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Lilly Kane's POV
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"Fuck you, Harry!" I spat, glaring at him.

"You already did." he snickered.

"Yeah and the rest of the female population." I taunted, smiling sweetly at him. He raised his hand and whipped it across my cheek. I cried out in agony as I felt heat spread my skin. "You promised!"

"Promises were meant to be broken."

"I hate you so much." I seethed, tears already forming in my eyes.

"No," he croaked out after a few moments of silence. "Don't say that. Don't. DON'T FUCKING SAY THAT!" he shouted. "You love me, a-and I love you, okay? That's the way it works. You are not allowed to hate me!"

"You don't control me."

"Really?" he arched up an eyebrow. I confidently nodded. He reached up and clasped his fingers around my throat. "Because it looks like I'm in control right now."

"Harry- stop - you're hurting me!" I choked out as his grip loosened. He pulled his hand from my throat and kissed my cheek.

"Let's go for a ride, babe."

"Don't call me that."

He responded by rolling his eyes and grabbing my wrist to drag me toward the parked car. I shouted in protest and kicked at his calves as he continued to drag me. "Let go!"

"I'd rather not." he fired back quickly, opening the car door.

My eyes landed on two lads situated in the back seat. They both stared at me with fearful expressions and sympathetic smiles, but didn't dare to speak up. These guys looked quite familiar. As Harry threw me in the backseat, they both reached over to catch me.

The car seats cushioned my fall as the boys apologized endlessly for Harry's behavior. "We said to go talk to her, not to kidnap her, dumbass!" I recognized them immediately from Ed's house a couple weeks back.

"Calum and Michael." I whispered under my breath.

They both turned my way with nervous smiles. "Hey, Lilly." Michael gently patted my back. I cowered away from them, leaning against the car door.

"What is he going to do with me?" I mouthed. Calum shrugged, Michael bit his lip and stared at me with sad eyes. "Help." I whispered, grabbing Michael's hand. Calum was no help to me, he can fuck off.

Michael nodded, and motioned for me to come closer to him. He leaned down to me ear, resting his chin on my shoulder. "When we get to the house, take my phone and lock yourself in the bathroom. Call someone and escape through the window. Leave my phone on the bathroom sink."

I nodded and pecked his cheek with my eyes full of tears. "Thank you so much, Michael."

"Don't thank me yet." he licked his chapped lips and stuffed his phone in my hands as we neared closer to the house. Harry parked the car and came around to my side, pulling the door open.

"Out." he demanded.

"I have to use the bathroom." I retorted, crossing my arms.

"You know where it is. Go. Don't do anything stupid." he snapped, giving my back a small push.

How dumb am I? To back to him? To tell him I loved him? To admit my feelings to him? To even trust the bastard? After all we been through I wanted to give it a shot. But, I saw this coming.

All the time, I say that I'm done. But I always go back to him. This time, I mean it. This time, I'm staying with someone who actually cares about me. Someone who has always been by my side but I left them for Harry. He may not want me anymore, he may not give me chance.

It's still worth a shot. God knows Tamara and Ashton won't have the heart to come get me, even if she is my best friend. I rushed inside with my head pounding with all these thoughts. I got into the bathroom, swiftly locking the door with a racing heart. His number. What the hell is his number?!

I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. I was scared and I wanted to make a simple call. With a thousand thoughts clouding my every common of sense, I dialed the only number my mind provided me with the knowledge of remembering. After a few rings, someone picked up. "Hello? Who's this?" the gruff voice croaked on the other end.

I sighed with relief, joyous tears streaming down my crimson blushed cheeks. He picked up, oh my gosh, I dialed the right number. "Hello! It's me, Lilly! I'm so glad you answered, I need your help please come get me-"

He cut me off. "I'm so happy to hear your voice, love. It's been so long. Where are you?"

"Harry's house. Come around the back, okay?" I begged in between sobs.

"I'll be there in a moment. Tell me everything when I get there, we have a lot to catch up on."

"Alright. Oh, and another thing?" I said before he hung up.


"Thank you so much Zayn." I smiled before hanging up and leaving Michael's phone on the sink counter. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, but by then, I was already closing the window from outside.


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