Chapter 11 A New Recruit

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Anthony's P.O.V

Anthony was walking beside Ryker watching through narrowed eyes as Denny and Kyle were chit-chatting away about the past. He grunted 'It seems Kyle is happier to see him rather than me. I don't get it. Ryker then muttered to him in a low voice so the others couldn't hear. "Umm, how do we know we can trust this lycanroc?"
Anthony shot him with a glare that made him flinche. "I grew up with him of course we can trust him." Ryker frowned "Ok, it just seems kinda odd how he was really fast to side with us."
Then suddenly Denny fell in beside Anthony "Hehe isn't it great Kyle found us?" Anthony didn't answer. Then he was aware of Kyle looking at him. "It's great to see you again kid. I'm so sorry about Fredrick, it pains me to hear that he died." Anthony looked at the lycanrock "I thought you were dead. Where did you go after the war?"
"Well, I just went my own way after the war. It was tragic I also thought you were dead." Ryker rolled his eyes. "Oh, so who's this?" Kyle asked looking at the shiny Vaporeon curiously. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Kyle."
"I'm Ryker... Anthony's friend." He muttered in response. Anthony paused. "I want to take a break to hunt I need to stretch my claws."
Denny nodded. "It's been a while since I got to battle train. You know it wouldn't hurt to practice a bit I mean with Ricardo and Sparkle chasing us." Ryker looked excited. "Yeah, you can teach me a few moves." Denny looked annoyed. "Umm yeah I was hoping I could show Anthony a few things." Anthony pinned his ears back. "No, I don't want to battle!" He objected. Denny held his gaze "Are you sure about that? Because I've been watching you and-" Anthony cut him off growling. "Why? So you can shred me like you did last time?" Denny frowned. "I won't use my claws this time." Anthony just grunted and turned his back to the Vaporeon "Come on Ryker let's go hunt-" He was cut off as he got slammed down hitting the ground Anthony jumped back onto his paws only to be hit with an Iran tail.
Then pinned back down. Ryker burst out laughing as Denny had him pinned. "Hahaha!"
Anthony yelled "GET OFF!! I SAID NO!"
Denny smirked at him. "Why don't make me?"
Anthony got mad and kicked him off watching the Vaporeon as he got into a battle stance.
"Come on Ryker I think we should leave them for a bit," Kyle said  and they both slowly padded away. Anthony hissed "I'm not going to battle you." Denny stood up again. "Anthony, I know I manipulated you the last time. I was trying to bring out the worst in you I'm sorry my intentions were bad at the time." Anthony narrowed his eyes and stopped listening as Denny continued rambling on. Then he remembered what his father had said to him during the war. "Hello weakling" He could remember, hearing the mockery in his voice.
'He thinks he's so good! Does he think I don't stand a chance or something? I had him right under my claws once! Fine, he wants a fight I'll give him a fight! Anthony flung himself at the Vaporeon knocking him off his paws. Denny gave a yell of shock as Anthony planted his paw on his chest unleashing his claws he hissed at him. "Never let your guard down Denny this a fight here come on you know that!" He mocked in a sarcastic tone. That seemed to have made the Vaporeon mad. Denny growled, "I WAS TALKING TO YOU!!" He suddenly jabbed his hind legs into Anthony's stomach and kicked him off. Anthony didn't want to wait for his next move he used shadow ball but Denny avoided it and Anthony got more furious. 'Err I'm not going to lose! Denny used acid armer then Anthony used bite and got him this time. "Oww!" Denny hissed and used an iran tail Anthony tried to move but Denny was faster and got him then it started raining and the shiny Umbreon was aware he used the move rain dance then he was hit with a hydro pump. Now soaking wet he got back up. 'Great I hate being wet! He used dark place but it missed then as he was going for another bite he tripped over the Vaporeon's tail and hit the ground. "ERRR YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME!!" He yelled getting up fast and headbutting Denny away with the move foul play. Denny stumbled backwards then Anthony took his chance and lunged at the Vaporeon. To his surprise, as he landed on Denny
the Vaporeon rolled backwards and Anthony felt shocked as they did a summersault on the grass and he hit his back against the earth with the Vaporeon on top of him. Before Anthony could react fast enough he was hit with an ice beam.
'BER! I'm cold! He felt himself go numb and Denny Smirked. "It seems you are unable to battle therefore I win." He slowly got off and Anthony felt panic realizing he couldn't move at all or speak. 'The rain wet furr he froze me on purpose! Denny sat down calmly then raised his paw and began licking it. The rain stopped.
"Oh, good maybe now you'll listen now." He said then turned his purple gaze back to Anthony. "First off you shouldn't let your anger get the best of you. Let this be a lesson for you."
'Shut up, shut up!' Denny sighed and sat down beside Anthony. "You're not bad of a fighter through. I'm guessing you used to practice a lot with Fredrick." He frowned looking upset for a bit. "Anthony, I know I did a terrible thing to you. I'm only trying to help you right now I wasn't there for you. But I'm here now." Anthony felt panic. 'I don't wanna hear it! You murder! Denny looked at him studying the shiny Umbreon's face as if looking for a reaction. "I know you're just as stubborn as me. That's why you won't let me talk with you ever. It was my stubbornness that made me go as far as I did and." He hung his head after closing his eyes. Anthony felt himself slowly unthawing. He twitched and slowly got up glaring at the Vaporeon. "Just what are you saying?" He demanded and Denny looked up at him startled. "I'm saying don't block me out with your stubbornness." Anthony held his glare. "What? Are you implying that I'm like you? For real?! You actually think I'm gonna turn out the way you did!" Denny looked stunned for a bit "No that's not what I'm saying.."
