Chapter 6 Anthony's last family member

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Denny's P.O.V.

Denny was lying in a sheltered spot from the storm he watched the rain and slowly drifted off to sleep. When he opened his eyes he found himself in a nice forest Denny's mouth dropped as he gazed around the grass was so perfectly green and felt soft underpaw the trees were all golden. This forest also had a very pleasant feel to it. It gave him a warm feeling that made him want to stay here. 'It's like all my troubles are just gone I feel.. happy? This was something he'd never seen before. I've only ever encountered Darkia's cave is this? "Why hello there Denny." He turned around to see Fredrick sitting only a few paw steps away. "Fredrick!" He ran over to the shiny flareon and hugged him. He felt tears forming in his eyes. "I'm so sorry brother. Fredrick, I didn't mean for you to die I was too late." Fredrick hugged him back. "It's not your fault Denny. There was nothing you could do and honestly I'm glad it was me and not you. You get a chance to be a better Mon look you already found your way to the good spirits." Then two other Mons caught his eye a shiny Espeon and Umbreon. 'Scarlet and Shawn! He looked at Shawn. "Shawn, I'm so sorry it's disgusting what I've done to you after all we've been through together." The Umbreon nodded. "I'm just happy all the bad times are over." Then his focus went to Scarlet the female Rspeon had her head down and he felt sick. Remembering the fight he had watching the life fade from her eyes as he ripped her throat open. Fredrick's scream of agony followed by it. He ran up to her and hugged her. "I'm so sorry little sister. I should have been a better brother to you." To his shock she started crying and hugged him back. "I...I forgive you now." He stared at her in shock and felt horrible. "I... I was supposed to help keep you safe but I killed you instead." She sniffed. "I'm just glad you finally realize your mistakes. I feel like I can be more at peace now that I know you do care about me still." He nodded then Fredrick looked at him. "Denny, you must help Anthony get rid of his curse." He nodded "I know will you help me?" The shiny flareon nodded. "We will don't worry."
Scarlet looked up again. "I.... I was looking forward to living a normal again." Denny dropped his head feeling full of shame. "I'm sorry I took that away from you." Fredrick had a hopeful look in his eyes and Denny caught it. "Hu? What?"
He smiled "Denny I have so much to tell you when the time comes."
"What? Can't you just tell me now?"
Then just like that, he woke up in his den.
'What the? They didn't tell me anything..
Then he heard Shawn's voice "Be patient all in good time you'll get the answers you need." Denny gritted his teeth. 'That doesn't really help me much. He got up to see it was still raining outside 'Well if I wanna catch up with my son I better be on the move.

Anthony's P.O.V.

Anthony was sleeping on his side and then felt a paw nudge him. "Hey, Anthony." He opened his eyes to see Rkyer sitting next to him. He yawned and got up. The shiny Vaporeon giggled a bit. "Hehe, morning sleepy head." He was looking outside "So there's a shiny Inteleon outside. Said he wants to see you." Feeling puzzled he walked outside to see him and the same Leafeon and Mightyena from the day before he felt his heart sink. 'What.. what do they want? He noticed there was another Leafeon there. A female she was looking the other way as if wishing she could just disappear. Anthony swallowed nervously.
"Ummm, Hi err so... what can I do you for?"
The Inteleon smiled. "Greetings friend no need to be afraid I mean you no harm." Ryker sat down warping his tale neatly over his front paws not looking worried at all. 'How can he not be worried? These two attacked us last time we saw them. Anthony then asked "So, your friends there they've been following me. Mind if I ask why?"
"Well, they were just worried about the curse you carry. You know how dangerous that power is don't you?" He nodded his head and Ryker walked over to the Leafeon. "It's Slate." The Leafeon interrupted. Ricardo shot him a dirty look as if warning him to be quiet. Then turned his gaze back to the shiny Vaporeon.
"Well, Slate here. He attacked us if you mean us no harm-" He raised his hand. "I can explain that. Slate and Winston can be a bit foolish at times. I'm sure they just overreacted. You see I'm only here to help you come with me I know how to get rid of your curse." Anthony raised an eyebrow "How?" He smiled. "Come with me and I'll show you." Ryker cut in. "Wait, umm how do we know we can trust you exactly?" Slate growled "Ricardo is a very wise Mon he knows a lot about this curse I would trust him if I were you." Ricardo turned to him. "Yes, thank you Slate. Now please let me handle this-"
"Hey, Ricardo!" He slapped his hand on his forehead looking irritated as a Zoroark came running towords them. "That's Anthony! Denny's son! You found him! I knew you could do it!" Anthony felt his furr rise along his spine and he snarled. "ZETA?! Your alive!" He looked at Ricadro in disbelief. Then Ryker had a look of weary grow on his face he slowly stepped back looking worried. "Umm, You're not after him because of that fact are you?" Ricardo shook his head. "No I don't care about that I just want that curse gone that's all I care." Anthony yelled "Why through?! It's not your problem!" Zeta yawned "This is boring can we attack them already?"
Ricardo now looked pissed. "Zeta." he growled, "We're here to help him not to cause a war."
Anthony shook his head. "I think I pass on that offer. But thanks anyway." Then he snapped his fingers then Slate and Winston blocked his path.
"Ok here's the deal. It seems you haven't fully learned how to use that power yet. Now you'll come with us or you'll be forced to." Ryker nudged him. "Run!" Anthony pushed past Ricardo and bolted as fast as he could with Ryker right beside him. Ryker was bolting for the river 'What is he doing I can't swim! Once they got to the water Ryker nudged him. "Come on I'll help you we need to get away." Anthony paused in front of the water. "No way! I'll drown! I can fight them!" But when he turned to face a large group of Pokemon he didn't know what to do as they got closer and closer. 'Cleo where are you when I need you! Then just as Slate ran up to use leaf blade Anthony closed his eyes waiting for the move to hit. After a few secounds of not getting hit he opend his eyes to see that the Leafeon was hit with an ice beam and he saw a Vaporeon fighting with him a blue one. That's not Ryker. And why does he look familiar? The vaporeon turned to growl at him. "Stay behind me!" He used surf quickly and then turned to Ryker. "Come on I need you to help me carry him we can't fight them all!" Before Anthony could react the Vaporeon grabbed him and dragged him into the water he felt panic as Ryker and this stranger both carried him along the river. Arceus! They're going to drown me! Anthony couldn't see anything as his vision blurred by the water filling his eyes he felt his heart pounding in his chest.
I need to breathe!. Then he felt his head break the surface he took his chance to exhale and then take a deep breath preparing for the worst as he got pulled back under. Then he heard Ryker's voice. "I hope you took a good one you need to hold it for as long as you can." 'I can't do this!
Suddenly he felt this great energy and used a power to force them to let go of him. "ANTHONY NO!" 'That voice. It can't be can it?
Anthony tried swimming upwards but couldn't see in the dark water and started to panic realizing how badly he needed to breathe.
He kept kicking his hind legs trying to reach the surface but no matter how hard he kicked he could never reach it. His rings started glowing trying to produce light finally he couldn't fight anymore and watched helplessly as he sank into the blackness.

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