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Lilly Kane's POV


"Thanks for dinner, Harry. I actually had fun." I say to him as he slows to a stop at the red light.

"Darling, the fun part has yet to come." he corrects me, running a thumb over his bottom lip. I felt my heart jump for a second, pushing my lips into a straight line.

"I don't think-" I began before he shook his head.

"Kidding," he replied quietly. "I would like you to spend one more night with me..Please?" he flicked his eyes toward me then back to the road.

"I can't. I don't have any clothes, or my tooth brush or-"

"We can stop by your house and get those things."

"Yeah, but I don't-"

"Stop making excuses." he barked, cowering into his seat afterwards as if he were afraid. "Sorry, I-I didn't mean to yell.."

"It's fine, I'm used to it." I spit back, crossing my arms. I let out a sigh, shaking my head. "Let's just not argue, okay? It'll be hell for both of us." I suggest, turning my head toward him.

"I apologized after I yelled, and you snapped at me." he fought back, harshly turning the steering wheel. My head hit the window, causing me to grunt in pain.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have barked at me in the first place. Now stop arguing with me or I will not go with you." I stated, ending the conversation by putting my hand up.

"I guess you won't be coming with me then, since we are bound to argue anyway."


"Just drop me off here, I'll walk."

"You're so fucking dramatic. You'll walk? It's like 10 miles! And on crutches, I might add." he rolls his eyes, pressing his foot against the gas pedal. "Plus, It's dark." he concluded.

"Then just don't talk to me. Turn on the radio or something." I demanded. He reached for it, turning on Anna Sun by Walk the Moon. I hummed along to the song quietly, facing the window. Thunder unexpectedly rolled from above, the night sky painted with the pale streaks of lightening. The strikes continued to flash around the clouds as rain pelted the car.

I watched as the two rain drops trickled down the window, joining together at the end. I smiled to myself, thinking of when I used to imagine the rain drops racing when I was younger. I was ripped away from my thoughts when thunder rang out once more. I jumped in my seat, tightening the grip I held around my seat belt. "Are you scared of thunder, babe?" he asked, making me grimace when I heard the word 'babe.'

"No." I replied shortly. I turned back to the window, lightening lashing out again. "Just hurry up and take me home."

"I thought you were coming with me?"

"You thought wrong."

His face looked hurt but he shook it off. "We're almost there."

I nodded and felt my heart swell when the song, All Of Me by John Legend came on.

"What would I do without your smart mouth,

drawing me in and you kicking me lout?" I sang quietly, so only I could hear myself.

"Are you trying to serenade me?" Harry teased, poking my shoulder.

"No. I'm just singing. To myself." I replied with a nod.

"Whatever." he snickered, slowing to a stop. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" he pecked my cheek. Even though, my heart fluttered with the gesture, my mind was still consumed with annoyance.

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