Chapter 20 a hard decision

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Denny's  P.O.V.

Denny padded away from the others with Ava by his side feeling stressed out with the bad situation they were in with the braviary's.
They came to an empty clearing with the moonlight flitering through the trees lighting up the clearing Denny sat down.
(If only there could be a river near by.... the water useally helps me think better... or evan to clam down...)
Ava sat close to him her soft her brushing up against him he relaxed a bit.
"So.... Denny what are we going to do?"
He frownd and let out a sigh "we keep moveing forward....."
She looked worried "but what about-"
He cut her off "i know.... those braviary's you don't have to remind me.... look our best bet would be... to just stay together and fight them off."
"Thats a terrable plan!" Denny gritted his teeth "i know! But what els can we do?.... we're not turning back we have to stay on track here."
"Denny you can't protect everyone! Just one alone could carry like three of us! Those braviary's are strong!"
He rolled his eyes "we have Jennifer and Kyle to our typ advantage don't forget.. and hey i put up a pretty good fight to." She frownd looking worried "Denny... for real... please im scared..."
"Hey..." he said to her in a soft tone "you just gotta trust me.... im not ganna let anything bad happen to anyone in the group i promiss."
"You almost let it happen to Sparkle..."
"Well... he had it comeing he stole Jennifer's egg."
"No one derves to die if you want to prove yourself to him better start by doing the right thing!" Denny suddenly realized she may be right. (If i had jumped in to safe him..... would that had open his eyes?..... why do i have a bad habit of makeing all the wrong chioces?...) he flexed his claws "he just.... really pissed me off... oh Ava your right i lost a good opportunity to show him im a better mon...."
She sighed "look i know you may not like what i think we should do.... but i think we just turn back and take the long way around like Jennifer suggested."
He growled "no we can't!... look we're already in this far... i really think that it's urgent to get Anthony to that rock as soon as possible.... i'll do whatever it takes to get him there.."
She sighed "ok then... why don't we go find Sparkle then?.... mabey if we talk things out with him he'll help is."
Denny stared at her in shock.
"What?! We can't do that he'll kill me and my son... Ava you don't know how serious it is.... a lot of shiny's hate me right now..." his ears drooped a bit ".....i supose i can't blame them.... i used to be a horrible pokrmon alive... i don't derserve to live..." he hung his head feeling giulty then she huged him "don't ever say that! Everyone deserves to live." He pulled away from her closeing his eyes a bit feeling sick with emotion "no... you wouldn't say that if you saw the things i'v don..."
"Denny.... you need to let this out your liveing a veary unhealthy lifestyle... you hate yourself don't you?."
He hung his head in respond "...... Ava.... i wasn't fiar to anyone at all..."
She brushed up against him the warnth of her pelted was comforting to him, he relaxed a bit.
"Your not like that any more... now are you?"
"No of course not...."
"Then stop hateing yourself... Denny... you need to accept yourself and move on... you need to let go of your past to find your future."
He slowly noded then felted gulity
"right now my only concern is helping my son... i feel like it's my destiny to help him...."
She noded "You have to stop running and face your problems... i say we go find Sparkle.."
Denny was hesitent for a bit then thought.
(It's not about me... i need to be thinking of Anthony... but what if he trys to hurt him?... i don't know what i might do if that happens...)
"Ava... im not sure if thats a chance i want to take..."
"Well what would you rather?... face those dangerous braviarys... or Sparkle?"
Denny sat quiet for a few more secounds trying to decide what was better or worse.
His tail floped on the ground a few times.
Ava suddenly turnd her gaze on his tail "let me have a look at it i almost forgot..."
Denny frownd "it dosen't really hurt that much."
"But i wanna make sure it dosen't get infected."
He sighed sitting down letting her look closer at the claw marks that we're in his tail.
"Is it bad?" He asked and she shook her head "no... i supose it's not to bad... i wounder if i can find anything that might help through...."