"Then what are you saying?" Denny let out a sigh "Look I just don't want you to avoid me anymore!" Anthony turned away feeling mad "Well too bad because like it or not I want nothing to do with you!" Denny walked up to him and rested his tail over the Umbreon. "I know you don't actually feel that way."
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" He sighed and pulled away hissing "I didn't even want to have this talk you just forced me into it!" Denny flinched looking hurt. Then Ryker and Kyle both came running back each carrying prey. Kyle looked a bit taken aback "Hey what's going on? How did the battle go?" Anthony just rolled his eyes and started walking away just wanting to be alone Ryker called after him. "Hey, Where you going?"
"I need to be alone." Anthony answered. The shiny Vaporeon was about to follow but Kyle stopped him "Maybe it's best to give him his space." The shiny Vaporeon sighed and sat down Denny raised an eyebrow. "I kind of notice you follow my son around. What's with that?" Ryker looked embarrassed. "I uh just care about him."
Anthony grunted as he got out of earshot and sat down by a puddle looking at his reflection. 'I'm not a bad Mon he is. Then in the water, his reflection darkened his rings turned red and his eyes glowed looking sinister then suddenly a Leafeon was standing right behind him. Anthony jumped in shock as he was hit with a leaf blade.
"Oww!" He growled at the Leafeon and recognized him at once. "You again! Can't you just leave me alone?!" The Leafeon replied in a menacing growl. "Not until your dead!" Anthony got mad and used a Shadow ball hitting him then as he stumbled and tired to get back up the shiny Umbreon used Iran tail and pinned him back down snarling in the Leafeon's face. "Leave me alone!" Then out of nowhere, another Pokemon crashed into him knocking him off of the Leafeon. Feeling confused Anthony got up quickly to come face-to-face with a female Leafeon. She used razor leaf then Slate got back up with a big grin on his face. "Hahah we got him!" Anthony narrowed his eyes then another voice broke in. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure!" Ryker came running up to the Umbreon's side.
Slate laughed "Haha you're a water type! You shouldn't be much of a problem!" Then Kyle and Denny came running and Kyle growled, "Face it your outnumbered Leafeons!" Denny looked at Kyle. "You really like to get cocky when you have a backup." He teased in a friendly tone. Slate growled "Are you serious? A rock type and two water types? Haha, you're making this way too fun! Come on sis we can beat them!" Denny and Ryker both used ice beam. The female was able to move away in time while Slate got hit. "Oh, Slate this is hopeless we can't beat them!" She said.
Denny smirked at Slate. "Yeah that's right you should listen to your sis-" He was cut off as Slate charged at him. "I'll kill you!" Anthony got mad and ran up pulling the male Leafeon off of his father and raked his claws across his face drawing blood then he shoved him against a tree his paw firmly on his neck choking him. The Female gasped in shock. "Please let him go!" She pleaded. But Anthony ignored her he was blinded by his own anger and hate towards the Leafeon he felt his claws sinking into Slate's neck "I warned you to leave me alone!." He raised his paw up but before he could make the next move he was suddenly hit by a shadow ball. "ANTHONY STOP!" He was suddenly pulled away from Slate by Kyle. "GERR why did you stop me!" He snapped Kyle looked taken aback "So you wanted to kill him?" Anthony snapped his gaze towards Denny Who looked a bit worried then back to Kyle and sighed. "No, I wasn't going to kill him because I'm not like Denny. But they are our enemy!" The female looked scared as she looked at her brother who was now coughing and wheezing. Ryker growled, "Ok, we beat your brother and you know you don't stand a chance so leave us." Then Denny quickly broke in.
"Now, now hold on there a sec there Ryker." The shiny Vaporeon glared at him. As he walked up to the Female Leafeon. "If I know one thing it's how a bad Mon thinks. So Ava, did Ricardo threaten you into killing us?" Anthony felt puzzled. "Hu? How do you know her name?"
Ryker whispered in his ear. "They met before.... while we were sleeping." Anthony growled "What! How come you never said anything?" He noticed the Vaporeon looked embarrassed and started licking his paw. "I uhh didn't see the need to." Ava frowned. "Well, You are right. We need the shiny Umbreon to come with us or..."
"So why not join us?" Denny asked. Anthony felt shocked. "What? No way! Are you mad?!" Denny looked frustrated. "You don't understand Anthony. Ava is not a bad Leafeon! We can trust her." Anthony couldn't believe what he was hearing. Kyle even looked unsure. "Um, Denny are you sure about that?" He questioned then Ryker butted in. "Ok, ok as much as I hate to admit it. Denny is right Ava has helped us before but I'm not sure about her brother." Slate got back up. "There is no way I'm joining you! Come on, Ava." She was hesitant Denny was looking at her. "No Ava you can't go back. You got to trust me I'll keep you safe." Anthony raised an eyebrow.
'Is he flirting with her? Then he felt mad as he saw the Leafeon take his paw. "Ok, I'm in. But you got to promise we'll beat Ricardo." He nodded then his gaze went back to Slate who now looked outraged. "What! You traitor! Ava how can you do this? I'm telling Ricardo when I get back!"
Denny looked at him. "Slate.."
