Chapter 25 - The secret life of Keigo Takami

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Author note/ Trigger warning

Hiya lovely readers! This chapter will touch on Hawks' back story and it is pretty dark with some mentions of animal cruelty and child neglect. I just wanted to give you a bit of a warning before heading into this chapter.
Thanks again for all the likes/comments on the story so far it honestly means so much! Warning over and on with the story!

Lara xoxo

Kimi's POV

Today was the day. Keigo is going to tell me about his family, his past, all the things that have made him who he is today and all the things that he seems so reluctant to speak about.

We had agreed that this might be a difficult conversation to have in a cafe, given that we could easily be overheard by strangers. So we settled on meeting in the park beside my apartment. It was poetic in a way. Him opening up to me in the place where we first met. It was secluded so the chances of strangers listening in were minimal but it was still out in the open. Keigo had told me that he always feels better out in open space, which is why he rarely retreats back to the comforts of his home. Something about the freedom of the open air and the confines of enclosed spaces, I didn't fully understand what he meant by that but hopefully after today I will.

I had arrived at the park and sat down on the bench that rested just between the heavily overgrown shrubbery, the scent of kinofuji flowers overpowering the air. The metal bench was cold, even through the thick fabric of my jeans, making me hug the parka jacket closer around my body and breathe out a sigh into the chilly air. Heiwa park is quite possibly my favourite place in the world. It was always unnaturally quiet, some might say eerie, but it certainly lived up to it's name of "peace park". It was a little run down in parks, the trees and shrubs being a little too over grown, a little too wild. But it was in many ways how I had imagined the garden of eden. A wild, untouched garden where few humans tread upon its leafy terrain. The sun was at my back, peaking through the overgrowth and casting a yellow-green light upon the ground, making the place feel even more magical.

I was taken out of my thoughts by a warm hand being placed in mine. Looking up with wide eyes I was met with a nervous but smiling Keigo. He didn't wear his hero costume but instead opted for brown pants and a blue over shirt. And if it weren't for his large vermilion wings he would have looked completely ordinary. Well, extremely handsome but nonetheless 'ordinary'.

"Hey Babybird." He smiled bringing my cold hand up to his warm lips in a sweet kiss that made my heart flutter. He looked tired though, his defined eyes had dark bags underneath them and his hair was far messier than usual.

"Hey Keigo. You feeling okay?" I asked giving his hand a squeeze. He looked so nervous, his usual cocky attitude long gone. It was strange to see him like this and it put me on edge.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little nervous is all." He smiled trying to reassure himself just as much as me.

"We don't have to talk about this if you aren't comfortable Keigo, it can wait." It sounded more like a question than a statement but as much as I want to know about him, I don't want to open up any old wounds.

"No. No I do. I want to tell you, I need to tell you everything." He said softly, more so to himself than to me. With that we began to walk through the moss covered trail, our hands intertwined and swinging softly between us.

We spoke of other things. Simple things. The typical 'how have you been', 'how was work', the usual safe conversations. But at one point the air seemed to shift and we both knew that it was time to talk. To really talk.

"I look like my dad you know" Keigo started awkwardly. He scratched his head and looked into the still water of the small pond we had stopped at. The water, although a little murky and green still cast a somewhat clear reflection of our intertwined figures, gazing back at our water reflected shadows.

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