Fighter: Part 2 (Roc Imagine)

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Part 2!



Roc's POV.

The crowd cheered loudly as my opponent swung and missed me by an inch. I knew I was going to win this match and get the 1 million dollar contract I was waiting for. Just one last punch.. I swung and hit him dead in the jaw causing him to fall down with a loud thud.

Everyone began cheering as the ref started counting.

"1......2.......3.......4.....5.....6......7.....8....9....10! AND THE WINNER IS CHRESANTO AUGUST!"

He lifted my right hand arm in the air as everyone cheered. My best friend Ray slid underneath the ropes with my coach and other people on my team and lifted me up on their shoulders. God, it felt good to win.


I walked into the crowded locker room, trying to avoid the interviewers. I walked to the back of the locker room with Ray as he congratulated me.

"You've done it again, bro." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Don't act surprised.. I always win." I shrugged.

"Right.. And oh, YN called and said that you needed to call her. She said it was important." Ray said as he walked back to the front.

I sighed heavily and ran my fingers through my hair. What did she want now? More money? I mean, I had plenty but I just didn't feel like donating. If she didn't file me for divorce, she would have all the money she wanted.

I sat down on the bench and grabbed my phone out my gym bag. I dialed her number and pressed the phone against my face.


"What's up?" I asked.

"Are you coming to the hospital? CJ wants to see you." She spoke softly. Was she crying?

I sighed. "I'm supposed to go to this after party tonight.. So, I don't know."

"Really? You're going to pick a party over your son that's sick in the hospital?"

Okay, she was pissing me off. "This is important to me and my career.. I'll see him tomorrow."

"Chres, he's sick with leukemia! Are you serious? What's more important your career or your son?" She asked.

I glanced down at the ground and sighed once again. "Look, I said I'll see him tomorrow."

"What if there isn't a tomorrow, Chres?"

"Stop saying that.. He's going to be fine. He's fought this before and he can do it again, YN." I said sternly. I mean, this wasn't the first time he's been in the hospital. Why was she tripping?

"Aye, Chres! We're about to go so hurry up!" My coach called behind me.

"I have to go. Tell the kids, I'll see them tomorrow." I said as I stood up from the bench.

"Whatever Chresanto." She said and hung up.

She was always in her feelings about something. She needed to stop babying the kids anyway. I fixed my shirt and walked out of the locker room and through the venue. I wasn't about to miss out on a party for my victory..


Your POV.

You shoved your phone in your pocket and covered your face with your hands as you paced back and forth outside of CJ's room. What is wrong with him? Why doesn't he realize that his son is sick and needs him? Not even just CJ, but Neveah and Romelo need him too.

You sighed heavily. Suddenly, the room door open and Romelo ambled out of of the room.

"He's not coming.. Isn't he?" He asked.

"He has a after party to go to.." You scoffed and shook your head in disbelief at how ignorant he was.

Romelo sighed and shook his head. "He didn't even give you the money for CJ's treatment.."

"Mel, I don't want you to worry. Okay? CJ's gonna be fine."

He scoffed a little. "You heard what the doctor said.. If CJ doesn't get this surgery soon, he won't make it. He's already way too sick, ma."

You sighed. "I know and that's why I don't want you to worry about it. I have everything under control."

"You know we don't have enough money for that surgery.." He trailed softly as he looked you.

Although you didn't want to hear it.. It was true. Your son needed that surgery and if he didn't, there was not a chance that his body would be strong enough for chemo.

You sighed heavily and walked back inside with Romelo following you. Your five year old daughter, Neveah sat next to CJ's bed, quietly as she looked at all the machines and IV's surrounding her older brother. Romelo sat in a chair next to your mother as she slept there peacefully. You leaned against the wall, hoping and praying that Chres would gather some common sense and come before it was too late.

Awww, poor YN. And that was a little look inside Chres' head about the whole situation. Is he mad that you divorced him? Will he pay for the surgery or even see his kids?

This was short!

Tell me what you think so far!

20+ Votes & Comments for part 3!

- Mckenzie.

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