Lesson (Prince Imagine)

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For Brittany :)

Thanks for reading.




"I promise I'll catch you! Just jump!" Prince yelled.

You were standing on the edge of the pool in your swimsuit, cautious of jumping in, simply because it was too deep.

"And drown?! Prince, I know you all about that 'living your life' and 'misfits', but I'm NOT about that life." You said.

"Baby, it's not even that deep!"

You watched as he floated with his arms extended out for you. You cross your arms and sighed. Part of you wanted to jump in for two reasons; Prince was looking wayyyyy to fine in the pool and two, you didn't want to chicken out. The other part of you wanted to stay safe and not jump in.

"Come on, Britt. I got you!" He smiled.

You stepped closer to the edge. You saw how far it looked down and instantly got goosebumps.

"Nope." You said.

You turned around to walk away but bumped into somebody causing you to fall backward, plunging into the water. You heard Prince curse, but soon sank underneath.

'Well, it's been a good life..' You thought.

You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you up. Once you were above water, you held onto the person tightly as you gasped for air.

"Help me! Oh my gosh! Am I dead?!" You cried out.

"Baby, it's me! It's prince! I got you! Stop panicking!" He yelled.

You settled, although you were still worked up, you held tightly onto Prince's shoulders.

"Damn Ray! You almost killed her!" Prince exclaimed.

"I'm sorry! I didn't even see her standing right there!" Ray said as he tried to hold back his laughs.

Prince held onto your waist and slowly swam to the edge of the pool. Ray helped hoist you up while Prince climbed out by himself. You sat on the warm concrete, clutching yours knees.

Prince sat next to you and pulled you into his arms. "Baby, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

"It's not. If I would have just jumped in, id be in the same position.. So it's good." You laughed.

He kissed your cheek and rubbed his fingers against yours. You felt something cold tap your shoulder and you looked up to find Ray with a lemonade.

"I'm sorry, Britt. Here's something to drink." He offered.

You took the lemonade, placing it on the side of you. You were still breathing heavily when Prince looked at you. He laughed and shook his head, "We really need to get you swimming lessons.. Like really bad."

You laughed with him as he held you.


Thanks for reading.

.__. Thanks for the concern, it's too long of a story to really share with y'all.. And it's complicated but thanks for asking.

I love all of you.

More imagines..


- McKenzie.

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