She looked around and Denny sighed "Ava.. dose it really matter we don't have time for this.." then she ran over to a bush and smild "your in luck i found some lum berries."
She picked a few and ran back over to him with green looking berries in her mouth she crushed them leting the juice drip on his tail.
Denny gritted his teeth at the stinging pain "aww! well now it dose hurt!" She flinched away "im only trying to help..."
"It was fine without treatment."
"Yea... but now it won't get infect.... as long as you can keep it clean..." she then started doing something to his tail Denny watched as she made a leaf wrap around his tail.
"This seems kinda silly don't you think?"
"Yea... but it will keep any drit from getting in."
"Oh... and what if i just so happen to use the move Iron tail?"
"Simple you just don't."
She kissed him on the cheek "...your kinda handsome under the know"
Denny now felted distracted from his thoughts as he looked at her seeing how beautiful she looked.
"not now Ava this is serious.."
"I know... look you worry a lot we'll be fine Denny.... i say we find Spakle first thing tomarrow."
He shook his head "naaa honestly i think we just might be able to handle those braviary... we have Anthony don't forget."
She frownd with that answer "Denny.... i kinda have to agree with Ryker.... useing that power can't be good.."
Denny felted fusterated "yea... but if he dosen't.... then a demion will get back inside of him... it's use the curse or it will use you."
She glared at him.
"So your just ganna keep runing away from Sparkle?... Denny you have to go and make amends with them!"
He growled lashing his tail out in anger
"I CAN'T!! I already tryed that Ava they won't listen to me!"
She suddenly moved closer to him.
"Shhh clam down... i know your scared.."
"What?! Im not scared of that stupid mightyena!"
"No... your scared to face your problems... it's not just Sparkle who's upset you know.."
Denny started peaceing back and froth.
"Errr.... your right.."
"Denny... this would be a great time to get it over with you know..."
She put her paw on his.
"I'll be there right beside you.."
He nuzzled his nose with her's then lighty prssed with lips aganists her's then pulled away after a few minutes "how are you feeling Ava?"
She frownd then moved closer to him " i need you more then anything right now... Denny promiss me you'll never leave me?"
"Ava... of course i won't... i love you... i only want you."
"I need you to promiss me you won't die.."
He chukled "well im not sure i can promiss that... no one ever plans on dieing Ava.... it just happens sometimes..."
"Ok... but i need you to not be careless like you were earlier today... that braviar almost took you." He shruged "i had to put the egg frist Ava.... but if your that worried then for you i will be more careful."
"Oh Denny~" she kissed him "i love you."
He kissed her back "and i love you to my dear."
She smild "so... tomarrow are we going to go after Sparkle?" Denny paused "lets... dicuss it with the others frist and see what they say."
She looked anoyed "but your in charge... your supposed to make the decisions."
He sighed
"yea but i think it would be more fiar to see what they think frist..."
Ava just rolled her eyes looking a bit fusterated.
Denny looked at her "Oh relax bade.... we will come up with a solutioon on how we're going to get through this Valley."
She sighed "im not worried about that now..."
"Oh?... then whats wrong?"
She lifted her head up a bit.
"Im disappointed in you."
"What?! Are you serious?"
She hissed "yes im serious! You say your sorry for your sins but yet you won't face up to them... Denny wake up those shiny pokemon will never leave you alone... you need to do whats right and make amends with them! Can you do that?.... please?"
Denny froze for a bit he had to afmit to himself he was worried about faceing up to them.
(I never showed any mercy.... why would they give me any mercy?.... if im going to die i at least need to get Anthony to arceus rock frist before i let that happen...)
Denny let out a long sigh "oh alright then... if it's what you really want me to do... then i supose we'll try..."
"Oh Denny!" She huged him and kissed him right away and he pulled her closer to him warping his two frount paws around.
Holding her really close
"Denny should we head back?"
(i could sit here with her forever.)
He smild at her cuddleing close to her.
"Lets just stay here for a bit before we had back while we're away from the others.."
She blushed and they began kissing.

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