Chapter 35 to the Mountains

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Anthony's P.O.V

Anthony was tossing and turning in his sleep having a bad dream.
He was sitting in a dark cave alone trying to see but it was too dark for even him.
'Am I back in Darkrai's cave?... but how?'
Then he heard an unsettling laugh.
"Hehe, Haha" Anthony stared in shock as a shiny Umbreon that looked exactly like him, walked out from the shadows and faced him the only difference between them was the scars the other Umbreon had. "Why hello there friend."
Anthony's fur stood on end. "You! You're that monster Umbreon everyone keeps seeing in their dreams, who are you!"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm you."
"No, your not me! I'm nothing like you and I never will be!"
He only smirks.
"Well now, we'll see about that now, won't we?" Anthony got mad but as he leaped at his evil clone it vanished like the morning mist Anthony found himself landing on the empty space where he had last seen it then he heard a deep unsettling laugh from behind.
"Hahaha!" he turns around and froze stiff with fear as he saw an evil Shiny Charizard appears.
"Darle? What do you want?"
He demanded. "I'm still watching you guys, you will be mine, all shiny Pokemon belong to me for I am Darel king of Shinies!"
Anthony felt shocked as the Charizard used Focus blast and knocked him down.
"You stand no chance!"
Anthony yelled in shock as Dlare was getting ready for another attack he came at Anthony with dragon claw then Anthony stumbled to the cave floor at the impact of the move he surprisingly felt too weak to get up, this Charizard was really strong. Anthony was getting more nervous seeing how angry the Charizred looked as he waved his tail in Anthony's face. "Look at what your Father did to me!" he howled looking more enraged and it hit Anthony that the flame at the end of his tail was out which meant that Darle couldn't use any fire moves at all.
Dalre slowly walked up to him. "Please just leave me alone!"
"I can't do that! Ricardo is my friend we knew each other growing up and now you have something that he needs!" he put his foot right over Anthony's face. "No, no please!"


Anthony's eyes flew open he was laying on his back in the grass, he was sweating and breathing hard. He glanced up above to see that the full night sky was out.
"Anthony, are you alright?" he turns to see Denny walking towards him when he glanced at the empty space beside him, he sat up.
"Ryker got up already, everyone is up except you, I was just on my way to wake you up."
Anthony slowly sat up in a daze.
"Hey, is there anything you need to tell me?" he asked seeming worried.
"No, it was just a dream." The Vaporeon held his gaze. "Right, well everyone is ready are you?."
"Umm, I guess." As Anthony got up Denny laid a paw on him. "You weren't in Darkrai's cave again were you?"
"I didn't choose to go there!" he snapped. Denny frowned. "I see." Anthony padded over toward the front of the group then he waved his tail signalling for them to follow and then took the lead padding in the direction of the mountains.
Denny and Ryker both flanked him on each side. "Hey, Denny is Arceus rock awaiting us in the mountains?"
Felix asked from the back of the group he padded alone while the three females walked together.
Ava and Amethyst we're both flanking Jennifer helping her walk. "I don't know yet Felix, but I know Fredrick is waiting for us to reach it, I'll see if I can get a straight answer from him."
Jennifer let out a snort.
"Evan if that were true, how come Fredrick doesn't talk to me?" she asked.
Denny turns to look toward her.
"It's not like that Jen, Fredrick is dead, he has a new life now, I'm sure the dead aren't meant to mingle with us living Mons."
"Yeah but why does my mate only make time for you? How come I never get to see him?"
Denny now looked frustrated.
"I don't know what else to say, you weren't born with the ability to reach out to them."
Anthony turns his head back to look at his foster Mother and then felt a stab of grief for her.
He knew she must be missing him right now.
"Denny, you've really done all you could to save him?" Pain flashed in his eyes.
"Yes! I tried to take his place! You have no idea, Jennifer! I wanted him to live, he should be the one guiding you all right now, things would have been much easier for everyone, Sparkle wouldn't be a problem if Fredrick, were here."
Everyone fell quiet then Ava spoke up.
"Denny! That's not true! I'm glad you're here with us."
"Yeah because your my mate, you weren't there for the bad times."
Anthony inhaled a deep sigh.
