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Tomlinsparks (I love your Narry books tbh)



Lilly Kane's POV
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I took his word for it. It was inevitable that this would happen. I was succumbed to his sweet words that kept the blood flowing in my veins. "Okay." I whispered quietly, almost inaudible.

"I want you to know, I'm not pressuring you into anything. I want what's best for you, darling, I want you to be comfortable."

"I am." I half-lied. I was comfortable, I just don't know what is exactly best for me at this moment.

"I hope I'm not a causality," he sighed with a sad smile. "I don't want you to get up and leave. It might not mean that much to you, but to me it's everything."

"I could stay by your side until oblivion haunts us."

"Nice vows." he smirked.

"Thank you." I giggled, biting gently on my lip.

"Are you tired, love? Hungry? Anything you need, at all?"

"A wee bit exhausted 's all." I shrugged and gave him a weak smile. He wrapped his large arms around me, embracing my small frame.

"I just want to hold you, Princess." he mumbled, his stubble grazing my collar bone. I relaxed in his muscled arms, fluttering my eye lids shut. I just wanted to be appreciated and loved. Zayn is exactly the man for me. But, why do I think of Harry when I kiss him? It's not fair.

I want to give Zayn my all, to respect him as much as he respects me. Plus, I see no flaws in this young man. No insane motives occurred while I was around. I need to learn all of his insecurities. "Zayn?" I piped up after a moment of silence.

"Yes?" he replied quickly.

"What are your biggest fears?"

"Hmm," he hummed, glancing upward. "Heights. Death. Roller coasters and, losing you."

I sighed with a grin. "I love roller coasters."

He shook his head before nudging my arm. "What 'bout you? Worst fears?"

"Bugs. Giving up. Losing all faith in myself and humanity." I refuted honestly.

"Biggest desires?" he asked with a tone of genuine interest and awe.

"I want to married and have a little girl. Hopefully I won't have a deadbeat job or husband. I want to live in a classy home near a big city. That'd be nice." I fantasized.

"What would our- er, uh, your little girl's name be?" his cheeks were dusted with a rosy red.

"Mallory James Malik." I responded, to his surprise.

"Mallory is a beautiful name." he simply spoke. I rested my head on his chest, my head rising and falling along with his breath. His fingers combed through my hair as we sat in silence. My eyelids began to droop and I allowed them to. As soon as my breathing steadied, it hitched when his large hand was placed on my side.

Heat was spread through every fiber of my body, causing my body to slightly twitch in his arms. I felt his lips press to the top of my head and in my heart I knew I was safe with him. Harry had no idea of my location and neither did Tamara, not that she gave a shit anyways.

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