Gone: Part 5 (Prod Imagine)

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I dropped Christian off at my mom's house and made my way over to Roc's. I was so fired up. I wanted to get this finished and over with. I know after it was done, I still wouldn't be able to hold YN in my arms but it was worth, knowing that the people who did it were dead. The cops weren't doing their job fast enough for me.

I could honestly say they ruined my life. Not only mine, but Christian's as well. He was only four. YN won't be around for birthdays, graduations, or weddings.

I pulled up to Roc's house, turning off my car. I hurried out and opened his front door.

Roc got up from the couch, walking over to me, giving me dap. Jacob was sitting next to Ray on the couch, looking on a computer. I walked over to them and looked at the computer screen.

"You ran it?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just hope you know, this could get me fired." Jacob said, typing. "Think about YN." Roc said.

"That's why I'm doing it. Just be quiet." Jacob said.

He continued to type and stopped moments later. "His name is Antoine Jacobs. He's 27. Black. He has a criminal record of Grand Theft Auto, burglary, manslaughter and kidnapping."

"Damn. Who the fuck is this nigga?" Ray asked, holding his chin.

"What I'm tryna figure out is why he isn't in jail yet." Roc said.

"We couldn't find enough evidence to arrest him. But I'm pretty sure he did it." Jacob said, looking at me. "There were two guys." I said.

"Huh?" He asked.

"There were TWO guys. He wasn't by himself."

"What he look like?" Ray asked. I shrugged, "I couldn't see their faces. But I know that was the car." I said.

"For right now, man. Lets just focus on getting this son of a bitch." Roc said.

I nodded.

Both Ray and Roc went upstairs. I heard their footsteps, walking around.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Prince asked. I nodded, "Yeah."

Ray and Roc came down stairs with two guns. "We're ready."

"Don't use guns! It's easy to trace back to a firearm. Use a knife or something." Jacob said, shaking his head. "We'll look who's a bad cop." Ray snickered. "I'm just doing this for YN." Jacob said.

Roc pulled out a pocket knife and threw it to me. I held it in my warm hands, feeling over the cold blades. Ray and Roc still held their guns, approaching the door. We all walked out the front door. We got into Ray's car and made our way to his house.

Ray parked around the corner from the addressed house Jacob gave us. We all got out and made our way to the front door. Roc kicked the door, loudly over and over again. I could hear someone inside curse loudly. I tensed up. I couldn't back out now.

Antoine opened the door, causing Roc and Ray to point their guns at him. "Get the fuck back!" Roc yelled. Pushing Antoine back into his house.

"Watch him." Roc said to me.

I walked over to Antoine, placing my knife against his neck.

"What the fuck do y'all want?!" Antoine yelled.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!" Roc yelled.

"House is clear!" Ray yelled.

Roc and Ray made their way back over to me. Roc pressed the barrel against Antoine's temple.

"Now, you can make this shit hard or easy. Choose!" Roc yelled. Antoine began to shake. "Easy, man."

"Aight. Now yesterday night, some shit happened. You killed my sister." Roc yelled. Antoine looked up at him, "It wasn't me man!" He yelled.

"Then who the fuck was it?! Huh?" Roc yelled.

"We didn't go in there to kill nobody! I swear man! We just wanted the money." Antoine yelled.

Roc pressed the barrel harder against his temple. "Who shot her?!"

"My bro... Lucas." Antoine said.

"Where he stay?" Ray yelled.

My hand started to shake against his neck. My blood was boiling. Here he was.. One of the guys who killed YN. Right here, denying everything. Antoine took a minute to talk.

"Answer the fucking question!" I yelled, pressing the knife deeper against his throat causing Antoine to panic.

"Please don't kill me! I never meant to hurt nobody!" He cried.

"Fuck you! Your fucking feelings don't mean shit to me! You can't bring my wife back, so fuck you! Now, tell me where he lives right now, you piece of shit!" I yelled.

He started crying like a little bitch, "He-he lives on Bell street. In the a-apartments. R-room 209. Please." He cried.

"You know what's funny?" I asked him.

Antoine shook his head. "I've cried a lot over these last two days. Seeing you cry right now, reminds me of myself. Lost.. Upset.. Betrayed. Feels like your life is over. Well bitch, that's exactly how I felt when my wife got killed."

"Please don't kill me! Man, I have a kid!" He cried.

Is this nigga serious?

"I HAVE A FUCKING KID! He has to grow up without a mom in his life now all because of your bum ass! You ain't shit to me and I don't give a FUCK about your kid or ya family! You ruined my life. So fuck you!" I yelled.

"What you wanna do?" Roc asked.

"His ass is done." I said, breathing heavily. I looked up at the knife and saw my reflection. Fuck it..

I positioned the knife and stuck it into his chest, causing him to cry out. His yells and screams were faded out by the numbness of it all. I ripped the knife out, plunging it into his body once again.

Blood ran out the wounds as I ripped the knife out again. I stood there, looking at him.

He was dead.

I killed him.


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- McKenzie.

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