"But if you died instead of Fredrick you would have gone to Darkrai's cave"
"Who's to say I'm not going to end up there?"
Anthony looked up at him in shock.
"Don't say that! If you truly are a better Mon than you were before, Surely Arceus can forgive you."
The Vaporeon didn't respond then Anthony spoke again.
"I'm happy you're alive."
"I know you wish it were him instead of me."
"I'll admit that, before the war, I was worried that something bad might happen to Fredrick, I made him promise me to survive the war."
Denny nodded.
"At first I was very disappointed, but now I understand why he had to break his promise, he wanted you to get a second chance and now I'm happy that he gave it to you because now we all get a chance to see the real you."
Denny turns a look toward him, Anthony could see his eyes glowing, which seemed to have made him happy.
"And?" he asked.
Anthony tilted his head.
"And what?"
Ryker gave him a friendly shove on the shoulder. "Go on finish your sentence, your happy that Denny is alive because??"
Anthony's face turned red then Denny asked.
"Anthony, can I ask you something?"
"Umm. Err ok."
"Did you really want me to die in the war, you know when we were enemies at the time?"
Anthony shuffled his paws a little.
"I... Err, I never wanted to go to war in the first place."
"I know you didn't want me dead, you chose not to kill me remember?"
"That's because you mocked me! I got scared of the penalty that would come with it.
If I killed my own Father."
"Admit it, your happy I'm alive because now you get a chance to bond with your real Father, I know that's what you wanted."
Anthony felt panic as he avoided meeting his Father's gaze.
'Dose he have to embarrass me in front of everyone!'
Denny chuckled a little bit.
"Hehe, but things still could have been better if Fredrick did survive. If he were with us my name would have been cleared already everyone would have trusted his word any day over mine."
"I don't know about that Denny, Sparkle is a bit hard to persuade."
Jennifer said. Anthony agreed with her.
"You know she's right Sparkle quit trusting me as soon as he learned who my biological father is."
"Pfft what difference does it make anyway? If I was your uncle you'd still have the same blood."
Anthony smiled he was proud knowing that he was related to Fredrick.
'I take after both of them and Shawn and Scarlet to'
Ava spoke up.
"I think all in good time maybe we can win Sparkle's trust."
As much as Anthony wished that could be true, he knew the shiny Mightyena well enough.
"No, we need to stay clear of him, Sparkle is not a forgiving Mon, might as well be talking to Ruth when it comes to him." He pointed out.
Denny smiled. "They both seem like a pair don't they?"
Ryker snorted. "Ruth doesn't do relationships and when she does she only uses them, that's all." Denny looked thoughtful for a bit.
"That's too bad, I think she used me too, but I can't complain because I was no better at the time. I was only using her as much as she used me." Ryker frowned as if thinking about something. "Ryker?" Denny asked now seeming concerned. "So, where did Ruth take you? Was she-"
Ryker lifted his tail.
"I grew up in a rainforest, it was good, now can we please change the subject?"
Denny sighed.
"Ryker, I'm sorry I tried to kill her, I don't want to hurt Ruth but if she keeps threatening us then I will do what's necessary to keep us safe."
"I know, but she will never stop chasing us! Where ever I am Ruth will try to get me." he looked both worried and sad. "But I never thought she'd go as far as to threaten to kill me." He squeaked in a sad voice.
"What?!" Anthony couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Kill you? Did She threaten to kill you?" Ryker nodded.
"When you fainted after Darle took control of your body Ruth chased me down and when I refused to let her kill Denny she threatened to kill me." Anthony could only stare at his boyfriend shocked he wasn't sure now what he could say to cheer him up. He felt his claws slide out at the thought of seeing the one-eyed Liepared again.
'seriously why can't that bitch just leave us alone?'
"Don't worry Ryker I'm sure she was only bluffing she just doesn't want to die is all, and maybe she feels that she has unfinished business with me," Denny said trying to reassure him.
Then as they were walking the ground under the paw became hard and Rocky.
"This is it, we're at the mountains."
Anthony announced.
Everyone paused not sure what to do until Denny broke the silence. "Ok, let's travel through them, like Fredrick wants, once we get on higher ground we'll stop to make camp, does that sound good?"
