Secret (Ray Imagine)

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I walk into the cold, empty house to find YN sitting there on the couch. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, as I sat my things down and made my way to the couch.

"YN.. baby, what's wrong? What happened?" I asked, as I saw tears roll down her face.

"Ray, I'm so sorry." She sniffed.

Did she cheat? Was it with one of my boys?

"What's wrong?" I asked again, bracing myself for what was in store.

She turned to me and quickly wiped the tears falling down her face, "Promise you'll understand and won't get upset.." she trailed.

I nodded.

She sniffed again and took a deep breath, "Ray.. I'm.. We're.. having a baby." She said.

I looked at her in shock and relief.

"Wait.. it's mine, right?" I asked.

YN slapped my shoulder and crossed her arms, "Duh, it's yours! You actually thought I would cheat on you?" She asked.

"You actually thought I would be mad that you're pregnant?" I said, mocking her. "YN, you're having my child and I love you with all my heart. I'm the most luckiest man alive right now. I can't wait to start a family with you." I said, taking her hands into mine.

Another tear rolled down her face, "I love you.. so much." She said as she pecked my lips. "You're so good to me." She continued.

"I love you too YN. And I love the little future mixture of us in your stomach." I said, leaning towards her belly. She giggled and we laid there on the couch for hours, talking about future plans for our little family <3


I know this might be weak but ehhh :/ I was bored and I haven't updated in a while! So booom shackalacka.

I'm excited for ALL AROUND THE WORLD TOO. I'm mad hype, yo! YUSSSS! But uh...well bye :)


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