Gone: Part 2 (Prod Imagine)

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I watched as the paramedics took her away. I was standing next to a police officer, who was asking question after question. I blocked him out. I was numb. COMPLETELY numb. All I could think about was YN and our son, Christian. How would he take this? He's only 4.

Another thing I couldn't stop thinking about was the car, and the men in it. THEY killed my wife. THEY ruined me. It's because of THEM that my son doesn't have a mother around anymore.

Should I look for them? I mean, the police are already on the case and have warrants out but.. that just wasn't enough for me or my son. We needed them dead, just like my wife. So they could close their eyes and never be able to wake up to face this earth again. They needed to feel the pain I felt at this very moment. Die slowly like YN did..

That's what I'll do.

"I'm very sorry for your loss, Mr. Crippen, we'll do everything we can to find the men that did this to you and your family." The cop said, shaking my hand.

I nodded, sighing deeply. "Thank you for everything."

I walked to my car and stuck the key in the ignition. I looked over at the passenger seat, remembering the last moment YN and I shared before this tragedy. How she smiled at me, showing her dimpled cheeks. How she kissed me after we left from dinner. Our little rap battle. Everything..

I laid my head down on the steering wheel and cried my eyes out. I can't handle this. I couldn't accept the fact that I wouldn't wake up to her face every morning. I wouldn't be able to touch her, kiss her, hold her, tell her how beautiful she looked, play around with her and Christian. None of those things were possible anymore.

I got myself together, putting my car in gear and driving off. I needed to see my son. I drove to my mother's house, parked the car and walked to the front steps. I collected myself and sighed.

My mother answered the door, red faced. She pulled me into a hug and sobbed lightly. "I can't believe she's gone." She whispered, still sobbing. It took everything in me not to cry in front of her. After her and my dad it a divorce, I was the man of the house. I couldn't let her see me cry.

I held her in my arms, letting her release her emotions. She looked up at me and I wiped the tears from her eyes. Seeing her so broken, was killing me inside. I'll admit, I'm a mama's boy. I hated seeing my mother struggle.

She also got herself together and we walked into the house. "Chris is upstairs. He just had a bath. He should be up." She said.

I made my way to the steps, until she called my name. "What are you going to tell him?" She asked.

What could I say? His mother is gone.. forever.

"I don't know, ma." I said, making my way upstairs.

I walked into my old room, finding my son, laying on the bed watching finding Nemo. When he saw me, his eyes lit up. "Daddy!" He yelled, in his little voice.

He ran over to me and I picked him up into my arms. He wrapped his little arms around my neck and squeezed. I looked at him, smiling a little.

"Hey little man." I said.

"Hi daddy. You picking me up?" He asked.

"Yeah. You're coming home with me." I said, running my hand over his little head.

"Where's mommy? Is she in the car?" He asked, eagerly looking over my shoulder.

I rubbed his back and set him down. "Go get your stuff." I said. He looked at me with confusion, but did what he was told. He got his little Spider-Man backpack and stuffed his clothes inside.

"Is mommy at home?" He asked, looking up at me.

I knew he was worried by the look on his face. Even though, he was four he wasn't dumb and he knew when something didn't sit right.

"You got all your stuff?" I asked, helping him with his jacket, putting it over her pajama top. He stuck his arms through the holes and reached down to grab his backpack. He nodded.

We left the room, making our way downstairs. My mother was sitting on the couch, bitting her fingernails. She had a box of tissue sitting on the coffee table. Christian looked at me, then to her.

"Say bye to grandma." I said.

Christian slowly walked over to her, with a sad look on his face. She opened her arms and he walked into them. She squeezed him one last time and he walked back over to me.

"Bye mama. I'll come to check on you tomorrow. Okay?" I asked, as she nodded.

I grabbed Christian's hand and walked toward the car. As we made our way, a car slowly drove by. I felt the same way I felt earlier when YN got killed. I furrowed my eyebrows as Christian looked up at me. The sky was dark, it was around 8:00 PM. So I knew it couldn't have been a friend of my mama. I stared at the dark green car as it drove off.

We continued to walk to the car. I put Christian in his car seat and went up to the front. I looked over and saw YN's purse. I filled up with sadness and rage. "Daddy, where is mommy?" He asked.

I wanted to tell him but I couldn't. I wanted to tell him that his mother wouldn't be here anymore and that his daddy was going to kill the stupid bastards who did this. He wanted to say something.. But he couldn't.


Part 3? 5+ votes! I'm thinking about making this about 10 parts long.. I don't know it depends. This might be a little something something, lol. But vote, Follow and comment! Comments are nice :) tell me what you think! Thanks for reading.

- McKenzie.

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