Felix who was in the back lifted his paw indicating that he wanted to ask a question.
"Yes, Felix?" Denny asked. "I'm hungry."
"Ok, Who else is hungry?" He asked then Anthony's belly growled and he felt embarrassed. Denny looked at him.
Then he quickly shook his head.
"No, I think we should keep going! We'll find food in the mountains!"
"Like what?" Ava asked.
Anthony frowned "Well, there should be plenty of flying types."
"Like those Braviary?" Denny put in.
"Expect to see more of them in the mountains." Denny pointed out. Anthony's ears drooped and he felt the fur along the back of his neck stand up at the thought. He most certainly didn't want to get targeted again by one. His father seemed to have read his gaze.
"This time your gonna stay close to me in fact we all need to stay together!" Denny informed them. "Anyone who gets scared and runs off becomes the next meal so please keep that in mind." Jennifer looked scared.
"Denny? Can I please be beside you? I'm injured! Their gonna see that and-"
"Yes, don't worry Jennifer I'll see that everyone is safe."
"I wish Kyle were here, he was a rock type, why did you abandon him?" Denny looked hurt by that.
"I... I didn't mean to, I thought he was right behind me, I-" he broke off hanging his head looking hurt.
"Guys! It wasn't Denny's fault! Kyle chose to stay behind!" Ryker called out.
Jennifer narrowed her eyes.
"Fredrick used to always say, No shinies left behind!" Denny glared at her.
"Ok, and I'm gonna say, no Mons left behind!"
Jennifer returned the glare. "Kyle was a shiny!"
"It wasn't my intention! Kyle was my friend! If I could go back in time I would go rescue him, but I can't! I'm sorry." Amethyst spoke up.
"arguing about this now gets us nowhere, your friend Kyle was brave he died thinking he could take Ricardo with him, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case."
"Amethyst is right! No more, now let's all stop to eat!" Felix called out.
Denny eyed him looking annoyed.
"Ok, I suppose we can hunt, everyone pairs up with someone so no Mon gets lost."
"I'm gonna stay here with Jennifer and help look after Ella." Ava Announced.
Denny nodded. "Ok, we'll be sure to bring back extra for you three."
"Hey, Denny! Come hunt with me!"
Felix called out excitedly. "No, actually I was gonna go with my son." Feeling panic Anthony nudged Ryker.
"Come on! let's go quickly I don't wanna be stuck with him."
But Denny laid his tail on Ryker's shoulder.
"Ryker, why don't you go with Felix?"
Now Anthony was annoyed.
"Oh, come on!"
Denny turns a sharp glare at him.
"Come on help me out! I don't want to get stuck with him!"
He hissed in a low voice that only Ryker and Anthony could hear while the others were all out of earshot. Ryker nodded. "I suppose" Then he padded over towards the Flareon.
"What about Amethyst?" Anthony asked and the Espeon dipped her head. "Don't worry about me I won't get lost."
Denny turns to face him. "Well there you have it, everyone is pared up, now let's go."
Anthony gritted his teeth.
"I have a better solution, why not-" but he broke off as no Mon was listening Amethyst was already gone, and Ryker and Felix were already padding away together.
Denny nudged him.
"Come on Anthony let's see if we can beat them back, you're a dark type after all."
Sighing in defeat he followed the Vaporeon.
As they travelled into the undergrowth, Denny paused allowing Anthony to lead.
Anthony sniffed the air then Denny got in his way. "Ugg get out of my way!"
"Anthony, there's something that's been bothering me lately."
Feeling confused he tilted his head to one side.
"Umm ok, what?"
"Well, when I first found you, you got so hostile towards me, which I can't blame you on that, but we've been through a lot together and-"
"I'm not willing to fully trust you just yet!" he snapped.
Denny held his gaze. "I know that's not true, I mean I think I've proven myself to you by now, but that's not the thing that's bothering me."
"Then what?"
"Anthony, when we reach Arceus rock, I mean after you are fully cured, do you really never want to see me again?"
As Anthony watched him he could see a look of weary in his purple depths.
"What do you care anyway? You've got Ava now, I'm sure you're going to start your own family once this is over."
