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Lilly Kane's POV


I placed a shaky hand over my mouth. How could Niall and Tamara not notice him before?! "Tam-Tamara.."

She giggled, nuzzling her nose against Niall's neck. "Tamara!" I called again. She groaned, snapping her head in my direction.

"What, Lilly?"

"Harry is outside of the fucking window! Look!" I pointed frantically, my eyes bugging out of my head. They looked toward the window, their eyebrows arching upwards.

"There's no one there." Niall twisted his face in confusion.

"What?!" I gasped, rubbing my eyes. Niall was right. Now I felt crazy. "B-But look at this text he sent me! He heard me call him a lunatic!" I tapped my screen a few times before tossing it to Tamara.


"Ugh, what now?!"

"There's no text here either. Are you okay?" Tamara wondered, causing Niall to chuckle.

"Give me my phone." I demanded, outstretching my hand. She handed it back, my heart bursting against my skin. The text was gone. "I swear it was just here, please believe me!" I frowned, setting down my phone.

"Maybe we should get therapy, yeah?" Niall joked, slapping his knee.

"Maybe we should..." Tamara muttered under her breath.

"I heard that." I spit at Tamara.

"So what? We should try a session."

"No! I'm not- I mean, it was there an- never mind, you won't believe me anyway." I snapped, standing up, clutching my phone tightly in my hand. "I'll be in my room." I pounded up the stairs, my arms hanging loosely by my side. I slammed the door, many thoughts racing around in my mind.

My phone buzzed in my hand, startling me. I glanced down at the glowing screen, reading over the text. "I'm outside your window, come open it. -H."

My head began to swim as I peered outside, the silhouette of curls against the faint backdrop outside. I raced over, peeling the window open.

Nobody was there. A small whimper left my lips as I watched the screen of my phone turn off. I turned my phone on again, the text had disappeared. "Dammit, I am crazy." I shook my head, sprawling across the bed. I cried out as the door swung open, cracking against the skin of my ankle.

"Sorry." a thick English accent filled the air, the raspy voice sounded like music to my ears.

"Harry?" I asked without even turning around.

"How'd you guess?" he chuckled, sitting beside me.

"Please leave."


"Leave! I'm not in the mood!" I whined, kicking my feet at him.

"Everyone thinks your crazy? You think you're crazy yourself, don't ya?" he snickered, patting my leg.

"Don't touch me! What the hell did you do, Styles?" I sat up, crossing my arms firmly over my chest.

"Nothing. It was just a lucky guess, don't get all bitchy." he spat, grabbing my shoulders in two large hands and shoving me roughly. My head knocked against the wall as I felt a sharp pain shoot up in my shoulders.

I whimpered softly, laying still for a moment. "Why would you do that?! Get the fuck out, now! Don't you ever come back or I'll get Zayn, I swear." the words came out before I could comprehend them.

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