I suggest we stop to take a break and hunt!" He announced. Everyone went off in different directions. Ryker came over to sit with Anthony and Denny. Ava was also looking worried. "Denny?" He glanced at her. "Don't fret Ava like I keep trying to tell everyone I'll come up with a plan but we're not there yet!" She hugged him. "You better be careful because I need you too." He frowned. "You guys are stressing me out! Can everyone just calm down? We're not even there yet!" Ryker was looking sadly at Denny. "Denny.... I just wanted to say.. You don't have to do anything drastic just to prove yourself innocent." Denny nodded. "I wasn't planning to. I want to survive this! I really do... but I have to put Anthony first! It's what any father would do. So if Ricardo tries anything it's me they gotta go through before anyone touches my son." Denny sat down close to Anthony. "That's why I want to get there before they do. We don't stand a chance against a whole army." Anthony looked sadly at him. "It's not fair.... I hate my life!" without waiting for a response he ran off through the forest. "ANTHONY!" He heard his father yell. Once he was alone he felt tears sliding down his cheeks and his heart felt heavy. His ears perked up at the sound of snapping twigs. "Anthony?" He turned to see Ryker had caught up to him. "Hey, are you alright?" He shook his head. "How can I be? I have to lose everyone I love just to get a normal life back!" Ryker let out a long sigh. "I get it... you're worried because of what happened with Fredrick." Anthony felt more tears in his eyes. "I can't lose my father Ryker! This feels like losing Fredrick all over again! I need him!" Ryker hugged him. "Just try to have faith. You're not alone we're all going to be there also don't forget. I'll be fighting for you just as hard as everyone else." that only made Anthony feel worse at the thought of Ryker getting hurt or Jennifer, or Ava he even has Ella to think about.
Should I perhaps make the rest of the trip alone? I can easily take on Ricardo with my power... just keep heading towords the sun.
He was awakened from his thoughts as Denny approached them. There was an awkward silence as he stood there quietly watching them. Ryker broke it. "Ok, I think I should give you guys space... I'll meet you back with the others." He said giving Anthony a quick nuzzle on the cheek before padding away. Denny padded over to sit beside Anthony. "Isn't there a way we can do it without a fight?" He whimpered. Denny tilted his head as if in thought. "Now this may be a long shot.... But I was thinking maybe we could somehow convince Sparkle to help us." Anthony's eyes flashed with surprise as he gazed at his father. "W..what? You said it's not a war! That sounds like a war to me!" Denny let out a frustrated growle. "Don't you understand Anthony? If I really wanted to get my claws on that power I know where I'd be right now. He's gonna want to get the jump on us." Anthony frowned and shook his head. "I don't want to."
"You think I want to?" He snapped. "This isn't a choice we have Anthony. They're going to attack because Ricardo wants that curse." Anthony's mind was racing. "Can't I just go alone? All I have to do i—"
"No! That's not happening!" Denny interrupted. Anthony got mad. "Will you just hear me out?"
"Do you have a death wish?" Denny asked. "I'm a dark type! I can sneak there at night and no one will notice me!" Denny shook his head. "Anthony if I had to guess... I'm thinking they're gonna have that rock surrounded just waiting for you. And even if you did manage to get there... how friendly do you think Ricardo is gonna be after knowing that the curse is gone forever?"
He asked. "You think they'll stand down and let you walk away after that?" He asked. Anthony's ears drooped and he hung his head. Denny let out a long breath. "Look I don't want you to worry about it... like I said I'll get something planned before we get there." He paused. "I hope." Now he seemed stressed out. He looked at Anthony. "I know one thing for sure... I'll be right by your side every step of the way our focus is to get you cured." Anthony gazed at Denny worriedly. "You promise?" The Vaporeon nodded and Anthony looked into his eyes thinking of Fredrick. "Dad.." He began. "I was happy to know you survived. I never wanted you dead. When I thought Fredrick died taking you down with him I was devastated... I couldn't handle the thought of losing you both." Denny looked surprised and then smiled. "That makes two of us then. That day when I discovered you in Fredrick's camp.... I couldn't help but feel relieved. Jessie truly had me thinking you were dead all that time." Anthony smiled and then felt sad again. "I need you to survive.." He said. Denny stood up and Stretched. "I can't promise anything because I don't know what's going to happen... but the one thing I can promise is getting you cured." He paused seeing the look on Anthony's face. "Come on Anthony your thinking too much about it. Let's catch something so we can get a move on. The sooner we get there the better." He followed Denny through the thicker underbrush.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 02 ⏰

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