"...I know I wasn't there for your childhood in fact I'm well aware that I destroyed It for you, I know it's hard for you to forgive me."
Anthony stayed silent.
"But I want to be there for you now, please give me a second chance, even if I do have more kids, you are still my first born and I'll never love you any less, I want you in my life, Anthony."
He avoids meeting his father's gaze as a smile formed on his muzzle. "I saw that!" Denny teased.
"Ok, ok I'll give you that second chance, but can we wait until my curse has been lifted before we start making plans for the future?"
Denny looked really excited.
"Oh, this is great! Once we're done I want to go back to the old forest where I grew up before Darle took over, it holds many memories, you and Ryker can live close by me and Ava, and we'll bring Jennifer to"
"Ugg! Can you stop!"
"Right, right, let's get something to eat then."
Denny sniffed the air. "I smell something! Come this way but be quiet."
Anthony lowered himself as he crouches down beside Denny. They both watched as a Skwovet was by the roots of a tree collecting berries.
"Ok, here's the plan since your a dark type you sneak around and scare it from the other side and I'll deliver the kill." Anthony nodded and slowly crept around the tall grass than once he got into position he leaped out at it scaring it right in Denny's Direction who caught it in between his two paws.
Anthony approached him.
"Nice!" The Vaporeon looked up at him.
"We make a good team don't we?" he nodded.
"Eh, I suppose."
"Once we get more free time we should have another battle, there's more I want to teach you."
"Yeah ok, but I'm not using my curse."
"No, of course not, I mean only in emergencies." Anthony suddenly thought about his dream seeing the evil version of himself.
'Is that what I'm going to become if I keep using it? And what about Darle is he really still around?'
More questions were filling his mind until Denny suddenly broke his thoughts by leaping on him and pinning him down.
"What are you doing?"
"Get down and be quiet!" he hissed. Feeling worried he listened.
As they both lay low in the grass Anthony shifted his ears trying to hear better then he heard an all too familiar voice.
Denny growled beside him. "Zeta."
"Daniel! Where are you, Dan?"
The Zoroark walked right past them. Now Anthony was beginning to worry about the others and he noticed his father also looked uncomfortable. "Do you think Zeta is alone?" he asked his father flexing his claws in the grass giving hints that maybe they can just knock him out quickly. The Vaporeon shook his head. "I wouldn't count on it, I know Zeta all too well, there's always something rotten about his plots, we need to find the others before he does." Anthony got up scanning the woodland around them knowing that Zeta also had night vision as a dark type.
"It's clear let's hurry!" he began racing back with his father running only a few tail lengths behind.
Once they arrived back to the others they were all sitting in comfortable spots eating.
Denny looked at Anthony "Ok, I don't want to start a panic we eat then move out."
"Hey, why do you both look like you just saw a ghost?" Jennifer suddenly asked looking worried. Denny shook his head "Everything is fine Jennifer just finish your food ok."
He reassured her then Ryker approached them. "Come on Anthony Felix and I caught extra you can come to share with me." Denny gave a nod of approval. "That's good I'll go share this Skwovet with Ava, is there enough food for everyone?"
Ryker nodded "Amethyst did well she brought back three pieces of prey to share."
The Vaporeon looked Relieved by that.
"That's good, ok let's hurry up and eat so we can move!"
Jennifer rolled her eyes as he went to sit with her and Ava.
Anthony padded over with Ryker and sat down with him.
Felix and Amethyst we're also sitting with them. The Espeon was finished eating already and was grooming herself.
Felix was watching her shyly.
"So how'd the hunt with you and your father go?" the Flareon asked as Anthony began to eat his food.
The shiny Umbreon didn't answer he wanted to finish his food quickly.
Felix looked surprised seeing him scarfing it down.
"Whoa, there slow down! you must really be hungry."
The Flareon commented. Ryker also looked surprised. "What's the rush, Anthony?"
He paused. "I'm just.. Err hungry."
Ryker didn't look convinced through.
"Did you see something while you were out there?"
Before Anthony could reply Amethyst's red gem on her forehead began to glow.
"Somethings coming!" everyone got up as the bushes shook and a Zoroark came rushing out.
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you Dan!"