"Don't talk to me!" He padded up pinning his ears back. "I hate you! And I'm going to kill you the next time we meet so you better watch your back." Denny just chuckled at that. "Hahaha, I'd like to see you try." And at that, the leafeon charged at Denny but the Vaporeon saw it coming and moved away quickly then doubled back and hit him with an iron tail knocking him back down again and pinning him planting his paw on his neck. "Now I'm warning you to stay away from us." Slate hissed and used leaf storm hitting everyone then he shoved Denny off getting free. Ryker yelled, "No we can't let him get away!" The shiny Vaporeon ran after him but then Ava stopped him "No! let him go."
"Ava!" Denny looked shocked as he ran over to her. "he's going to tell Ricardo that you betrayed them! We have to stop him" Kyle frowned. "Well it's too late now he's gone." Anthony grunted, "Well it's not too late for Ava to go with him." Everyone looked at the shiny Umbreon. "What?" Ava sat with her head down. "Maybe he's right."
Kyle shook his head. "No, you made the right choice. Anthony is just a bit stubborn is all."
Anthony rolled his eyes then Ryker came to sit beside him and give him a playful shove. "Oh, Come on Anthony Ava's not bad it was her who helped us to rescue you after all." He blinked then looked at her "Ugg.. err sorry I guess you're welcome to join us." Denny moved close to her and they touched noises. "I'm glad you decided to come around." He said with a smile then winked at her making her face glow red in a blush. Anthony narrowed his eyes feeling sick.
'Ahh gross he is flirting with her. Kyle smiled "There, we're slowly making our group bigger. Now I think we should be on the move." Anthony felt annoyed as he noticed Ava was blushing as she was walking beside Denny. Ryker fell in beside him. "Are you mad because they like each other?" Anthony looked at him "What? How do you know they like each other?" He turned his gaze towards them. "Umm, just look at them."
Anthony turned his head to gaze at the two who looked nervous as they walked beside each other.
Every so often they would catch each other's eye and then look away blushing. Anthony gritted his teeth and then decided to barge right in the middle of them Denny looked surprised as he moved up right beside him. "Hu Anthony? I thought you were avoiding me?" He asked looking confused then Anthony smirked. "So Dad what's new?" Denny smiled looking a bit happy then a look of embarrassment crossed his face as he looked at Ava the Leafeon looked shocked. "What? He's your son?" Everyone stopped and she was staring at Denny in shock looking a bit disappointed. Anthony smiled. "Oh, Yeah didn't he tell you? Why in fact that's why I'm crazy I take after him. He also killed-" He felt Denny's paw cover his mouth. "Ok, ok now that's enough from you." Ava frowned. "Oh, umm what was he going to say?" Kyle paused. "Jessie was evil and twisted but like Denny here I also fell in love with her." Anthony gasped in shock and stared at Kyle "You were with my mother? Please tell me that there's a possible chance you could be my father!" Then he felt a paw cuff him over the ear "Oww!"
He glared at Denny and then stuck his tongue out. Denny rolled his eyes then turned his gaze to Kyle. "Hold on. You were also with Jessie?? when?" Kyle frowned. "Way before you she used me to get to you and no Anthony there's no chance I'm your father we never got that close." Anthony frowned then Denny awkwardly turned to Ava. "I'm not with Jessie anymore that happened a long time ago. She only used me for power. well, when I was.."
"The evil shiny killer?" She finished for him. He nodded his head looking nervous. "Yes.." Anthony let out a grunt. "And he-" Ryker nudged him. "Hey can I talk to you for a second?" He paused and then finally nodded. "Oh, ok then."
He noticed Denny was staring after them shooting him with a look. Once Anthony was out in the forest alone with Ryker the shiny Vaporeon sat down. "Look I know you hate him but was that necessary? You humiliated him back there."
Anthony sat down feeling a little guilty. "So maybe I did but he sorta deserves it." Ryker raised a brow at him. "I know what it is... you just don't like Ava I can see it on your face." Anthony sighed. "Well, it's weird plus why would he want a mate?" Ryker shrugged. "Sometimes Pokemon just fall in love no one is at fault. I think you should just let him be happy. I know he did you wrong but he's trying his best." Anthony looked out over the trees to see the sun was going down.
"Well, I don't see the point in travelling on. I think we should make camp for the night." Ryker paused then gave him a mischief smirk. "Well, what's the hurry to get back? We never really spend time together." Anthony tilted his head to one side. Ryker used a water gun splashing him then he chased the shiny Vaporeon "You're going to pay for that!" Then he pinned the shiny Vaporeon down and noticed a look flashed in his purple gaze. "Hu, what is it?" The shiny Umbreon asked and he looked embarrassed as he slowly got up. "Oh, nothing your rings look nice in the dark." Anthony nodded. "Um, thanks come on we should head back." Anthony felt great as he walked beside Ryker. 'He is a great friend I always feel happy when it's just us two without Denny always bugging me. Suddenly when they returned
to the rest everyone had already made beds for the night and Kyle was asleep. While Ava was sitting alone under a tree watching as the two returned. Denny ran over to them. "Took you two long enough. What were you doing anyway?" He asked. Anthony growled. "Jeeze get off my back, would you? It's too late to travel now anyway."
"Yes, I know that clearly. Anyway, you two should get some sleep." Then he padded away.
Anthony narrowed his eyes and then found himself in a good spot to sleep.

