Kindergarden (Roc Imagine)

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You smiled as you watched Chres and your five year old daughter, Neveah in the living room. Chres held her small shoulders in his hands and kneeled in front of her.

"I can't believe my baby girl is starting her first day of Kindergarden today." He smiled at her.

"I'm a big girl now, dad!" She cheered.

"Did you just call me 'dad'?" He asked. He stood up, "YN! Come here! I can't do this!" He yelled.

You walked into the living room and stood before them, "What's wrong?"

"She called me 'dad'! Where did she get that from? Did you teach her that?" He asked.

You laughed, "Chres calm down. She's growing up.."

"No. She's only five. She doesn't need to be growing up yet." He stressed.

You laughed at him and kneeled in front of your daughter. Her sandy brown hair that was pulled up into two curly puffs balls bounced as she looked from Chres down to you.

"You ready for your first day?"

"Yeah! I can't wait to meet my teacher, mommy!" She smiled.

You checked your watch that read '7:45'. You stood up and grabbed Neveah's hand with Chres following behind the both of you.

All of you gathered your things and left the house quickly. As you drove to Neveah's school, she sat in the backseat and hummed her favorite song. Chres sat in the passenger seat, checking on Neveah every five seconds in the rearview mirror.

He turned to look at you with a nervous look on his face, "I just don't think this is a good idea. She's too short! I don't want no kids bullying my baby girl." Chres said.

"Babe, it's Kindergarden! Everyone is short!" You laughed and continued to drive.

He looked in the rearview mirror again, "Baby girl.." He trailed.

"Yes dad?" She answered.

"Remember what I said. Be a big girl for daddy, okay? Don't let nobody push you around." He said.

"Okay." She said softly.

He sighed as he looked at her once again before looking forward. It was cute of how nervous he was. You expected yourself to be just as nervous as him but you weren't. You wanted Neveah to have fun on her first day of school.

You pulled up to the school. Before you could get out the car, Chres beat you to it and opened Neveah's door. He unbuckled her seatbelt and lifted her out of her carseat. He grabbed her backpack and clutched her hand as they made their way to the entrance of the school.

You laughed quietly and shook your head as you followed them.

When you finally reached Neveah's class room, Chres was kneeled in front of Neveah again with a smile on his face.

"You're growing up so fast, Veah." He whispered.

She smiled at him as he lifted up to peck her forehead. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek, "Daddy loves you so much!"

"I love you too Daddy!" She cheered.

You walked up them and Chres pulled you into his arms as well. You kissed Neveah's face all over as she giggled.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too mommy." She said.

Chres placed her on the ground and opened her classroom door. There were tiny desks and chairs in rows facing the teacher's desk. Many kids were inside, laughing and pulling out their school supplies. Many parents stood outside with their kids.

Chres sighed as he wrapped his arm around your waist and looked at Neveah, "Have a good day sweetheart."

"Okay daddy. I love you!"

"I love you too, Baby girl." He said as she walked into her class room.

Knowing that your baby girl was entering her first day at school brought tears to your eyes. This was the first time, you've ever left her alone. Chres looked at you while you wiped your arms and brought you into a hug.

"Baby, why you crying?" He asked, as he kissed your forehead.

"She's growing up."

He chuckled, "Didn't you tell me the same thing when I was tripping?"

You giggled and wiped more tears, "Yes but sooner or later, she'll be off to college. It's just new to me."

"It's new to me too. I don't want my baby girl to grow up and leave the house either but we have to let her,"

He smiled, "and besides, it's only Kindergarden.."


Thanks for reading. Vote, follow and comment! Tell me what you think!

- McKenzie.

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