Jennifer suddenly gave the Vaporeon an accusing glare.
"Denny? Why is Zeta looking for you?"
The Vaporeon looked hurt by the accusation.
He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know! Zeta what do you want?"
The Zoroark smiled. "Look, buddy, I'm sorry I nearly ripped your arm off."
"Apology not accepted!"
"Oh come on, please! I can't handle being part of Ricardo's army that guy is too boring can I please come with you guys? I miss you, Dan, I'm sorry I've been a bad friend to you."
Felix looked shocked "What! You were once Friends with this crazy guy? But you won't be friends with me?"
Denny looked mad as he rose to his paws. "I'm not a fool Zeta! I know something is going on here go back and tell Ricardo that his plan failed! You're not getting my son, Now go!"
"This isn't a trick! I mean it. I want to travel with you guys!"
Jennifer shook her head. "No, Denny! don't you dare say yes to that monster!"
The Vaporeon paused to look at the others.
"Wait... Please tell me that no Mon here thinks I'm part of some kind of messed up plan."
"I don't know Denny! I find it suspicious that shortly after Kyle died you're crazy friend is looking for you."
Ryker frowned. "That wasn't Denny's fault I thought we got passed this already!"
"Well, I was over it until Kyle died he was a shiny and Denny left him alone up there!" Jennifer hissed. Ava moved closer to the Vaporeon.
"Don't take it personally Denny, Jennifer is the only Mon here with trust issues."
Anthony got up and growled.
"So how are we gonna deal with Zeta?"
Denny eyed the Zoroark cooly.
"I say we kill him! He-"
"There you go again! always making death threats! If you're truly a different Mon then prove it!"
Jennifer challenged.
Denny's tail drooped and he looked frustrated.
"Fine, we let Zeta go and then he'll come back for us another day just you wait."
Ryker glared at the Zoroark. "You're not welcome here Zeta!"
"Yes, why do you even want to travel with us? you know I'm a changed Mon now Zeta"
"So being the good guys means we get to kill the bad ones right?"
"Why are you so obsessed with killing Zeta?" Denny asked.
"Hmm I don't know I just love watching Mons suffer and it's so satisfying when they die."
Everyone just stared at him in silence.
Jennifer glanced at Denny. "I'm sorry but I'm concerned about you if you really used to be friends with this guy."
Felix frowned looking disturbed. "You find it, satisfying to kill other Mons?..... Denny, can we go now?"
"Look I know no Mon here likes me or feels comfortable around me but I promise this isn't a trick, if you let me tag along, I'll just hang out in the back and do my own thing." Jennifer pulled her little Eevee close to her.
"Denny you have 5 seconds to fix this now."
The Vaporeon waved his tail. "Zeta leave now or I'll have no choice but to hurt you!"
Anthony padded over to stand by his Father.
Zeta looked excited "Oh, your son is so great! Have you been giving him killing lessons!" Anthony felt his fur fluff up in rage that had gone too far now!
"That's it! You lead no other choice attack!"
Anthony jumped at the Zoroark only for him to dodge him.
Zeta transformed looking the exact same as him.
"Hello, Andy!"
"Don't call me that!"
Denny aimed an ice beam at Zeta who quickly traded places with Anthony, he got hit instead "Owe!"
Zeta grabbed him and shuffled with him then smirked as Denny looked confused about who to hit. Anthony growled, "I'm the real one!"
"No guys! Don't mistake that psychopath for me!" Anthony felt surprised at how we'll Zeta had acted out his voice then shocked as Denny suddenly charged at him instead and hit him with an ice beam then pinned him down.
Anthony felt hurt as he ignored him and charged up a shadow ball that hit pretty hard. Now getting mad Anthony kicked him off and used snarl Denny growled. "Last chance Zeta! Leave now!"
Anthony felt nervous seeing how serious his Father was getting, while the real Zeta was sitting with the others watching with a big smile on his face and Anthony understood now what Zeta's intention was.
'He wants to watch my father kill me!'
Denny used hydro pump and Anthony dodged it.
"You're making a huge mistake!"
Denny suddenly lashed out with his claws just missing the fur near Anthony's neck.
