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Lilly Kane's POV


Waking up to a pale, blinding sun in the morning is not my cuppa tea. Especially when I'm tied up. Again.

The wild events from last night played in my head, causing me to have a minor headache. I was sprawled across the bed, my arms tied to the head board and my legs tied to each other by the same necktie.

The tear stains from last night made my face feel tight. I sniffled a bit before coughing, clearing the deafening silence. "Help! Someone help, please!" I screamed, thrashing around on the bed with the least bit of energy I had.

The door clicked open, causing me to stop my incessant thrashing. "Morning love. You really shouldn't start the day with screaming. It's quite dramatic, don't you think?"

"No. You're not the one tied to a bed. Let me go or I'll tell the police, I sw-"

"How can you tell the police if you're tied up? And I'm not even doing anything to you. This isn't a soap opera, Lilly. There's no cameras rolling, so stop the dramatic act. I'm just standing here, admiring my cute prize."

"Don't call me a prize! I'm not being dramatic, I don't like to be tied up!"

"Oh. That's one thing I was looking forward to."

"Looking forward to?" I raised an eyebrow, keeping up my pissy attitude even though my heart was pounding in my throat.

"Yeah. You know? During se-"

"Do not finish that sentence." I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling my cheeks burn like flames. "You're a sick human."

"And you're beautiful."


"We are pointing out obvious things, babe. I'm complimenting you, say thank you." He winked, making bile rise in my throat.

"I'm not taking that as a compliment, I would never accept a compliment from you." I fumed.

"You will do what I say, when I say it."

"Untie me." I glared, ignoring his earlier statement.

"No. You're not leaving."

"Harry..." I warned.

"Okay," he sighed, giving in. "Just don't pounce on me the moment I untie you."

"Don't worry about it." I seethed, feeling my blood boil. Once my hands were untied, I helped him untie my feet. "Never do that again."

"Don't tell me what to do." he spat.

I rubbed my sore wrists where the ties were tightly wrapped around. I climbed off the bed, pushing past Harry harshly. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." he shouted after me as I made my way down the halls.

"Well you're not me, so don't worry about it." I shouted back. I felt my chest tighten when I saw the variety of scribbles and my name on the wall. It looks like he didn't even attempt to clean it.

I heard his footsteps behind me, echoing through the vacant halls. "Where are you going?" he asked angrily, his foot steps growing louder.

"Away from you."

"Remember what happened last time you tried to run away?"

"You tied me up like a psychopath. How could I forget?" I bit down on my lip and pushed through the front door. The cold air nipped at my exposed arms and collar bone. I stepped onto the frosty grass, the frigid atmosphere demanding to be felt.

I left my crop top and sandals in his house, but I am not going back in there. I would rather risk freezing my toes off then stay with him a minute longer. I stomped off into a small clearing, my bare feet crunching over the frozen grass. I tried my best to ignore the stinging feeling I felt every time a sliver of ice stab at my heel.

The deafening sound of tires screeching and the heat reflecting off the engine exhaust followed me down the street. Somehow, I knew Harry would follow me. I spun around to see his green eyes burning holes through mine. "Stop following me!" I shouted.

He stuck his head out of the window, a sickening smirk played across his lips. "Who said I was following you? I want to make sure my prize doesn't get lost. It would be a real pity."

"That's the same damn thing. Plus, I know where I am going; I'm not going to get lost."

"I'm sure you won't get lost," he rolled his eyes. "But isn't it odd for a young woman to be walking around in an oversized shirt, shorts and no shoes at almost seven in the morning?"

It's barely seven?

"I don't care."

"I care."

"About yourself. You only care about yourself." I argued back, crossing my arms over my chest. The cold air was starting to get to me.

"If I only cared about myself, why would I tie you up? Why would I always come back for you even after our fights? It's because I care for you and your well-being, so I don't want you out of my sight."

"No, it's because you're crazy! Do you hear yourself, Harry? Have you ever stopped to think about how I feel when you act like a complete moron?!" I screamed, biting down on my tongue afterwards.

He mumbled something quietly that I couldn't hear. He swiped his tongue over his piercing before twirling it between his fingers. "Can I give you a ride? It's the least I can do for being, and I quote, a 'complete moron.'"


"Stop being so stubborn."

"I'm not getting in the car with you. Go pick up some other girl. Perhaps Melissa?" I raised an eyebrow, watching the burning glare return to his eyes.

"It's too early for her annoying mouth." he tightened his jaw, patting the seat beside him. "C'mon. I can tell you're cold because you're shaking."

'You can't give in this easily! You've given him way too many second chances!' my subconscious screamed in the back of my mind. My feet paid no heed to her words, and forced themselves toward the car.

"Wise decision, love." he smiled.

"Yeah. Just take me home."

After a few minuets of his loud music that might've turned me deaf, we finally arrived at my house. I prayed that Tamara and Niall were inside. I wouldn't be able to stand being alone. Not after what just happened. "Bye." I muttered, scrambling out of the car and quickly slamming the door.

I ran up the steps and furiously jiggled the handle. Locked.

I knocked and waited a moment, impatiently tapping my foot. The door slowly opened to reveal a tall, handsome lad. He leaned against the door frame, tear streaks visible on his tan cheeks.

No. He can't be here. Harry's going to see him.

I opened my mouth to say something but I was cut off when he pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're safe, Lilly." Zayn's words muffled into my hair.

His words were drained out by the sounds of a car door being slammed shut and footsteps growing louder by the second.....


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