Fighter (Roc Imagine)

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There will be more parts to this.



Your POV.

You sat along the side of the small hospital bed, holding your eight year old son's hand tightly. His cancer had came back and it was stronger than ever this time. The doctor had informed you that all you needed was the money for his bone marrow surgery before he started chemo. You had begged your ex husband, Chresanto, who was a professional and successful boxer to pay for the expenses, but he always claimed that he didn't have any money. How are you a successful boxer, making millions per fight and you can't afford to pay for the treatment your kid needs? Niggas these days..

"Mommy.." Your son spoke barely over a whisper. His once happy and loud voice was now low and raspy. It brought tears to your eyes just thinking about how much everything has changed.

"Yes baby?" You asked.

He opened his eyes slightly as he looked at you. "Is daddy coming to see me?"

"I don't know." You said, running your fingers through his small curls. "But your brother and sister are coming with grandma."

A small smile grew on his face. "Can we play UNO like we did last time?"

"Yeah." You laughed slightly. "We can play UNO, baby." He was such a great kid.. Actually, all of your kids were great kids which is why you didn't understand why Chresanto didn't care about them as much. They loved their dad so much, but he was so focused on the money and his fights that he couldn't even come visit either one of them.

"Did daddy have a fight today?" Your son asked.

"Yeah." You nodded.

"I hope he wins.. Daddy always wins." His face lit up with excitement despite his condition. Whenever Chres won a fight, your son always felt better. That was another thing that he had got from Chres; he was a fighter.

(A/N: So, I'm not really good with names.. Lol. So your oldest son's name is Romelo and your youngest son's name is Chresanto Jr. I know.. It's lame, but whatever. Your daughter's name is Neveah. But back to the imagine..)

The sky grew dark and you were still there right beside your son. His face was pale and his veins were evident through his pale skin. He held onto your hand softly. God, it was scary at how much he looked like Chresanto. Ugh, just the thought of him made you mad.

When Chresanto first started boxing locally, you hated that he even got into it. He'd always get hurt or bruised all up and what newly wed wife wanted to see her husband get hurt like that? Besides, you had Romelo and you were pregnant with CJ (Chresanto Jr.) but as he started to get more and more successful, the less and less he spent time at home and in all honesty, if he wasn't going to be around, what was the point of being together? You ended up having Neveah three years later and filed for divorce. It just didn't work out.. He changed.

"Knock knock." A voice called out as the door to the small room opened.

You turned around to find your mother and your two other kids. Your oldest son who was 16, Romelo walked over to you and kissed the top of your head. Your five year old daughter, Neveah ran up to you and gave you a big hug.

"Hi mommy!" She exclaimed happily. It was nice to see how happy she was despite what was happening to her brother. She walked over to the side of the bed and smiled. "CJ!"

Chresanto Jr. smiled at her and opened his eyes a little more. "Hey Veah."

"How you feeling, CJ?" Romelo asked as he sat in a chair next to you.

"I just.. I just feel sick." CJ spoke in a tired tone. "Hey, did you call daddy?"

"He's fighting right now, C." Romelo sighed. "But he'll be here."

Oh, how you hoped so...


The first part of this imagine.

15+ votes & 15+ comments for next part!

Thanks for reading, lovelies.

- Mckenzie.

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