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Lilly Kane's POV
✦✧✦✧✦✧15.30k reads✧✦✧✦✧✦

Not Edited ×

"Stop it."

"Lilly," Harry whined, grabbing my arm. "Just, cuddle me."

"I'll cuddle you later, let me get dressed." I stated, pulling my arm out of his grip.

"Fine." he pouted with crossed arms.

I dressed a casual outfit consisting of ripped jeans, and a black long sleeve underneath Harry's hoodie. "Cutie." he mumbled as I sat next to him on the bed.

I blushed and rested my hand on top of his. "Handsome," I complimented back. I could've sworn that he giggled, and it sounded absolutely adorable. "Was that a giggle?"

His eyes widened and he took his hand off of mine. "Maybe." he replied with a chuckle.

I admired his deep dimples as I laughed along with him. "You're beautiful, Lilly. I just wanted to remind you, babe." he told me, pecking my cheek.

I felt my heart swell and my cheeks grew warm. I glanced down at my feet and quietly thanked him. "No, I mean it. I really do mean it."

"I know, Har-"

"I don't think you do. I mean it Lilly. I-I'm in love with you," he tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "And all your little things."

"I'm in love with you too."

"And, I am so happy to hear that." He grinned from ear to ear and began rubbing circles on my palm with his thumb. I leaned over and kissed under his jaw. He grunted and tangled his fingers in my hair, bringing me closer to his lips. "Kiss me, babe." he whispered, running the tip of his tongue over my top lip.

"Happily." I responded, pressing my lips to his. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly through his nostrils. He bit my tongue, drawing a moan from the back of my throat. His lips were both sweet and sour, rough and soft. The way he twisted his mouth against mine and took in every curve of my lips was sensational. The way they interpret snogging in movies could not compare to the warm feeling I was receiving from Harry.

"Mine." he growled against my lips.

I nodded and pressed my chest against his.

"MINE." He repeated louder, more aggressively. It felt morally wrong to continue kissing him, but I couldn't seem to pull away. He used his large palms to gently lower me down so he could hover above me. He slid his hands under my top and began cupping my breasts. Suddenly, his ravished panting was too much, and he literally took my breath away. He was too dominant and he took control.

"Harry," I whined from underneath him, detaching my lips from his. His swollen red lips moved down to my neck and trailed kisses along my collar bone. I struggled to get out from beneath him as his tongue swiped across my chest. Still hovered over me, he dipped down and ground his hips on me. I gasped and gripped his shoulders. "Harry, stop-" I croaked, pushing him off.

He ground down harder, his teeth nipping gently at my exposed collar bone. He was hot and bothered; he had no intention on stopping. He started unzipping my hoodie, and his hips knocked together with mine. "Stop! Harry, knock it off! Get off!" I begged. He ignored my pleas and began pulling off my shirt.

"You're mine," he panted, licking his slightly chapped lips. "I can do whatever I want with you. You belong to me, babe, I own you." he moved down to unbutton my jeans.

"Fuck you, get the hell off!" I screamed, kneeing him in the stomach. I clenched my fists and pounded on his back. He was clearly in pain, but didn't back down until he got what he wanted. He desired pleasure, but I wouldn't give in. "STOP!" I shouted once he succeeded in pulling down my jeans. I raised my hand and slapped his face numerous times.

His eyes grew dark along with the red marks on his cheeks. He dipped two fingers under the waistband of my panties, and began to pull them down until the door was thrown open. My ears ringed with the chorus of screaming. I heard Tamara cursing at Harry, whilst Ashton stood dumbfounded at the door way. I scrambled off the bed and pulled my jeans up as I wiped away the heated tears that ran down my cheeks.

I was shaking and sobbing violently. Harry's back was pressed against the wall as Tamara screamed in his face whilst jabbing his chest with her index finger. I felt a tug at my arm and I was being dragged out of the room by Ashton. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" he immediately asked, scoping every area of my face with wide eyes.

"I-I'm fine.." I lied, sniffling. I knew Harry would never rape me, but in the back of my mind I was a tad bit suspicious.

Harry stumbled out of the room, followed by a pissed Tamara. "Lilly, you're coming with me." Harry demanded, grabbing my wrist.

"She's not going anywhere with you, get out before I contact the authorities."

"Bullshit, Tamara." Harry snorted, pulling me closer to him.

"Don't speak to her like that." I whispered. Once my eyes met Harry's, I felt my heart stop. I glanced at the floor and did not dare to open my mouth again. Harry smirked like a sick demon as he dragged me down the stairs. Tamara and Ashton shouted profanities as I was pulled out of my apartment by my wrist.

Once we were outside, I was pushed to the side of the wall and my body was crushed by Harry's. "Why?"

"Why what?" I spat back at him.

"Why wouldn't you let me get off? You knew I was craving you.."

"So? That doesn't give you the right to touch me like that. I wasn't up for it, you arsehole."

"I don't have the right to touch you, huh?" he glared coldly at me. I was reluctant to nod. He traced a fingertip across my cheek and grazed it across my lips as well. "I'm only trying to pleasure my little prize."

"You were doing it for yourself! I hate to pop your balloon-like ego, but you're a selfish prick that I'm ashamed to be in love with." I regretted saying that once I saw his expression change. His dark eyes were filled with tears as he leaned by my ear and whispered,

"That's because I'm only selfish when it comes to things that are mine. Oh, and please don't feel bad for "popping" my ego," he quietly chuckled and kissed my earlobe. He whispered the most heart wrenching sentence that crushed my every shred of happiness. "Because, I didn't feel bad for popping your cherry."


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