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Lilly Kane's POV
✦✧✦✧✦✧13k reads✧✦✧✦✧✦


*Flashback to earlier*

I felt light puffs of air brush against my forehead. My eyes slowly fluttered open and landed on the sleeping face of Harry. His lips were firmly pressed together and he was resting his face on his palm. His curls were still damp from the night before, and they stuck to the pillow. His free hand was hung loosely around my waist.

I pressed a soft kiss to his nose before carefully pulling his arm away from my waist. I got up and went into the hallway, my bare feet padding noiselessly on the floor. I sifted through a few shelves before pulling out a clean towel. I hopped into the shower, soaking in the hot water and combing shampoo through my hair.

I turned the shower off, wrapping a towel around my shaking body. I stood awkwardly in front of the mirror, messing with my wet hair until I gave up. My walk had a slight sway to it and my skin was void of any color. My usually tanned skin and drained to a powder white complexion. The natural glow in my eyes had faded, and been replaced with dark purple circles.

To sum it all up, I looked like a sickly Tim Burton character. I forced my shivering body into my dirty dress. Harry was sound asleep and I didn't feel the need to disturb him. Still shaking, I took the opportunity to swipe a large hoodie from his closet. On a promise to return it later, I pecked his forehead, lazily rubbed circles on his back for a solid minute, then dashed out of the house.

My hair was still wet, and I didn't need it whipping my face. I pulled the hood over my head and pulled the material closer around my body. A car came to a slow stop beside me, causing my heart to race. I started running down the street, only to have the car follow me. I heard a loud voice yell, "Hey! Wait!"

I ignored them, pushing my body to run faster. My chest ached, my lungs burned, and my legs begged for me to stop. They quit following me after a minute or two, allowing me to slow to a leisurely walk. As I was walking down the empty streets, I grew disappointed when I was left alone with my thoughts.

Many thoughts ran around my head, along with the flash backs and brief memories of last night. I found myself smiling as I slowly approached my street. I wanted to lose my virginity to someone I loved. And it seems like I did. I do love Harry. Every inch of that crazy ass bastard, I adore.

Then again, on the downside, I also hate him. Yes, I know, hate is a strong word. But so is love, and I've used them both. He has treated me like shit, but he has also treated me like a princess. I know I shouldn't be in love with the man that has hurt me on numerous occasions, but I can't help it.

Thinking about it made tears sting my eyes and my nose burned slightly. I licked my chapped lips and sniffled, wiping my eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie. I have so many mixed emotions about Harry, and I'm going to give up on thinking about them.

A wave of relief swept across my nerves as I finally made my way up to my apartment. I knocked on the door after a couple of attempts twisting around the door knob. The door was pulled open by Ashton.

He came home with Tamara from the pub.

He gave me a sweet smile, his features laced with serendipity. "Lilly, where have you been? Tamara and I were waiting for you. She was worried about you ever since you disappeared from the pub."

"If she was worried, she would have called or at least tried to find me," I snapped, pulling the hood farther over my head. "But I'm fine, I went with someone I knew." I pushed my way inside, mumbling a subtle apology to Ashton for knocking my elbow into his stomach.

Tamara was sitting the couch with a can of soda in her hand, the glowing tv reflecting light off of her blue eyes. "I'm home," my voice cracked and I winced at the stabbing sensation in the back of my throat. "Did ya miss me?" I joked, grinning.

"Yeah, sure." she answered, sipping the contents out of the can.

"You couldn't give less a shit about me, could you?" I seethed, glaring in her direction.

"Ashton!" she shouted ignoring me. She stood up and greeted him with a choking hug. "Where were you?"

"I was opening the door, Darling." he pecked her forehead. "I was gone for less than a minute."

They sat beside each other on the couch, ignoring my existence. "So I'm guessing, you don't care if I was kidnapped or not?" I waved my hand in front of Tamara's face, but she shooed me away.

Oh, I see. Ashton is here to numb the pain of Niall being gone. Guess I should let them be, yeah? Still, shouldn't she be relieved that I'm alive? What the fuck, Tamara? My subconscious ranted in the back of my head as I trudged up the stairs.

"I'll just be in my room, if anyone fucking cares!" I shouted, slamming the door. I heard mumbling from downstairs but I chose to ignore it. I stripped his hoodie off, changing into a pair of sweats and a tank top before changing back into the hoodie. The scent of him made my heart flutter and my lips curve into a sincere smile.

I pulled the hoodie over my face again, crashing into my bed and snuggling into the material. I drifted to sleep, waking up every now and then from the noises down below.

When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed of Harry. All I can remember is his shining green eyes following my every move as I danced gracefully about his room. His raspy voice was echoing with the back ground music quietly as I did a unplanned ballet choreograph. I remember grabbing his cheeks and smashing my lips into his, while pointing my toes like the ballet dancers in the movies.

Odd, I know. But I was ripped away from my dream world when there was a small noise ringing in my ears. I was half asleep, resting my head on the pillow and silently praying for the weird dream to come back.

I was fully awake when there was a loud knocking at the door, shaking my bedroom floor. I ran downstairs, rolling my eyes at the sleeping couple on the couch. How could they remain asleep during that loud banging at the door? I yanked the door open and felt my heart jump at the person standing in front of me.

Harry's lips were slightly parted, as if he were surprised. I slowly lifted up my head, tears already pricking my eyes like minuscule needles. "Hello, Harry." I breathed out, stuffing my hands in the large pockets of his hoodie.

"Lilly," his smile was almost sad and upset. "Why?" he reached out, pulling the hoodie off my head. His smile was replaced by a sorrowful frown, running a thumb under my teary eye.

I got confused, feeling taken aback. "Why, what?"

"Why would you let me do that? Why would you let me take advantage of you, I can't fucking believe-"

I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips firmly to his lips. He was surprised, obviously. He raised his arms up in defense, slowly resting them on my hips before he kissed me back. "You still taste like alcohol." he chuckled against my lips, biting down on my bottom lip.

My tongue traced the outline of his mouth, taking in every bit of this jerk I have stupidly fallen for. He pulled away, panting. He pressed his forehead on mine, peering sharply into my eyes. "Lilly," he whispered, tears slipping involuntarily from his red eyes.

"Harry," I replied back, giggling.

He wiped away my tears, tightening the grip he had on my hips before finishing his earlier statement. "I love you."


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