Now Anthony was scared this was a battle he couldn't lose. Denny hissed "Of course you have to make this difficult for me, by choosing to look like my son!" then he used another hydro pump, Anthony jumped over the move then charged forward using Foul play knocking the Vaporeon backwards. Anthony moved forward to use another move but the Vaporeon
suddenly hit him with another hydro pump that sent him tumbling to the forest floor Anthony struggled to get back up before the Vaporeon could reach him.
He rolled away in time to avoid an Iran tail then used shadow ball knocking Denny backwards once more then he seized his chance to pin the Vaporeon down.
"Listen to me! I'm your son!"
He shrieked.
"Don't listen to him, Dad! Hurry up and kill him already!" suddenly Denny froze and turned his gaze towards Zeta.
"Say your name."
Zeta suddenly looked frustrated. "Umm, Anths only? err no Andy!"
Jennifer suddenly screamed in shock.
"Denny get away from my son!" Anthony snorted as he got off the Vaporeon. "I'm getting tired of you trying to kill me!"
"Who said I was gonna kill you? I intended to knock you out."
"Yeah well, your claws tell me otherwise!"
The Vaporeon looked shameful for a bit.
"Anthony I'm sorry, he acted you out pretty well I really thought I was fighting Zeta not you, but I must say I am impressed with your skill." suddenly Anthony felt pride he wants to defeat his father in battle. 'Next time for sure'
Then Denny turns towards Zeta angrily. "I should have seen this dirty trick coming!"
Zeta smiled "Ah, come on Daniel I was just playing with you guys, I wasn't gonna let you kill him, I think Andy is alright." Ryker snorted "Well, that didn't look like a fun game to me." everyone was glaring at Zeta. Felix growled.
"Can't you see that you're not wanted here?"
"Ah screw it! You guys are no fun!"
"Well, we don't find it very fun to kill!"
Ava hissed. He shrugged. "Eh, whatever but don't think this is over, I will be back for more games," he said with a grin staring at Anthony intently.
Making the Shiny Umbreon feel very uncomfortable he knew the Zoroark was gonna keep aiming for him.
'Thats ok I'll be ready next time'
Anthony told himself as the Zoroark finally ran off. Denny looked worried and then turns to face Jennifer. "Well, I hope your happy, See what did I tell you!" She frowned. "Well, I think you need to stop focusing on killing Mons."
"Jennifer! He just made it clear that he's gonna keep coming after Anthony! And you know how messed up he is!"
"I agree with Denny, there is definitely something wrong with him if he really gets a thrill out of watching Mons die," Felix added.
Jennifer sighed. "Ok fine maybe Zeta might be a problem but seriously Denny I'm watching you." the Vaporeon grunted. "Guys I'm not a bad Mon when I fight I don't always try to kill I'm only ending those who do deserve it like Zeta! I know a lot of those Mons who fight for Ricardo are innocent," he said now looking at Ava. She padded toward him. "So everyone has full trust with me again?" Denny let out a small laugh. "Hah right after the battle with Ricardo I think everyone just forgot about it, look Ava I'm sorry I lost my temper on you the way I did I just wanna put the whole thing behind us if you do." she hugged him.
"Yeah, Ava?" there was worry in her brown eyes then she glanced at Anthony. "My brother... We're you able to save him?"
The shiny Umbreon now felt bad he had completely forgotten to share that news with her after everything that had happened in the battle and Darle taking over his body and then they all got sidetracked by Kyle's death. Denny even looked a bit guilty. "Yes, I saw him Ava, I don't know where he is now but I can tell you he's not in Darkrai's cave," Denny replied.
Anthony nodded. "I got him out just in time Ava your brother is indeed safe." The Leafeon got happy and ran over to hug him. "Thank you!" there were some tears in her eyes. "Anthony I can't thank you enough!" Denny stood back now looking a bit shameful.
"Ava I'm sorry I tried to stop you guys, I..... I was worried-" the Leafeon cut him off. "It's ok, I attacked your son once so you found it difficult to trust me around him, I get it maybe someday I'll understand you if I ever have a kid of my own."
Denny suddenly blushed looking embarrassed.
"Ah, well let's continue our journey then shall we?" he said charging the subject.
Anthony took the lead once again.

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