Chapter 25 a plan on geting out

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Denny's P.O.V.

Denny opend his eyes to see it wasn't evan dawn yet but he knew the sun would be riseing in about an hour he couldn't sleep he kepted thinking of Ava.
(Im pretty certion i only want her..... i need to get her back... i need to show her that i do love her.) He got up gapeimg his mouth open in a wide yawn then stretched out his back legs.
(maby a morning swim might help cheer me up...) he walked by Ava and Ruth and as he was walking by he paused to look at them, they were snuggled up close together Ava looked pretty peaceful as she lighty snored.
Denny felted a stab of pain in his chest.
(She should be sleeping beside me.... not Ruth.)
He sighed as he slowly padded by being careful not to wake them as he dived into the lake when got to it.
(I know... i'll catch her some breakfast...)
Then he spoted a lumineon and smriked.
(her favourite.... i have to get it!)
He blended in with the water right away waiting patiently watching as it slowly swam his way (come on.... just a litter closer...)
He didn't want to move giveing his position away.
Then once the fishmon got close enough he sawm at it grabing it as fast as he could then once he had it in his mouth he swam up for the surface and dived out killing his catch qiukly before it tryed to flop away.
He padded back towards Ava then placed it down in frount of her and lighty kissed her on the forhead being carful not to wak her up then he wispeared to her in a soft vioce.
"Sleep well.... you only get one more hour dearling..." then he got up deciding to find something for himself then paused as he spoted a berry bush (hmm some berrys.. lets see what we got here...) he picked off a few and stared at them they were little green rough looking berrys he sniffed at them trying to recognize what they were.
He had to think for a bit then it hit him (salac berrys!.... they increase your speed... what are the odds i found these here?) then another idea hit him as he glanced at Ruth.
He padded out on his own in hope of finding more preay then to his luck he spoted a rattata.
But unfortunately for him it already spoted him and run "errr you get back here!" He yelled as he chased it and felted fustarted as it disappeared down a hole.
Feeling veary annoyed that it got away he stuck his paw in digging around trying to feel for it then he got bit.
"Owwww!" he jumped back then sighed in defeat (screw this i' have to find something els)
after looking for a bit he came across a pidgey and killd it before it could fly away then ran back trying to hurry up in case anyone els got up as it was now the frist crack of dawn.
He ran back to the berry bush then sat down picking off more berrys (hmm about four should be good...) then he used his claws to cut a small opening in the pidgey and began stuffing it.
He smriked "heh... it almost feels like im poisoning her...." he said to himself then pick it up and took it over to the liepared then froze feeling guilty.
(Ugg no... this isn't wrong.... im only increasing her speed... she won't die pluse she deserves it! She's trying to take my Ava away from me... this will teach her a leassion if anything.. pluse she's most likey to win anyway...) as he placed it down Ava blinked open her eyes letting out a yawn her eyes widen when she spoted Denny.
He smild at her. "Oh... good morning Beautiful... did you sleep well?" She sat up looking annoyed "how long have you been watching me?"
"Heh it'a kinda hard not to watch you.... your just so adorable when you sleep..." her face turnd red showing an obvious blush he smild
"oh looks like i made you blush....."
"Stop it! Why are you acting this way?"
He moved closer to her "because i love you.... and im going to win you back.... i'll be ready when you give in to me."
She laughed "hehe well it's not going to happen just like that." He nuzzled his nose with her in a teasing way "we'll see about that..." he replied in a cocky tone and Ava sat up and yawnd.
Denny nuged the lumineon closer to her.
"Eat up you'll need your engery for that race."
Her face lit up againe "really?... didn't i tell you to give me time?"
Denny frownd "yes..... but im not pushing you or anything..... im ganna go catch something for myself now."
"But... why did you get me this?"
"Because your my mate and im always ganna look after you..... take your time Ava it's up to you when your ready to take me back."
She let out a purr as Denny walked by her then just as he was about to leave Ruth hissed "and what are you doing here?!"
Denny rolled his eyes "umm your welcome.... i got you breakfast to Ruth were are your manners?"
Ava looked a bit puzzled then Denny shruged "well since she seems to be your new best freind thought i'd be nice and get her something to."
Ruth eye'd they pidgey suspiciously Denny felted annoyed "just eat it Ruth it's perfectly fine...." she rasied a brow "and why should i trust you?"
"....oh come on! I get this every time look i'll evan take the frist bite..."
Denny took a small bite makeing sure not to bite were he had stuffed it.
"Mmmm tasty...." he licked his lips "you know... if you don't want it.."
"No! I'll take it!" She snaped
Denny watch as she shoved him aside and began eating as she was eating she paused "hmm... this pidgey taste kinda funny...." she glared at Denny "did you do something to it?"
He shook his head "now why on earth would i do that Ruth?"
(Seriously isn't it obeus Ruth?..)
She shruged then ate the rest of it "well whatever was in it... it didn't kill me and what dosn't kill me only makes me stronger."
(Hmmm we'll see about that now won't we?)
"Ok.....your welcome by the way..."
She hissed at him "your ganna need to do a lot more then catch preay to get her back."
He let out a long sighed
"dose it bother you Ruth if i have a mate?"
She held his glare "you don't deserve one.... not untill you become a better mon that is."
"But i am.... i'v been pretty good to Ava.... look Ruth i know we have a bad past with each other but i put all those things behind me.... can you?"
She sat up and looked at him "you say it as if i did something wrong..." he diped his head "look Ruth im sorry.... i was unfiar to everyone... im sorry i hurt you can you forgive me?"
"what did you have in store for me?.... if Fredrick never came?.."
"Oh you know me.... i was ganna get some fighting typs to beat you to death, i always used typ disadvantages... ...hey you asked."
Ava frownd "Denny.... i think it's time you leave us.."
He noded "alright then time to wake the others."

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