Utopia (Ray Imagine)

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For LadyRandom13 :)



Ray and I were in LA, visiting for a few months. We rented a house with a view over the whole city. It was beautiful. I loved coming back to his hometown.

We were in the backyard area of our house, by the pool. Ray was inside the pool, swimming around while I sat on the edge, writing things down in my notebook. He swam towards me, slowly with a large smile on his face. Once he swam up close enough, he grabbed a hold on my thighs and floated in front of me. I looked up from my notebook, lifting an eyebrow at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You're so beautiful." He complimented. I smiled at him and gently placed my hand on his cheek. "And you're handsome." I said, smiling.

"What you writing?" He asked.

I glanced down at my notebook, back at him and sighed. "Just some things for the future."

He bit his bottom lip, keeping it between his teeth. "Lemme see."

I handed him the notebook, watching his eyes scan the page. He lifted an eyebrow, looking up at me. "You wanna go to Tokyo?"

"If I had the money.. London would be nice too." I said. He looked at me, smiling. "London is like my second home, baby. We can go. I'm down for it." He said.


"Yeah. Ain't nobody stopping us." He said, smiling at me.

"Just me and you.. Nobody else on this planet." I smiled.

Only Ray and I knew understood what that meant. Something he told me when we first said I love you to each other.

"Let's pack right now!" He said, pulling himself out the pool. He stood up, water dripping from his body. He grabbed my hand, pulling me up and running into the house.

"Where we going first?" He asked.

I knew this would be Utopia for us.


Inspired by Utopia by Justine Skye.

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- McKenzie.

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