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Lilly Kane's POV
✦✧✦✧✦14.30k reads✦✧✦✧✦

*Warning: Graphic smut ahead*

I pushed my lips to the bulge in his jeans, causing him to take in a deep breath. He let it out slowly, his nostrils flaring slightly, but his breath hitched when I grabbed the zipper with my teeth. He looked up to the ceiling, closing his eyes and chewing on his bottom lip.

I pulled his zipper down, carefully unbuttoning his jeans to tease him. His chin quivered when I dropped his jeans down to his ankles. I grabbed his waistband but abruptly stopped. I didn't know what to do. I gulped quietly and smiled at him. He fluttered his eyes open, staring down at me. "I-Is everything alright, Lil?" he frowned, reaching for his jeans.

"Yeah, I can do this." I licked my lips and swatted his hand away from his jeans. He closed his eyes again, focused on steadying his breathing. I slowly pulled down his boxers, brushing my fingertips on his inner thighs. He shivered and whined quietly when he was fully exposed. His hard member fell onto his inked stomach, white liquid leaking from the tip. Well fuck.

I stared at the ground and took a deep breath. Harry was waiting patiently, not making any sounds or slight movements. I crawled off the bed and dropped to my knees in front of him. He scooted closer to the edge of the bed, whimpering at his oversensitive area. I dug my toes into the carpet as I reached up, taking his member in both of my hands.

My small fingers wrapped around his base and I greeted the warm feeling he gave off. I stroked the soft skin of the tip with my thumb, rubbing small circles on it. He gasped quietly. I giggled, pushing my hand up and down, slowly pumping him. He harshly bit his bottom ip, a droplet of blood appearing at the corner of his pink lips.

I pumped faster, delicately running my hands over his smooth region. His chest was rising and falling quickly. His desperate cries were soon replaced with hushed moans. Without a moments hesitation, I slipped his penis past my lips, and into my mouth. His back arched off the bed and he scratched at the pillows.

I began sucking at the surface, bobbing my head up and down. I raised my head up, swiping my tongue across the slit. He perked up inside me, the tip hitting the back of my throat. His large hands had a firm grasp on my knotted hair as he pushed my head further down. My hair brushed his thighs, and I could feel him bucking into my mouth.

He thrust quickly, poking my uvula. I sucked harder, hollowing out my cheeks and licking the hard area. My jaw started to cramp and I was being restrained by my hair. I let go of his area, reaching up and cupping his balls instead. I gently massaged them, wondering if I was even doing it right. "Fu-uck Li-Li-" he moaned, sliding in and out of of mouth.

A few profanities later and I tasted a bittersweet liquid on my tongue. "Look at me, b-baby girl," he begged. I blinked up at him through my lashes, staring up at him with my most innocent expression. "Oh, yeah.." he groaned, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. The salty taste was enjoyable and another blast hit my tongue.

He rode into my mouth as he finished up. He pulled out, laying nude in my bed for a while as he collected himself. Once his breathing calmed and I swallowed the contents in my mouth, we were both dressed. "That was the best blow job I've ever had," he sighed with a smile, cradling me in his large arms.

"Bullshit." I retorted with a giggle, shaking my head.

"No, really! I've never come so fast. And when you looked up at me with your fawn eyes.." he sighed and pecked my forehead.

I rolled my eyes and swiped my thumb across his bottom lip. "Your lip is bleeding."

"I noticed." he chuckled. Smart ass.

"I was trying to help." I pouted. He pecked my cheek and stood up, fixing his jeans.

"Lilly," Harry whined, grabbing my hands in his large fists.

"What is it, Harry?" I hid a smirk behind a plain expression.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I answered sincerely. I watched his eyes turn dark and his expression turn stone cold.

Suddenly, something snapped inside him. He tightened the grip he had on my wrists and threw me off the bed. I hit the floor with a thud and rubbed the back of my throbbing head. "What the actual fuck?!" I shouted, weakly standing to my feet.

"Dammit, you don't!" he shouted back, pulling at his roots.

"Don't what?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"YOU DON'T LOVE ME!" he sobbed, crystal tears sliding down his cheeks. He sat on the floor and tucked his legs to his chest. "You're a liar. You don't love me. Nobody could love a monster like me."

"You're certainly acting like one! You just threw me across the room!" I pointed out, crossing my arms. I breathed out and crouched beside him. "I already told you that I loved you. Why all of a sudden flip the switch?"

"Do not lie to me," he growled. "I hate being lied to."

"You bipolar asshole, I'm not lying to you," I felt tears prickle at my eyes and I began to cough. "You don't seem to believe me."

"Because I don't. I'm a mess. How could a normal person love someone like me?"

I leaned over and kissed his flushed cheek. "Well I guess I'm not normal then, because I do love you."

He looked up at me with red eyes and a frown. "Do you really? Honestly?"

"Yes, but, you need to control your anger issues. This," I gestured to the skid marks on my palms. "This isn't going to work. No more hitting or any abusive gestures. It sucks getting pushed around." I glared at him. He nodded and reached out for my hand. He turned it over and kissed the skid marks on my palms.

"If it happens again," I continued. "I won't hesitate to leave you. And, I won't have any regrets about it either. I fucking hate forgiving you so easily, so don't screw this up."

"I promise I won't hurt you any more, Lilly. Okay?" he stared deeply into my eyes. I could tell he was getting choked up again as tears brimmed his eyes and his bottom lip quivered.

I nodded and smiled slightly. I rubbed circles on his hand with my thumb and gave a simple response, "Okay."


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