Denny's P.O.V.

Denny felt a bit miserable as he lay down in his bedding. Does Anthony really wish Kyle was his father instead of me? He shut his eyes tightly. 'I deserve it.. After everything I've done.
"Umm hey?" He opened his eyes to see Ava standing in front of him. "Mind if I ask what's wrong?" He looked into her brown eyes for a moment not knowing if he wanted to. 'She's not gonna hurt me like Jessie did is she? He heaved a sigh "I just want my son to forgive me. For well you know." She sat down with him and Denny felt his heart beating in his chest. "So how come you never told me you had a son?" Denny looked down at his paws. "Oh, well... I was worried you might get the wrong idea. I don't have a mate." Denny felt her move closer to him making him turn red. "Well, I suppose you had your mistakes." Denny pulled her closer to him and then whispered in her ear. "Do you trust me, Ava?" She hesitated and then slowly nodded her head. "I don't know what it is. But when I'm close to you I get this feeling and I just feel safe."
"Oh? Even knowing what I've done?" She paused looking into his eyes. "I can see how bad you regret it. I think I do trust you." He smiled "That makes me happy to hear that almost the whole forest wants to kill me." She leaned closer to him and he kissed her. Ava blushed deeply. "It's kinda cold tonight do you maybe wanna share my bedding?" He asked and she nodded. "Sure but move over." She teased as she laid down next to him Denny snuggled close to her warping his tail over her and holding her close to him feeling Butterfree's in his stomach. 'This feeling it's almost like having Jessie back.


Denny could hear the screams of agony back in Darle's camp as he watched with horror frozen in his spot seeing his mother being burned away he looked around desperately at the shiny Pokemon willing for someone to help but no Mon moved and soon enough she was dead. Denny fell stiff with shock the sounds of his sibling's cry faded as he just stared blankly at what used to be his mother then Darle stood over him "Now it's your turn!" He grabbed Denny and tied him and Shawn up Denny closed his eyes feeling full of panic. 'I don't wanna die! Not like this!


Suddenly Denny's eyes flew open as he was gasping for air Ava jumped in shock "What's wrong?" Denny heaved a heavy sigh. "I just had a nightmare." She looked surprised. "What was it about it?."
"Something that happened years ago."
She cuddled close to him "It's alright go back to sleep." Denny closed his eyes but was finding it hard to go back to sleep then his old memories started coming to him. As he was sitting on his ice rock watching shiny Pokemon suffer.
'I'm no better than Darle! I sunk to his level.

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