Fumbled (Prince Imagine)

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For Im_princetons :)



I told her. I told her everything that's happened throughout our relationship. I couldn't keep it from her anymore, she needed to know.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed while I stood with my back against the wall, across from her. She was crying, quietly. Nothing could be said. The damage was done.

"YN, I know I fumbled your heart. Whenever I needed something, you did it. If I needed you to drive across the country for me, you would. I'm just.. bad for you I guess." I said, quietly.

"Why?" She asked. "Why did you waste my time?"

I couldn't answer that.

There was another woman that I was falling for but I couldn't loose YN at the same time. They were both so good to me.

I stayed quiet for a few moments but finally decided to talk, "Im so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I know, it was dumb to be with the both of you but I couldn't choose."

She looked up at me, "What about now?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

"Who do you choose now? Me or her?" She asked.

I honestly knew how YN felt right now. I've been played before. I don't know why I'm so stupid! Did I love Melissa? Or did I love YN?

I remembered when YN and I were in middle school and she told me that she had a crush on me. I was so happy. The feeling of finally having the girl you've been in love with for 3 years, tell you that she feels the same, is the best feeling in the world. I know we were young and "didn't know what love was" but I knew. I loved YN for so long and now look what I've done. She trusted me with her love and I betrayed her.

I fumbled her heart.

"You.." I trailed.

Her eyes lit up, "What?"

I walked over to where she was sitting and took her hands into mine. I leaned down to kiss her lips, deeply. Once I pulled away, I took her face, gently into my hands.

"I know I did you wrong but I'm in love you, YN. I'm so sorry and I promise to never hurt you again if you let me into your heart again." I said, truthfully.

"I love you, Prince." YN said.

It sounded like music to my ears. Now, I'd make sure that this'll never happen again. I couldn't just leave the one I was destined to be with.

She's my world. My everything. My baby, YN.


Inspiration: Fumbled by Trey Songz!

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- McKenzie.

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