Favor (Prince Imagine)

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Check out the Prod imagine, that I made into a story! It's called Gone! Go! Go! Go!

Enjoy loves.



"Baby." I heard YN groan from her place on the couch. It was that time of the month again and she needed me to take care of her. I left out of the hall bathroom, making my way downstairs to fend to her.

She turned around, glancing at me, groaning. "Yes beautiful?" I asked, sitting next to her on the couch.

She slid over closer to me, laying her head on my shoulder. "Hold me?" She asked, sweetly.

I positioned her between my legs, letting her lay her back against my chest. I snaked my arms around her waist, sneaking a quick peck on her neck.

"I hate Mother Nature." She mumbled, quietly causing me to laugh lightly. "As long as I'm here, I'll make sure you feel better."

I could see her cheeks rise, indicating that I put a smile on her face. "You're so sweet. I swear, if it wasn't this time of the month..." She trailed.

"Continue." I smirked.

"I'm pretty sure you know where I'm headed." She said, laughing while covering her face with her hand.

"I just wanted to hear you say it." I laughed, causing her to laugh as well.

"Seriously though, Babe. Can you do me a favor?" She asked. "Sure." I said.

"Can you run to the store for me." She asked, quietly.


"If you want me to go get some.. of those things, I'm not going." I said, sliding from behind her. She looked at me, with a pleading look on her face.

"Babe, please!"

"YN, I love you but I can't! When I said I'd do anything for you, I didn't mean this!" I said, laughing.

"Please! My stomach hurts and I can't go to the store."

"Excuses! You might as well use some toilet paper." I said, walking into the kitchen. I heard her following me, "I can't use that! Come on babe, I need these." She said, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"What would I look like? Walking into a store, getting PADS and TAMPONS?" I asked, laughing.

"You'd look like a good boyfriend! Getting what your girlfriend needs." She replied.

I turned around to face her, sighing, "Fine! I'll get them but only because I love you." I said.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, pecking my lips lightly. "Thank you." She smiled, her beautiful smile.

When she released me, I grabbed my car keys, off the counter, "Oh and by the way, you owe me. BIG TIME. Soon as your little problem stops... I swear, YN." I promised.

"Whatever you say, prince." She laughed.

"You're laughing now but you won't be laughing a few days from now!" I laughed, kissing her on my way out the door.

She owed me!



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- Mckenzie.

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