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Lilly Kane's POV

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"Well, they were going to-"

The blood pounded in my ears, my hands trembling as I dug my fingernails into the fabric of my pants. I swallowed thick, watching his lips move but no words came out. I shook my head, scratching the back of my left ear. I didn't hear him. I was so nervous I couldn't function long enough to hear what he had said. "Wait, they were going to what?" I ask, the confusion and shock in my voice mixed together, causing my voice to crack at the end.

He sighed and rushed his fingers through his hair, the curls freely falling around his framed face. "They planned on hurting you, bad. And-" he looked down, clutching his chest as if he had been shot.

"That doesn't give me much information, Harry. Tell me what you said the first time.

"You were going to get r..ra-" Harry stopped for a minute to place his thumb to his lips, his cheeks expanding as if he were holding down puke. His cheeks went down and he looked up with watery eyes. He coughed into his elbow before biting down on his lip.

"What? How come it didn't take you so long to tell me the first time?"

"Because I knew you weren't listening, you were obviously spacing out. They were going to sell you off to Ed. I was supposed to drop you off and let Ed have you, to himself. I needed the money, hell, I really could've used it. But you're worth much more than 800 pounds. I couldn't go through with it and telling you about it makes me sick to my stomach.. oh Lilly I'm so sorry, but I got you out now. You're safe."

"You guys were going to sell me to Ed?!"

"I got you out of there because I felt so damned guilty, I couldn't go through with it."

"No...No! You're lying! This doesn't make any sense," I tell him, putting up a hand. "I had just met Ed earlier at IHOP before you kidnapped me. He couldn't have told you to kidnap me in the matter of 5-10 minutes I took to leave the restaurant." I told him, watching expression change to something quite unreadable.

"It's something called supply and demand, Lil."

"That doesn't make any sense! He doesn't know me, he couldn't have contacted you so quick. There's something else you're leaving out, something you're not telling me." I called him out on it. He slowly sat up straighter, letting out a long breath and setting both hands on the wheel.

"Calum..h-he helped with it..the plan." Harry said in almost a whisper.

"That doesn't answer anything. I don't give a fuck if Calum helped, I want to know what you're leaving out! Ed couldn't have told you to-"

"Ed wanted you to himself! Calum wanted you too, but they can't have you! YOU'RE MINE! Do you hear me?! You're mine, Lilly! Mine! No one else can have you!" he screamed, banging his fists on the steering wheel. His face was cherry red and he looked pissed.

He punched the horn once before taking in deep breaths and letting them out slowly. I hadn't realized I had cowered myself into the corner of the leather seat until I felt the seatbelt dig into my side painfully, my knees were tucked to my chest, and my hand was gripping the handle tightly. I was shaking and my joints felt so weak.

He looked over at me, his light green eyes had been consumed with a darker green, almost black. I felt scared, like my chest was innerly combusting. I couldn't break away from his stare, unfortunately. The whole car seemed to be spinning and my vision was blurring. I gripped onto the seat to keep myself from floating off into somewhere unknown. I didn't know what was happening, but his stare was poisoning me.

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